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Uniform Statewide Payroll/Personnel System (USPS)

What’s New

Fiscal Year-End Close Schedule

See the 2024 Master Schedule of Year-End Close Events, which includes:

  • Processing deadlines.
  • Support contacts.
  • System maintenance dates and times.

Reminder – Military Workforce Summary Reports Due

June 14 is the maintenance and corrections deadline for the fiscal 2024 third-quarter Military Workforce Summary Reports (March 1 to May 31). Copies of the quarterly reports will be sent by electronic file transfer (EFT) on June 18. The online quarterly report acknowledgment form (with required complaint reporting included) will be available June 18 and must be submitted by June 25.

See Military Workforce Summary Reports and Military Complaint Reporting (FPP F.038) for more information.

System Change Tracker

ACR 60480

System Changes Related to FFCRA

ACR 60431

System Changes Related to FFCRA

ACR 60323

W-4 Reformatting

General System Availability


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