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USAS Coding Instructions

96A Security Profile

Centrally maintained using agency-defined information. The Security Profile (96A) screen is used to establish security access within USAS.

The 96A controls who can access USAS and what functions they can perform. Without an active security profile, access to USAS will be prevented and a security error message returned. The 96A also controls the entry of financial transactions by agency, user ID and user class while the Security Profile (96B) controls the level of access to individual profiles and inquiry screens. This profile identifies which agencies a user has access to for transaction entry and online screens (profiles and inquiry screens).

Examples of transaction-entry controls on this screen are:

  • The ability to enter, change and delete transactions.
  • The types of transactions that can be entered.
  • The allowed edit modes.
  • The types of batches that can be entered.
  • The ability to release batches for processing.
  • The ability to enter transactions for prior periods.
  • Fund override.
  • Access to confidential payroll or tort data.
 LINK TO:                    SECURITY PROFILE                              PROD 
 ACTION:    (A=ADD, C=CHANGE, D=DELETE, N=NEXT, R=RECALL)                      
 AGENCY:     USER ID:           USER CLASS:     NAME:                           
 ACCESS:     (SEARCH BY: A = AGENCY  U = USER ID)                               
  ACCOUNTING TRANS:                BATCH EDIT MODE:                             
      RELEASE FLAG:            DISBURSEMENT METHOD:                             
        AGY  GROUP:                      WORK HOUR:                             
           RANGE 1:                       WORK DAY:                             
           RANGE 2:                     PRINTER ID:                             
   SECURITY AGENCY:             DEFAULT                                         
      SECURITY ORG:             ACTION CODE AGENCY:                             
      SECURITY ORG:                    ACTION CODE:                             
 PRIOR MO POST IND:               INTEREST CONTROL:                             
 PRIOR YR POST IND:                WARRANT PFX IND:   (0,2,3,7,9,N)             
       BATCH TYPES:                     ($=SYS.GEN. %=ALL,#=ALL BUT 4, 6, 7)    
                                                         STATUS CODE:           
  EFF START DATE:            EFF END DATE:            LAST PROC DATE:           
 F1-HELP  F3-END  F4-INTERRUPT  F6-PROCESS  F8-SECURITY                         

ACTION (Required)
Enter the one-character action code.

A Add a new record
C Change an existing record*
D Delete an existing record*
N Next – Recall next record

Note: The agency number is a required field for the next action to display information.

R Recall

*Note: Record must be recalled before this action can be performed.

AGENCY (Required to add new record)
Enter the three-digit agency number assigned to the agency. This is the batch default agency.

USER ID (Control key – Required)
Enter the user ID (up to eight characters). This can be any combination of alphanumeric characters. The user ID is assigned by Comptroller’s office system administrators.

USER CLASS (Control key – Required)
Enter the two-digit user class number. This number must be in the User Class Profile (D66) screen. Each user class number identifies seven action codes or ranges of action codes. The Valid Transaction Codes for User Class (D67) screen identifies the valid transaction codes for a user class.

NAME (Required to add new record)
Enter the user name (up to 20 characters).

ACCESS (Required if using the recall or next functions)
Enter the one-character access key to determine how the system sorts records.

A Sort by agency
U Sort by user ID

ACCOUNTING TRANS (Required to add new record)
Enter the one-digit accounting transaction indicator. This indicator limits accounting transaction capabilities for the user ID, user class, security agency, agency range or agency group.

0 Inquiry only
1 Entry and change allowed
2 Entry, change and delete allowed
3 Central use only – Entry, inquiry, change, delete and super security delete allowed

BATCH EDIT MODE (Required to add new record)
Enter the allowable batch edit modes for the user. The batch edit mode restricts which edit modes users may use in transaction entry.

0 User may only use an edit mode of 0. Edit mode 0 transactions are captured, but not edited or posted until released to a batch cycle.
1 User may use edit modes of 0 or 1. Edit mode 1 performs data edits online, but does not post until released to a batch cycle. (Funding edits are performed during the batch cycle.)
2 User may use edit modes of 0, 1 or 2. Edit mode 2 edits and posts online. (Funding edits are performed immediately.)

