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HRIS Higher Education Reporting Procedures for Reappointments

Issued: June 30, 2005
Updated: July 12, 2024 – View Changes

FPP M.003


Applicable to

Institutions of higher education.


Institutions of higher education must report certain information about jobs and reappointments to the Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts Human Resource Information System (HRIS) at the beginning of each fiscal year.

Legal citation

34 Texas Administrative Code Section 5.41.



Reappointment information must be submitted via electronic file transfer (EFT). This fiscal policy and procedure (FPP) provides instructions and a schedule for submitting the information.

Effect on Compliance

Institutions of higher education must submit accurate, complete and current information to HRIS as required by 34 Texas Administrative Code Section 5.41. To meet this requirement, institutions must follow the schedule provided with this FPP and provide timely information throughout the fiscal year.

Instructions for Submitting Reappointment Information via EFT


Institutions must submit the first two EFTs listed below in the correct sequence to ensure the information is processed in HRIS in a timely manner:

  • EFT #1 – Class Codes/Carriers – due Sept. 4, 2024
  • EFT #2 – Reappointments – due Sept. 9, 2024
  • EFT #3 – Terminations – due Sept. 11, 2024

Note: EFT #1 must be submitted first and on a different day than EFT #2. During the fiscal year reappointment process, we must track the EFT submissions. We require an email to OR an HRIS EFT Specifications form for EFT #1, EFT #2 and EFT #3. If you email: List the number of class codes/carriers (EFT #1) or reappointments (EFT #2) and the total number of records. If you use the form: Fax it to (512) 475-0887 or email to

Describe the Data

When your institution sends its email OR specification sheet via email, describe the data you are submitting in the subject line of the email.

EFT #1 – Class Codes/Carriers

Submitting EFT #1

Follow this procedure when preparing EFT #1 – Class Codes/Carriers:

  • Submit only class code/carrier information on EFT #1.
  • Report class code information (Record ID 12) for the current fiscal year.
  • Report 403b, 457 and optional retirement program (ORP) carrier information (Record ID 14) for any new carriers. Also, report any changes to previously reported carrier information. You may leave the EFFECTIVE-END-DATE field blank, which will cause a default date to appear (Dec. 31, 2699).

Note: Do not report carrier information (Record ID 14) if no new carriers are added and there are no changes to existing carrier information.

Submitting EFT #2

Follow this procedure when submitting EFT #2 – Reappointments:

  • Submit only reappointments on EFT #2.
  • Identify all employees who had appointments during the previous fiscal year. If any of these employees have been reappointed for the current fiscal year, report their reappointment(s) with the applicable reason code (900–932) on Record ID 67.

    • Report an employee’s reappointment to the same position held in the previous fiscal year with reason code 900.
    • Report an employee’s promotion and reappointment as one transaction with reason code 920.
    • Report a merit increase and reappointment as one transaction with reason code 925.
    • Report multiple salary actions and a reappointment as one transaction with reason code 932.

Note: When using salary action reason codes for reappointment and salary action/position status change transactions, report the actual monthly amount of the increase or decrease in the SALARY ADJUSTMENT AMOUNT field for the appropriate reason codes on Record ID 67. See the field entry tables in HRIS Reporting Requirements – Higher Education (FPP M.005) for more information.

Submitting EFT #3

Follow this procedure when preparing EFT #3 – Terminations:

  • Identify all employees who had appointments during the previous fiscal year. If any of these employees were not reappointed for the current fiscal year, report their termination with the applicable reason code (059-069) on Record ID 27, with the employee’s termination date.
  • After EFT #3 has processed successfully, you will receive the Employees Without Reappointments Report. It will list employees who were not reappointed, yet had appointments in the previous fiscal year and have not been terminated. It is important that you reconcile the information in this report against your institution’s records to ensure the information in HRIS is accurate. HRIS uses the information that institutions submit to generate the Equal Employment Opportunity Report, Annual Report (Statewide Hiring Practices for the Fiscal Year) and Military Workforce Summary Report.

Resume Regular Schedule

After you have submitted EFT #1, EFT #2 and EFT #3 and the reappointment reporting process is complete, your institution must resume the required schedule of submitting monthly maintenance EFTs on or before the seventh day of the following month.

Changes to This Document
Date Updates
07/12/2024 Updated to reflect fiscal 2024 dates
07/07/2023 Updated to reflect fiscal 2023 dates
07/08/2022 Updated to reflect fiscal 2022 dates
07/09/2021 Updated to reflect fiscal 2021 dates