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What’s New

Reminder – Take Our Customer Service Survey

We care about what you think! Please take a moment to fill out Fiscal Management’s online customer service survey. We depend on your feedback to improve our operations and better meet your needs.

The survey has three main questions that should take less than a minute to answer, plus an opportunity to provide additional feedback. You can access the survey until Friday, Oct. 4.

Please share this email and survey link with any staff that may interact with Fiscal Management and our statewide systems.

Thank you in advance for your time and thoughts. Email us at with any questions.

Annual Encumbrance Reporting Due

State agencies and institutions of higher education must report annual binding encumbrances and payables to the Comptroller’s office per Encumbrance Reporting and Lapsing of Appropriations (APS 018) (FPP A.019). This reporting requirement includes the fourth quarter of the previous appropriation year.

All agencies must submit the online Annual Certification form by Oct. 30. (The recommended due date for GR consolidated agencies is Sept. 30.)


Appropriations 45-Day Calendar


Fiscal Management offers a variety of training. Explore your options at Training Center.
