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USAS Coding Instructions

55 (550) Recurring Transaction Profile

Agency defined. The Recurring Transaction Profile (55) screen allows an agency to define a single coding block or multiple coding blocks for the receipt of system generated interagency transfers (ITVs). The 55 profile must be set up for each applicable appropriation year (AY). It is also referred to as the recurring transaction index (RTI) profile, and the process is referred to as the RTI process. The RTI process can be used for both cash and non-cash transactions. For cash RTI transactions, the RTI process allows the funds held in the state treasury to be automatically transferred from one agency to another agency. Once an RTI profile is set up, it may be used repeatedly for any interagency transactions that post to the same coding block.

 LINK TO:                 RECURRING TRANSACTION PROFILE                    PROD 
 ACTION:    (A=ADD, C=CHANGE, D=DELETE, N=NEXT, R=RECALL)                       
 AGENCY:                         TRANS NO:                    RTI:              
 USER ID:                 DESCRIPTION:                                          
 GENERATE SCHEDULE (MMDD) - 1:            2:       3:       4:                  
  BATCH - AGY:            TYPE:      DOC DATE:            SERV DATE:            
  CUR DOC/SFX:                           REF DOC/SFX:                           
   TRANS CODE:                                         PCC:                     
        INDEX:                                      REQ NO:                     
 COMP/AGY OBJ:                              NACUBO SUBFUND:                     
       AMOUNT:                RVS:   DISCOUNT:                   FUND OVRD:     
      DOC AMT:                DOC AGY:                                          
  % ALLOCATED:           DMI:     PDT:     MOD:     APPN YR:     APPN NO:       
         FUND:            GL ACCT/AGY:                                          
  GRANT NO/PH:            SUBGRANTEE:                   PROJ NO/PH:             
         MPCD:            AGY CD - 1:            2:           3:                
      VEND/MC:                   % SUM:            STATUS CODE: A               
  EFF START DATE:            EFF END DATE:            LAST PROC DATE:           

Interagency transactions include:

  • Payments for goods and services,
  • State or federal pass-throughs,
  • Operating transfers,
  • Revenue transfers,
  • Expenditure transfers and
  • Non-cash accruals such as due to/due from transactions for financial reporting purposes.

Note: Additions, changes and deletions of records on this screen are subjected to the same edits as any other financial transaction including user class and transaction code requirements.

This profile includes some functions that are not currently in use:

  • The 55 profile can be used to define specific coding blocks to be retrieved online during transaction entry by entering the agency and RTI number on any transaction entry screen and pressing the F10 key.
  • The 55 profile can be used to provide the coding block data and the generate schedule for system generated recurring transactions such as rent and monthly accruals. The Recurring Transaction Request Profile (93) is used to schedule the generation of the recurring transactions.

ACTION (Required)
Enter the one-character action code.

A Add a new record
C Change an existing record*
D Delete an existing record*
N Next – Recall next record

Note: The agency number is a required field for the next action to display information.

R Recall

*Note: Record must be recalled before this action can be performed.

AGENCY (Control key – Required)
Enter the three-digit agency number assigned to the agency.

Note: This is the financial agency. This field identifies the agency for which the transaction is posted. The financial agency may be different from the batch agency and document agency. For example, if the Comptroller’s office enters a transaction for another agency (for example, 123), the batch agency would be 902 and the agency for the transaction would be 123.

TRANS NO (Control key – Required)
Enter the transaction number (up to six digits). Multiple transaction numbers can be established for a single RTI if multiple coding blocks are required for a single recurring transaction. If only one coding block is required, the TRANS NO and RTI may be the same number.

RTI (Required to add new record)
Enter the recurring transaction index number (up to six digits). Multiple transaction numbers (TRANS NO) can be established for a single RTI if multiple coding blocks are required for a single recurring transaction.

USER ID (System generated)
Displays the seven-digit user ID number of the user who set up the profile record.

Enter the description for the recurring transaction (up to 40 characters).

GENERATE SCHEDULE 1: 2: 3: 4: (Not currently in use)
Enter the four-digit generate schedule date (MMDD). There are up to four generate schedules possible. Month (MM) must be from 01 to 12 and date (DD) must be from 01 to 31. For batch processing only.