RELEASE FLAG (Required to add new record)
Enter the one-digit release flag that determines if a user can release a balanced batch on the Batch Balancing (502) screen in transaction entry. This indicator limits release capabilities for the user ID, user class, security agency, agency range or agency group.

0 User cannot release batches.
1 User may release batches online.

Note: To release a batch in USAS, the release flag must be set to 1, and batch types must be specified in the BATCH TYPES field.

Enter the one-digit disbursement method indicator (DMI). The DMI determines whether an expenditure transaction will be:

  • Placed on hold or released immediately for payment processing warrant writing, or
  • A manual warrant.
  Blank – Cannot enter a DMI on accounting transactions
0 Can enter H (Hold) only
1 Can enter H (Hold) and M (Manual)
2 Can enter H (Hold), M (Manual) and R (Release)
3 Central use only – Can enter H (Hold), M (Manual), R (Release), C (Cancel) and E (Expedite)

Note: This field is used for payable transactions and is used with the payable user classes 68, 71, 74 and 79. If the ACCOUNTING TRANS field under any of these user classes is greater than 0, the recommended value would be 2.

AGY – GROUP (Optional)
Enter the two-digit agency group. Agency group cannot be used if the AGY – RANGE 1 or AGY – RANGE 2 fields are used. Agency groups are centrally defined on the Agency Group Profile (D12) and associated with specific agencies on the Agency Profile (D02). The user is restricted to the SECURITY AGENCY and this agency group for entering accounting transactions, performing batch releases, performing profile maintenance and viewing financial data.

WORK HOUR FROM/TO (Required to add new record)
Enter the range of hours that the user may access the system. Maximum range allowed is 0000–2400.

AGY – RANGE 1 (Optional)
Enter the two three-digit agency numbers for the agency range 1. The user is restricted to the SECURITY AGENCY and these agencies for entering accounting transactions, performing batch releases, performing profile maintenance and viewing financial data.

Note: Agency range 1 is required when additional access is required for an agency other than the security agency. Agency range cannot be used when an agency group is specified.

WORK DAY (Required to add new record)
Enter the work day indicator.

W Week day access only
E Week end access only
A Any day access

AGY – RANGE 2 (Optional)
Enter the two three-digit agency numbers for the agency range 2. The user is restricted to the SECURITY AGENCY and these agencies for entering accounting transactions, performing batch releases, performing profile maintenance and viewing financial data.

Note: Agency range cannot be used when an agency group is specified.

PRINTER ID (Optional)
Enter the four-character alphanumeric printer ID.

SECURITY AGENCY (Required to add new record)
Enter the three-digit security agency number for the user’s agency. This is the primary agency for the user. The user is restricted to this agency for entering accounting transactions, performing batch releases, performing profile maintenance and viewing financial data.

Note: If an agency range or agency group is populated, the user has security for those agencies in addition to the SECURITY AGENCY.

DEFAULT ACTION CODE (Central use only – Not currently in use)
Enter the three-digit default action code. Action codes are centrally defined on the Action Code Profile (D44).

SECURITY ORG (Not currently in use)
Enter a second four-digit security organization code. Security organization codes are agency defined on the Organization Code Profile (D03). The organization code must be valid for the security agency.

Enter the one-character prior month post indicator number or leave blank to determine whether the user can post transactions to the prior accounting month.

Y Yes. User is authorized to post transactions to the prior accounting month.
N No. User is not authorized to post transactions to the prior accounting month.

INTEREST CONTROL (Required to add new record)
Enter the one-character interest control indicator to determine whether the user has authority to enter a valid value in the interest control (IC) field on the transaction.

Y Yes. During transaction processing, user has security to enter an A, F or R in the IC field for expenditures.
N No. During transaction processing, user cannot enter an A, F or R in the IC field for expenditures.

PRIOR YR POST IND (Required to add new record)
Enter the one-character prior year indicator number to determine whether the user can post transactions to the prior fiscal year.

