The pay card program that provides payroll or annuity net pay debit cards will end Aug. 31, 2025. Payroll offices can load payroll on existing cards through the Aug. 1 pay date, and employees may use their current pay card until its balance is depleted.
Agencies should alert participating employees to the cancellation of the pay card program and discuss alternative payment methods (warrant or direct deposit) to receive payroll or annuity net pay.
Contact Payment Services for more information.
See Pay Cards for Payroll and Retirement Payments (FPP P.004) for more program details.
State agencies and institutions of higher education sometimes send documents with confidential information to Fiscal Management.
An unencrypted email is not a secure transmission. Agencies must send confidential information in an encrypted email or as an encrypted email attachment as prescribed by your agency’s information security policy.
See Confidential Information Must Be Encrypted Before Emailing to Fiscal Management (FPP D.004) for details.
A CAPPS HR/Payroll user group meeting will be held March 25, 9–10:30 a.m.
A CAPPS Financials user group meeting will be held March 27, 9–10:30 a.m.
See CAPPS HR/Payroll User Group Meetings or CAPPS Financials User Group Meetings for more information.
March 14 is the maintenance and corrections deadline for the fiscal 2025 second-quarter Military Workforce Summary Reports (Dec. 1 to Feb. 28). Copies of the quarterly reports will be sent via electronic file transfer (EFT) on March 18. The online quarterly report acknowledgment form (with required complaint reporting included) will be available March 18 and must be submitted by March 27.
See Military Workforce Summary Reports and Military Complaint Reporting (FPP F.038) for more information.