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USAS Coding Instructions

D53 Titles Profile

Centrally defined. The Titles Profile (D53) stores data, grouped by table ID, that is used internally in USAS for verification, titles, descriptions and system processing.

 LINK TO:                        TITLES PROFILE                            PROD 
 ACTION:      (A=ADD, C=CHANGE, D=DELETE, N=NEXT, R=RECALL)                     
               TABLE ID:                                                        
                                                        STATUS CODE:            
  EFF START DATE:            EFF END DATE:            LAST PROC DATE:           

ACTION (Required)
Enter the one-character action code.

A Add a new record
C Change an existing record*
D Delete an existing record*
N Next – Recall next record
R Recall

*Note: Record must be recalled before this action can be performed.

TABLE ID (Control key – Required)
Enter the table identification value (up to four characters). By selecting the Table ID acronym from the table below, a page containing coding instructions for the specific Table ID appears. Select the link provided on that page to return to the original page.

ACFR Annual Comprehensive Financial Report (ACFR) general ledger accounts
ACOL Appropriation control officer (ACO) codes and names
AFRG Annual financial report generated transaction code object edit override
APTY Appropriation type
BCAT Bond category
BSOR Batch type/sort sequence
CARD Pay card routing number and account number prefix
CBFN Cash basis function
CCFS ACFR cash flow statement
CDAY Grace period for TINS vendor number setup for SSN- or ITIN-based numbers
CFEC Cash flow expenditure codes
CFRC Cash flow revenue codes
CNFD Valid values for the CONF IND field of the Confidential Indicator Correction (89) screen
D23 Controls which user classes can change the Appropriated Fund, GAAP Fund and GAAP Fund Type fields on the D23 profile
DAYS Limitation on future payment dates for document type 5 (Payroll) and document type 7 (Annuitant Payroll)
DTAC “ADD” “CHG” “DEL” document table action codes
EXBN Reserve batch numbers for Input Record (INREC) use only
EXCT Expenditure category
FDGP State fund group
GPOB Gross pay objects
HOTC Comptroller object codes/city tax codes combinations for the quarterly hotel occupancy tax refund sweep process
ICRC Interest control reason codes
IRSX IRS transmittal control codes
IVST Investment type
LBBF Legislative Budget Board function
LPSE Agencies to exclude from automated lapse program
LPS1 Appropriated funds to exclude from automated lapse program
NCTY National Association of College and University Business Officers (NACUBO) category type
PAYR Payroll batch type
PCAT Program category
PCCT Purchase category codes
PCC2 Purchase category codes (document type 2)
PCIN Valid doc types and vendor mail codes for pay card payments
PPAC Payment issue codes
PPCR Payment cancellation reason codes
PP01 Warrant write indicators (WWI)
PP02 Valid document type/WWI combinations
PP03 Pay in full document types
PP04 Comptroller objects overriding vendor holds (except for child support – see PP10)
PP05 Miscellaneous claims agency
PP07 Default payment distribution type for system generated payments to the 401K administrator
PP08 Judgment/settlement comptroller objects
PP09 Miscellaneous claims comptroller objects
PP10 Comptroller objects overriding child support holds
PP20 Interfund borrowing generated payback transaction codes
PP70 Payment sort categories
PY01 Bimonthly payroll transaction codes
PY02 Monthly payroll transaction codes
PY03 Other payroll transaction codes
RCAT Receipt category
REFD Transaction codes requiring reference document
RTI Interagency payment generated transaction codes
RTI2 Additional interagency payment generated transaction codes
RTYP Receipt type
RXCT Revenue category
SCFN Cash basis source function – revenues
SHFD Shared fund by appropriation year for ERS appropriations
SYSN Valid values for the SYSTEM field of the Confidential Indicator Correction (89) screen
TORT Tort batch types
TRTY Transfer types
TTYP Valid values for the TYPE field of the Confidential Indicator Correction (89) screen
VCOG Object groups for comptroller objects
VPDT Vendor/payee payment distribution types
VSUM Agency payee numbers for hotel tax refunds
XPSR Cash basis source function – expenditures
1099 1099 vendor/payee

KEY (Required)
Enter the key (up to 20 characters). The key varies based on how the table ID is used.

TITLE (Required to add new record)
Enter the title (up to 40 characters) that describes the KEY value.

STATUS CODE (Optional)
Enter the one-character status code.

A Active (default)
I Inactive

Note: The status code may be used in lieu of deleting a profile record to prevent the system from using the profile record for system processing. Set the status to I to inactivate profiles no longer in use.

Enter the eight-digit effective start date (MMDDYYYY), which identifies when the information established on the profile record becomes accessible for system processing. Leaving this field blank causes the vendor/payee number to become immediately available for system processing, and the effective start date defaults to the current date.

EFF END DATE (Optional)
Enter the eight-digit effective end date (MMDDYYYY), which identifies when the profile record is no longer accessible for system processing. Leaving this field blank causes the profile to have no effective end date; therefore, any system processing using the profile record will not be restricted by the effective end date.

Note: The transaction’s payment due date (PMT DUE DATE) must fall between the addenda type effective start and end dates.

LAST PROC DATE (System generated)
Displays the last process date. The system defaults to the last date (MMDDYYYY) that any online modification (add or change) was made to the profile record.

Function Key Definitions

F1 (Help) Automatically links to the News/Help Table (90) screen. Will transfer to the appropriate type of help depending upon the screen and activity the user is on at the time F1 is pressed.
F3 (End) Returns the screen to the menu associated with that screen.
F4 (Interrupt) Initiates or ends an active interrupt. When ending an active interrupt, F4 returns the user to the original screen showing the same information as was on the screen when the active interrupt was initiated. This does not undo the last action.
F6 (Process) Submits transaction data to the edit process. If the edit process is successful, an acceptance message is produced, and the profile record information is stored in the system. If the edit process is not successful, an error message(s) will result. Retains current information on the screen upon completion of processing.