Y Yes. User is authorized to post transactions to the prior fiscal year.
N No. User is not authorized to post transactions to the prior fiscal year.

WARRANT PFX IND (Required to add new record)
Enter the one-alphanumeric warrant prefix indicator number. This field restricts the user’s ability to enter state manual warrants and controls which prefix numbers are allowed. The prefix applies to warrants only; it does not include direct deposit payment numbers. The prefix will be the first digit of the nine-digit warrant number. The second through ninth digits are sequentially assigned.

N User cannot enter state manual payments (Default).
0 User can enter manual warrants for local funds.
2 User can enter Texas Workforce Commission (TWC) manual payment numbers for unemployment benefit claims. The payments are recorded as manual warrants. User can also enter manual warrants for local funds.
3 User can enter Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC) manual payment numbers for the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) program. The payments are recorded as manual warrants. The user can also enter manual warrants for local funds.
7 User can enter Comptroller’s office manual payment numbers to generate manual warrants and warrants generated by subsystems external to USAS. The user can also enter manual warrants for local funds.
9 User can enter any of the above payment numbers.

Enter the fund override indicator.

  Blank – No fund override allowed.
1 Central use only – User may override budgetary and cash controls.
2 Central use only – User may override effective date errors.
3 Central use only – User may override fund or effective date errors.
4 User may override agency budget fund control errors.

CONFIDENTIAL IND (Required to add new record)
Enter the one-character confidential indicator number to determine whether the user can access vendor/payee information (vendor/payee name and number) for confidential batches.

N Allows no access to vendor/payee information for confidential payroll and tort batches (Default).
P Allows access to vendor/payee information for confidential payroll batches (Batch types S and 6).
T Allows access to vendor/payee information for confidential tort batches (Batch type 7).
B Allows access to vendor/payee information for confidential payroll and tort batches (Batch types S, 6 and 7).

Note: When restricted, vendor/payee information will not appear on inquiry screens and reports.

BATCH TYPES (Required if the RELEASE FLAG is set to 1)
Enter the batch types the user is authorized to release for system processing. For Batch Types, please see USAS Reference. Up to 10 specific batch types may be entered or one of the multiple batch type symbols (#, %, $) defined below.

# All batch types except payment batch types 4, 6 and 7
% All batch types including payment batch types
$ Central use only – System-generated transactions

Note: For a user to be authorized to release batch types 4, 6 or 7, or the multiple batch type symbol ‘%’, the user’s signature must be on file with the Comptroller’s Fiscal Management Division.

STATUS CODE (Optional)
Enter the one-character status code.

A Active (Default)
I Inactive

Enter the eight-digit effective start date (MMDDYYYY), which identifies when the information established on the profile record becomes accessible for system processing. Leaving this field blank causes the vendor/payee number to become immediately available for system processing, and the effective start date defaults to the current date.

EFF END DATE (Optional)
Enter the eight-digit effective end date (MMDDYYYY), which identifies when the profile record is no longer accessible for system processing. Leaving this field blank causes the profile to have no effective end date; therefore, any system processing using the profile record will not be restricted by the effective end date.

LAST PROC DATE (System generated)
Displays the last process date. The system defaults to the last date (MMDDYYYY) that any online modification (add or change) was made to the profile record.

Function Key Definitions

F1 (Help) Automatically links to the News/Help Table (90) screen. Will transfer to the appropriate type of help depending upon the screen and activity the user is on at the time F1 is pressed.
F3 (End) Returns the screen to the menu associated with that screen.
F4 (Interrupt) Initiates or ends an active interrupt. When ending an active interrupt, F4 returns the user to the original screen showing the same information as was on the screen when the active interrupt was initiated. This does not undo the last action.
F6 (Process) Submits transaction data to the edit process. If the edit process is successful, an acceptance message is produced, and the profile record information is stored in the system. If the edit process is not successful, an error message(s) will result. Retains current information on the screen upon completion of processing.
F8 (Security) Automatically links to the Security Profile (96B). If a profile record has been recalled and is displayed on 96A screen when the F8 key is pressed, the agency number, user ID, user class and access will be carried over to the 96B screen.