BATCH AGENCY (Not currently in use)
Enter the three-digit batch agency number. Typically, this field defaults based on the user’s sign-on security.

BATCH TYPE (Not currently in use)
Enter the one-character batch type. For Batch Types, please see USAS Reference.

DOC DATE (Not currently in use)
Enter the eight-digit document date (MMDDYYYY) if required by the Transaction Code Decision Profile (28A). This identifies the date related to the document or inferred.

SERV DATE (Not currently in use)
Enter the eight-digit service date (MMDDYYYY) if required or inferred by the 28A screen. This identifies the date of service.

CUR DOC/SFX (Not currently in use)

Note: This is a split field. The first field is the current document number (CUR DOC), and the second field is the current document suffix (SFX).

Enter the current document number (up to eight characters). The current document number is automatically left-justified.

Enter the three-digit current document suffix. The suffix is required when the current document number is entered. This provides a line number for the transaction. Document suffixes are either user defined or system generated and are used to identify individual transactions within a document.

REF DOC/SFX (Not currently in use)

Note: This is a split field. The first field is the reference document number (REF DOC), and the second field is the reference document suffix (SFX).

Enter the eight-character reference document number or leave blank. The reference document number is automatically left justified. The reference document number identifies a document that has been previously entered in USAS.

Enter the three-digit reference document suffix. The suffix is required when reference document number is entered. Document suffixes are either user defined or system generated and are used to identify individual transactions within a document.

TRANS CODE (Required)
Enter the three-digit transaction code that is appropriate for the corresponding transaction entry T-code. T-codes are centrally defined on the 28A, Trans Code Options Profile (28B) and Trans Code Description Profile (28C) screens. Valid transaction codes must have a value in the third position of the INTERFACE IND field on the 28A profile. For a listing of appropriate T-codes, see RTI Tables for Interfund/Interagency Transactions.

PCC (Not currently in use)
Enter the one-digit purchase category code (PCC). For valid values, go online in USAS to the Titles Profile (D53) and enter PCC2 in the TABLE ID field. Enter N (Next) in the ACTION field to scroll through the listing.

INDEX (Optional)
Enter the five-digit index, which identifies the lowest level of organizational detail. Index codes are agency defined on the Index Code Profile (24). The index may be inferred by the program cost account (PCA).

REQ NO (Not currently in use)
Enter the requisition number or lease number if a PCC is entered.

PCA (Required)
Enter the five-digit PCA. PCAs are agency defined on the Program Code Account Profile (26). The PCA may be inferred by the index.

COMP/AGY OBJ (Required/Optional)

Note: This is a split field. The first field is the comptroller object (COMP OBJ), and the second field is the agency object (AGY OBJ). The COMP OBJ is a required field, and the AGY OBJ is an optional field.

Enter the four-digit comptroller object. Comptroller objects are centrally defined on the Comptroller Object Profile (D10).

Enter the four-digit agency object. Agency objects are agency defined on the Agency Object Profile (D11).

NACUBO SUBFUND (Optional – For use by institutions of higher education only)
Enter the four-digit National Association of College and University Business Officers (NACUBO) subfund. NACUBO subfunds are centrally defined on the NACUBO Subfund Profile (D38).

AMOUNT (Optional – Not recommended for interagency transactions)
Enter the amount (up to 11 digits and two decimal places). To minimize posting errors on interagency transactions, agencies should use the % ALLOCATED field rather than the AMOUNT field.

Note: If an amount is entered, the % ALLOCATED field must be blank.

RVS (Not currently in use)
Enter the one-character reverse code (R) or leave blank. A value of R reverses the accounting impact of the transaction.

DISCOUNT (Not currently in use)
Enter the discount (up to 11 digits and two decimal places).

FUND OVRD (Not currently in use)
Enter the one-character fund override indicator. The fund override indicator allows the system to override fund-control edits in order to post an accounting transaction. The Security Profile (96A) controls this option.

  Blank – Transaction posts normally.
W Overrides fund control edits and forces the transactions to post.
D Allows the override of transaction effective date errors to backdate cash. Not currently in use.
A Allows fund override for agency budgets.
X Not currently in use.

DOC AMT (Not currently in use)
Enter the document amount (up to 11 digits and two decimal places). This field must equal the computed amount for the document number shown (all document suffixes added together). If the entered amount and computed amount do not equal, an out-of-balance condition will exist and the batch will not be released.

