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Outstanding Warrants Void Aug. 30

The Outstanding Warrants Control Report (DAFR8171) runs on the first Friday of each month (e.g., July 5 and Aug. 2). Agencies should monitor their report before warrants become void Aug. 30.

See USAS Annual Close Process (FPP Q.004) for more information, including how to generate agency-customized reports via the Report Request Profile, USAS 91 screen. Also see Void Warrants.

Contact your appropriation control officer with questions.

Salary Supplement Report Due

State agencies and institutions must report certain salary supplements to the Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts, the State Auditor’s office and the Secretary of State by Sept. 15.

See Salary Supplements Paid From Sources Other Than Appropriated Funds (FPP F.031) for instructions and the online report form.


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