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USAS Coding Instructions

64 Document Record Inquiry

Inquiry only. The Document Record Inquiry (64) screen provides pre-encumbrance, encumbrance and account receivable document activity, and balances by agency, document number and suffix.

The 64 screen displays data from the document financial (DF) table. Posting to the DF table is determined by T-code as centrally defined on the Transaction Code Decision Profile (28A).

 LINK TO:                 DOCUMENT RECORD INQUIRY                          PROD 
      AGENCY:      DOC NO/SFX:                                                  
 CREATE DATE:          CLOSE DATE:                                              
    INQ TYPE:        (MA, PA, YA, CB, PY, PP)                                   
    INQ YEAR:               INQ MONTH:         DOC BALANCE:                     
 BT       TITLE                  AMOUNT  BT       TITLE                  AMOUNT 
 F1-HELP F3-END F4-INTERRUPT F8-FRWD                                            

AGENCY (Required)
Enter the three-digit agency number assigned to the agency.

DOC NO/SFX (Required for recall/Optional for recall)

Note: This is a split field. The first field is the document number (DOC NO), and the second field is the document suffix number (DOC SFX). The DOC NO is a required field, and the DOC SFX is an optional field.

Enter the eight-digit document number that corresponds to a document posted to the DF table.

Enter the three-digit document suffix number. Document suffixes are user defined and are used to identify individual transactions within a document. If no suffix number is entered, the first suffix stored on the DF table for the entered document number will be recalled.

CREATE DATE (System generated)
Displays the date the record was created on the DF table.

Note: For documents entered into USAS during the current fiscal year, this date will be the date the original document was created. For documents created in prior fiscal years, this date is the date the table was rolled to create records for the current fiscal year.

CLOSE DATE (System generated)
Displays the date the document number and suffix was completely liquidated using a modifier on the transaction of either F (Final liquidation) or C (Close document).

INQ TYPE (Required)
Enter the two-character inquiry type. The inquiry type is a combination of year and activity. It defines the period of time in which the inquiry will be made.

CB Current balance (Default). Displays the cumulative activity through the requested INQ YEAR and INQ MONTH.
MA Monthly activity. Displays the month’s activity for the requested INQ YEAR and INQ MONTH.
PA Prior activity. Displays the prior year’s activity for the requested INQ YEAR (including month 13 activity*) without regard to INQ MONTH.
PP Prior prior. Displays the prior prior year’s cumulative activity for the requested INQ YEAR (including month 13 activity*) without regard to INQ MONTH.
PY Prior year. Displays the prior year’s cumulative activity for the requested INQ YEAR (including month 13 activity*) without regard to INQ MONTH.
YA Year activity. Displays the year-to-date activity for the requested INQ YEAR and INQ MONTH.

*Note: Month 13 reflects activity occurring in the financial reporting adjustment period of 08/32/YYYY.

INQ YEAR (Required for recall)
Enter the two-digit fiscal year of the inquiry. The fiscal year is the year used in the generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP)-based financial reports and spans September through August. The INQ YEAR defaults to current fiscal year based on the current year indicator on the System Management Profile (97).

INQ MONTH (Required for recall)
Enter the two-digit calendar month of the inquiry. An INQ MONTH of 13 is a valid value and reflects activity occurring in the financial reporting adjustment period of 08/32/YYYY. The INQ MONTH defaults to current calendar month based on the current month indicator on the 97 profile.

DOC BALANCE (Calculated balance – System generated)
Displays the document balance. For Inquiry Screen Algorithms, please see USAS Reference.

BT (System generated)
Displays the balance type information. For Balance Types, please see Balance Type Profile (D05).

Note: The balance types used on this screen are unique to the DF table. Standardized balance types are used on the other primary financial tables.

TITLE (System generated)
Displays the title of the balance type from the Balance Type Profile (D05).

AMOUNT (System generated)
Displays the cumulative total of all applicable transactions for the specified balance type.

Function Key Definitions

F1 (Help) Automatically links to the News/Help Table (90) screen. Will transfer to the appropriate type of help depending upon the screen and activity the user is on at the time F1 is pressed.
F3 (End) Returns the screen to the menu associated with that screen.
F4 (Interrupt) Initiates or ends an active interrupt. When ending an active interrupt, F4 returns the user to the original screen showing the same information as was on the screen when the active interrupt was initiated. This does not undo the last action.
F8 (Frwd) Retrieves data for the next suffix within the document number recalled.