DOC AGY (Optional)
Enter the three-digit document agency number for the agency responsible for the document.

% ALLOCATED (Optional – Recommended for interagency transactions)
Enter the percent allocated (up to six digits and a decimal).

  • Enter 1 for 100% if only one TRANS NO is set up for the RTI number.
  • If more than one coding block is required, enter a decimal point and up to six digits for each TRANS NO within a specific RTI number.
  • The % ALOCATED fields for one RTI number cannot be greater than 1.00000 (100%). If the % ALOCATED field entered is less than one, warning messages will be issued until the sum of all TRANS NO within a specific RTI number equal 1.00000 (100%).
  • The cumulative percent allocated amount is displayed in the % SUM field.

DMI (Not currently in use)
Enter the one-character disbursement method indicator (DMI).

  Blank – No action
H Hold
M Manual warrant
R Release to automated processing
E Expedited warrant
C Cancellation

PDT (Optional – Required value of T for interagency transactions)
Enter the payment distribution type (PDT) or leave blank to be looked up in TINS for each detail transaction generated using this recurring transaction profile record. For Payment Distribution Types, please see USAS Reference.

Note: A PDT value of T is required for all interagency transactions. USAS uses the PDT of T to identify interagency transactions and to apply the applicable edits and processing rules for interagency transactions.

MOD (Not currently in use)
Enter the one-character modifier. A modifier is required on encumbrance transactions referencing pre-encumbrances and on expenditure transactions referencing encumbrances. The modifier identifies how the pre-encumbrance or encumbrance liquidation document should be posted to the document financial (DF) table.

  Blank – Defaults to P for partial liquidation.
F Final liquidation – The transaction represents a final payment on the pre-encumbrance or encumbrance and the document will be set to closed status on the document financial table. Any remaining balance on the pre-encumbrance or encumbrance will be liquidated.
P Partial liquidation – The transaction represents a partial payment on the pre-encumbrance or encumbrance document. Only the amount of the transaction will be liquidated up to the amount of the outstanding encumbrance balance.
A Activate a previously closed pre-encumbrance or encumbrance document.
C Close a pre-encumbrance or encumbrance document to preclude further posting (used for final receipts). C is used to close a pre-encumbrance or encumbrance document if a modifier of F was not used on the final expenditure transaction. The document will be set to closed status on the document financial table. Any remaining balance on the document will not be liquidated.

Note: The corresponding functionality for accounts receivable is not available.

APPN YEAR (Required)
Enter the two-digit appropriation year. The appropriation year is the year for which funds are appropriated by the Legislature for setting up budgets, depositing money and paying obligations.

APPN NO (Optional)
Enter the five-digit appropriation number or leave blank to be inferred. Appropriation numbers are centrally defined on the Appropriation Number Profile (20). This field can either be user entered on a transaction or inferred by USAS based on the Index Code Profile (24) or the Program Cost Account Profile (26). User entered values in transaction entry will override inferred values on the 24 or 26 profiles. This number is assigned by the Comptroller’s office and identifies each budgeted line item in the General Appropriations Act (GAA), as well as other appropriated items belonging to the agency.

FUND (Optional)
Enter the four-digit fund or leave blank to be inferred. This field can either be user entered on a transaction or inferred by USAS based on the Index Code Profile (24) or the Program Cost Account Profile (26). User entered values in transaction entry will override inferred values on the 24 or 26 profiles. Funds are agency defined on the Fund Profile (D23).

GL ACCT/AGY (Not currently in use)

Note: This is a split field. The first field is the general ledger account number (GL ACCT), and the second field is the agency general ledger account number (AGY).

Enter the four-digit comptroller general ledger (GL) account number. Comptroller general ledger accounts are centrally defined on the Comptroller General Ledger Account Profile (D31). The GL account is normally not coded on input; it is inferred by the transaction code.

Enter the agency general ledger account number (up to eight digits). Agency general ledger accounts are agency defined on the Agency General Ledger Account Profile (D32).

GRANT NO/PH (Optional)

Note: This is a split field. The first field is the grant number (GRANT NO), and the second field is the grant phase (GRANT PH).

