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USAS Coding Instructions

54A Batch Header Correction

Centrally used. The Batch Header Correction (54A) screen is used to enter corrections on the batch header or to select a batch for transaction level changes to be made on the Detail Correction (54B) screen. The fields available for correction are listed on the Valid Field ID Values (54C) screen and may be accessed by placing the cursor in the field identification number (FID) field and pressing F2. The 54B screen may be accessed by selecting a batch by entering a valid action next to the batch selected and pressing F5. Correction values entered on this screen are edited for numeric checks and date validation. All other edits are performed during transaction processing.

Note: Only batches displayed on the View Batch Headers (530) screen that have not posted to the financial tables will appear on this screen (Edit mode 0, 1 and 3).

 LINK TO:                   BATCH HEADER CORRECTION                         PROD
 BATCH AGENCY:                                                         PAGE: 01 

Displays the valid one-character action codes, which are described below. These are the values to be used in the ACTION field.

C Change
D Delete a batch – This action will delete an entire batch, including all transactions and batch header. The delete batch action must be used in combination with the F9 key to delete the batch.
H Hold
R Release – The release action is not currently in use. To release a batch, use the Batch Balancing (502) screen.
S Select – Selects a batch for transaction level changes/corrections on the 54B screen. To select a batch for detail correction, enter an S in the ACTION column and press F5.

BATCH AGENCY (Control key – Required)
Enter the three-digit batch agency number. This field automatically displays the agency number associated with the user ID and user class of the user signed on to the system based on the Security Profile (96A). This field is part of batch ID.

ACTION (Required)
Enter the action selected from the VALID ACTIONS field at the top of the screen.

DATE (System generated)
Displays the batch date from the batch header. This field is part of the batch ID.

TYPE (System generated)
Displays the batch type from the batch header. This field is part of the batch ID.

NO (System generated)
Displays the batch number from the batch header. This field is part of the batch ID.

STAT (System generated)
Displays the batch status from the batch header.

USER ID (System generated)
Displays the user ID of the user who originated the batch.

FID (Optional)
Enter the valid field ID that corresponds to the field to change on the batch header. To view a listing of valid FIDs on the 54C screen, place the cursor in the FID field and press F2. An FID value can be automatically carried back to this field by tabbing to the desired FID on the 54C screen and pressing Enter.

CORRECTION VALUE (Required if blank is not a valid value for the selected FID on the batch header)
Enter the correction value. The system will replace the current value with this correction value.

Function Key Definitions

F1 (Help) Automatically links to the News/Help Table (90) screen. Will transfer to the appropriate type of help depending upon the screen and activity the user is on at the time F1 is pressed.
F2 (Values) Retrieves valid values for the field ID. Tab to the desired FID and press Enter to carry the FID value back to the 54A screen.
F3 (End) Returns the screen to the menu associated with that screen.
F4 (Interrupt) Initiates or ends an active interrupt. When ending an active interrupt, F4 returns the user to the original screen showing the same information as was on the screen when the active interrupt was initiated. This does not undo the last action.
F5 (Detail) Accesses the Batch Detail Correction (54B) screen if a batch is selected. The batch header (batch agency, batch date, batch type and batch number), batch status and user ID of the selected batch will be carried over to the 54B screen.
F6 (Process) Submits transaction data to the edit process. If the edit process is successful, an acceptance message is produced and the profile record information is stored in the system. If the edit process is not successful, an error message(s) will result. Retains current information on the screen upon completion of processing.
F7 (Back) Retrieves the previous page of information.
F8 (Forward) Retrieves the following page of information.
F9 (Delete) Based on an action of D, flags one or more batches and all associated unposted transactions for deletion. The F9 function changes the batch status to D. The actual deletion will occur during the nightly input edit update (IEU). Batches that are flagged for deletion may be undeleted before the nightly IEU cycle by accessing the Batch Balancing (502) screen and either releasing the batch or placing it on hold.