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USAS Coding Instructions

46 Expenditure Detail by Month by Appn: Cash Basis Inquiry

Inquiry only. The Expenditure Detail by Month by Appn: Cash Basis Inquiry (46) screen provides the monthly balances for cash expenditures by agency, appropriation year (AY) and/or fiscal year (FY), appropriation number, appropriated fund or agency fund and comptroller object or agency object.

The 46 screen displays data from the general ledger (GL) summary table for the following general ledger accounts:

  • 5500 – Expenditure control – Cash
  • 6050 – Transfers out
  • 6085 – Residual equity non-cash transfers out (Inactive GL account)
 AGY:     AY:    APPN:       APPD FUND:      COMPT OBJECT:                      
  FY:        AGY FUND:      AGY OBJECT:                                         
                            ***** EXPENDITURES *****                            
  SEP                                              MAR                          
  OCT                                              APR                          
  NOV                                              MAY                          
  DEC                                              JUN                          
  JAN                                              JUL                          
  FEB                                              AUG                          
            TOTAL CASH EXPENDITURES                                             
 F1-HELP F3-END F4-INTERRUPT                                                    

When the report route agency on the Appropriated Fund Profile (D22) is included in the AGY GROUP or RANGE 1/RANGE 2 or as the SECURITY AGENCY on the user’s Security Profile (96A), this inquiry screen can be used to view shared appropriated fund activity for each agency that operates out of that appropriated fund.

The GL summary table is only updated via the nightly input edit update (IEU) cycle. The table below lists the valid data recall combinations (access paths) for this inquiry screen. The valid recall combinations for this inquiry screen are hard coded.

Agency AY Appn. Appd. Fund COBJ FY Fund AOBJ
X X X X X X    
X X X X   X    
X X X     X    
X X X          
X X X X        
X X X   X      
X X X X X      
X X X       X  
X X X         X
X X X X       X
X X X       X X
X X X   X X    
X X X     X X  
X X X     X   X
X X X X   X   X
X X X     X X X
X   X X   X    
X   X X   X    
X   X     X    
X   X   X X    
X   X     X X  
X   X     X   X
X   X X   X   X
X   X     X X X
X Field must be entered to recall data

Note: The amounts shown on this inquiry screen will be summarized based on the valid recall combination entered.

AGY (Optional for recall)
Enter the three-digit agency number assigned to the agency.

AY (Optional for recall)
Enter the two-digit appropriation year. The appropriation year is the year for which funds are appropriated by the Legislature for setting up budgets, depositing money and paying obligations.

  • If AY is left blank, the totals for all AYs within the specified FY will be displayed.
  • If AY is entered and FY is blank, the totals displayed will be for that AY across FYs.
  • If both AY and FY are entered, the totals displayed will be for the specified AY and FY only.

Note: If AY is left blank, FY will be required.

APPN (Required for recall)
Enter the five-digit appropriation number. Appropriation numbers are centrally defined on the Appropriation Number Profile (20).

APPD FUND (Optional for recall)
Enter the four-digit appropriated fund. Appropriated funds are centrally defined on the D22 profile.

COMPT OBJECT (Optional for recall)
Enter the four-digit expenditure comptroller object. Comptroller objects are centrally defined on the Comptroller Object Profile (D10).

FY (Optional for recall)
Enter the two-digit fiscal year. An FY is a 12-month period used to identify the accounting year. FYs are used in GAAP-based reports. The FY for the state of Texas begins Sept. 1 and ends Aug. 31.

  • If FY is left blank, the totals displayed will be for the specified AY across all FYs.
  • If FY is entered and AY is blank, the totals displayed will be for all AYs within the specified FY.
  • If both FY and AY are entered, the totals displayed will be for the specified FY and AY only.

Note: If FY is left blank, AY will be required.

AGY FUND (Optional for recall)
Enter the four-digit agency fund. Agency funds are agency defined on the Fund Profile (D23).

AGY OBJECT (Optional for recall)
Enter the four-digit agency object. Agency objects are agency defined on the Agency Object Profile (D11) and are generally at a greater level of detail than comptroller objects.

EXPENDITURES (System generated)
Displays expenditures summed by fiscal month.

Displays the total cash expenditures.

Function Key Definitions

F1 (Help) Automatically links to the News/Help Table (90) screen. Will transfer to the appropriate type of help depending upon the screen and activity the user is on at the time F1 is pressed.
F3 (End) Returns the screen to the menu associated with that screen.
F4 (Interrupt) Initiates or ends an active interrupt. When ending an active interrupt, F4 returns the user to the original screen showing the same information as was on the screen when the active interrupt was initiated. This does not undo the last action.