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“From me to you”
Experts give you advice for fiscal year-end close

Originally Published in Statewise Summer 2009

USAS (tips from Gary Bryant)

  • Mark your calendar for USAS year-end close. Last year, year-end close processing occurred over the weekend. This year it will occur during the business days of Sept. 1 and 2. Assume USAS will be down both of those days.
  • Plan ahead. If a payment has a due date of Thursday, Sept. 3, the payment should be entered, released, final approved and error-free in USAS by Monday, Aug. 31. USAS will be down all day Tuesday, Sept. 1, and possibly all day Wednesday, Sept. 2. Don't take a chance on the payment being late.
  • Make the deadline. The cutoff for budget and journal transactions requiring central entry is 5 p.m. Monday, Aug. 24. Emergency situations will be considered until noon Monday, Aug. 31.
  • Consider your options. Even though online entry will not be available, the Comptroller's office will receive USAS input file records (INRECS) via file transfer as usual. The deadline is 2 p.m. daily.

Watch the USAS page for more information about USAS year-end close.

USPS (tips from Becky Luedtke)

  • Review employees assigned to multiple jobs and/or split PCA/index codes and determine if changes will be required before or after the position and assignment rollovers.
  • Determine which employees are affected by the legislative job reclassification published by the State Auditor's Office and if additional maintenance will be required.
  • Review the HN7U1 screen (PCA/Index Override) to determine if changes are needed to the PCA/index overrides listed for each pay type (state paid health, retirement and FICA, SKIP, retirement fee and OptOut).
  • Request rollovers in the order specified on the fiscal year-end schedule. All rollovers must be complete before processing the September payroll.
  • Review the rollover report that is generated after a rollover is processed. The report indicates the rollover was successful or lists any errors that may need attention. Make corrections and request a re-roll if necessary.

Watch the USPS page for more information about USPS year-end close.

SPRS (tips from Becky Luedtke)

  • Submit the correct salary/rate calculation with the rollover record. The salary/rate should only be different if a legislative increase was authorized.
  • Return employees who are on temporary assignment or disciplinary reduction to their former salary/rate before the rollover process takes place. Move employees back to temporary assignment or disciplinary reduction with a higher processing sequence ID than the fiscal year rollover transaction.
  • Return employees who are receiving maximum security pay (MSP) or language interpreter service (LIS) pay to their former salary/rate before submitting the rollover record. Move employees back to the MSP or LIS rate with a higher processing sequence ID than the fiscal year rollover transaction.

Watch the SPRS page for more information about SPRS year-end close.

SPA (tips from Al Kruzel)

  • When value is added to a component of an existing property addition, it inherits the acquisition code of the original addition.
  • When a fund amount for a prior year property addition is reduced to zero, an exception occurs that requires the assistance of your agency's SPA analyst.
  • A change in property value (increase or decrease) transacted in the month of a property disposal results in a capital value recognized exception. The update exception can be avoided by assigning a change effective date one month prior to the disposal.
  • Acquiring a property and transferring it in the same month will result in a lost value exception that requires the assistance of your agency's SPA analyst. Assign a transfer date one month after to the receipt/addition date.
  • The transferor is responsible for making sure statewide interagency transfers are completed. Ownership of the transfer property remains with the transferor until received by the transferee.
  • SPA evaluates capital assets individually. Entering a quantity other than 1, no matter what the purchase amount, will result in the property not appearing on the Agency CAAB101D&S reports. SPA defaults to 1.

Watch the SPA page for more information about SPA year-end close.