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USAS Coding Instructions

15 (515) Invoice Entry

Note: This profile is not currently in use.

Agency defined. The Invoice Entry (15) screen provides a means for users to record narrative and other information (date, quantity, unit cost and extended amount) associated with accounts receivable invoicing.

This information is used to print:

  • Accounts receivable invoices on the Invoices Report (DAFR9800)
  • Accounts receivable statements of account on the Statement of Account (DAFR9810)
  • Accounts receivable delinquent notices on the Delinquent Notices (DAFR9820)

At least one line of detail must be entered. Up to 14 lines of detail can be entered on the screen.

To access this screen:

  • Press the F2 key from the Revenue/Receipts Transaction Entry (504) screen. The batch ID (batch agency, batch date, batch type and batch number) and the document number and suffix will be carried to the 15 screen.
  • Select option 15 on the Transaction Entry Submenu.
  • Enter 15 in the LINK TO field to link directly to this screen.
 LINK TO:                        INVOICE ENTRY                             PROD 
 ACTION:     (A=ADD, C=CHANGE, D=DELETE, N=NEXT, R=RECALL)                      
 BATCH-   AGY:       DATE:          TYPE:     NO:       DOC NO/SFX:             
 MMDDYY -------------NARRATIVE-------------  QTY      UNIT COST       EXTENSION 
 F1-HELP   F3-END   F4-INTERRUPT   F6-PROCESS                                   

ACTION (Required)
Enter the one-character action code.

A Add a new record
C Change an existing record*
D Delete an existing record*
N Next – Recall next record

Note: The agency number is a required field for the next action to display information.

R Recall

*Note: Record must be recalled before this action can be performed.

BATCH AGY (Control key – Required)
Enter the three-digit batch agency number. The user must be authorized to access the agency as verified on the Security Profile (96A and 96B) screens.

BATCH DATE (Control key – Required)
Enter the six-digit batch date (MMDDYY).

BATCH TYPE (Control key – Required)
Enter the one-character batch type.

BATCH NO (Control key – Required)
Enter the three-digit batch number.

DOC NO/SFX (Control key – Required)

Note: This is a split field. The first field is the document number (DOC NO), and second field is the current document suffix (DOC SFX).

Enter the eight-character document number and three-digit document suffix. The first digit of the document number is the document type. After the document type, the remaining seven digits of the document number are user defined (within policy constraints). The document number must already exist in USAS. That is, the document number has posted to the document header table.

The suffix is required when the document number is entered. Document suffixes are either user defined or system generated and are used to identify individual transactions within a document.

MMDDYY (Required)
Enter the six-digit invoice date.

NARRATIVE (Optional)
Enter the narrative describing the purchase (up to 35 characters).

QUANTITY (Required)
Enter the quantity of the items purchased (up to four digits).

UNIT COST (Required)
Enter the unit cost of the items purchased (up to 11 digits and two decimal places).

EXTENSION (System generated)
Displays the extension amount. This amount is the quantity multiplied by the unit cost for the detail line.

TOTAL (System generated)
Displays the total cost for the invoice. This is the sum of all the detail lines on the invoice.

Function Key Definitions

F1 (Help) Automatically links to the News/Help Table (90) screen. Will transfer to the appropriate type of help depending upon the screen and activity the user is on at the time F1 is pressed.
F3 (End) Returns the screen to the menu associated with that screen.
F4 (Interrupt) Initiates or ends an active interrupt. When ending an active interrupt, F4 returns the user to the original screen showing the same information as was on the screen when the active interrupt was initiated. This does not undo the last action.
F6 (Process) Submits transaction data to the edit process. If the edit process is successful, an acceptance message is produced, and the profile record information is stored in the system. If the edit process is not successful, an error message(s) will result. Retains current information on the screen upon completion of processing.