Enter the six-character alphanumeric grant number and the two-digit grant phase. Grant number and phase combinations are agency defined on the Grant Control Profile Maintenance/Inquiry (29) screen. This field can either be user entered on a transaction or inferred by the Index Code Profile (24), Program Cost Account Profile (26), Project Control Profile (27) or Subgrantee Control Profile (31). User-entered values in transaction entry will override inferred values on the 24, 26, 27 or 31 profiles.

SUB GRANTEE (Not currently in use)
Enter the 14-digit subgrantee number. Subgrantee numbers are agency defined on the Subgrantee Control Profile (31).

PROJ NO/PH (Optional)

Note: This is a split field. The first field is the project number (PROJ NO), and the second field is the project phase (PROJ PH).

Enter the six-digit project number and the two-digit project phase. Project number and phase combinations are agency defined on the Project Control Profile (27). This field can either be user entered on a transaction or inferred by USAS based on the Index Code Profile (24), Program Cost Account Profile (26) or Grant Control Profile Maintenance/Inquiry (29). User entered values in transaction entry will override inferred values on the 24, 26 or 29 profiles.

MPCD (Optional)
Enter the 10-character alphanumeric agency-defined multipurpose code or leave blank. If left blank, this field may be inferred by the index or PCA.

AGY CD-1 or AGY CODE 1 (Optional)
Enter the four-character agency code 1 number or leave blank. Agency code 1 values are agency defined on the Agency Code 1 Profile (D26). This field can either be user entered on a transaction or inferred by USAS based on the Index Code Profile (24) or the Program Cost Account Profile (26). User entered values in transaction entry will override inferred values on the 24 or 26 profiles. The agency code 1 number can be used for any coding purpose.

AGY CD-2 or AGY CODE 2 (Optional)
Enter the four-character agency code 2 number or leave blank. Agency code 2 values are agency defined on the Agency Code 2 Profile (D27). This field can either be user entered on a transaction or inferred by USAS based on the Index Code Profile (24) or the Program Cost Account Profile (26). User entered values in transaction entry will override inferred values on the 24 or 26 profiles. The agency code 2 number can be used for any coding purpose.

AGY CD-3 or AGY CODE 3 (Optional)
Enter the six-character agency code 3 number or leave blank. Agency code 3 values are agency defined on the Agency Code 3 Profile (D36). This field can either be user entered on a transaction or inferred by USAS based on the Index Code Profile (24) or the Program Cost Account Profile (26). User entered values in transaction entry will override inferred values on the 24 or 26 profiles. The agency code 3 number can be used for any coding purpose.

VEND/MC (Not currently in use)

Note: This is a split field. The first field is the vendor/payee number (VENDOR), and the second field is the vendor/payee mail code (MC).

Enter the 11-digit vendor/payee number. The vendor/payee number must be either a valid TINS or USAS vendor/payee number. USAS vendor/payee numbers start with a zero and cannot be used to process payment generating transactions.

Enter the three-character alphanumeric vendor/payee mail code. The mail code identifies the vendor/payee’s mailing address or electronic payment routing instructions for payment distribution. A single vendor/payee may have multiple mail codes.

% SUM (System generated
Displays the calculated total of all % ALLOCATED fields for all TRANS NOS with the same RTI number. Processing errors will occur if the percentage sum does not equal 1.000000 (100%).

STATUS CODE (Optional)
Enter the one-character status code.

A Active (Default)
I Inactive

Note: The status code may be used in lieu of deleting a profile record to prevent the system from using the profile record for system processing. Set the status to I to inactivate profiles no longer in use.

Enter the eight-digit effective start date (MMDDYYYY), which identifies when the information established on the profile record becomes accessible for system processing. Leaving this field blank causes the vendor/payee number to become immediately available for system processing, and the effective start date defaults to the current date.

EFF END DATE (Optional)
Enter the eight-digit effective end date (MMDDYYYY), which identifies when the profile record is no longer accessible for system processing. Leaving this field blank causes the profile to have no effective end date; therefore, any system processing using the profile record will not be restricted by the effective end date.

LAST PROC DATE (System generated)
Displays the last process date. The system defaults to the last date (MMDDYYYY) that any online modification (add or change) was made to the profile record.

Function Key Definitions

F1 (Help) Automatically links to the News/Help Table (90) screen. Will transfer to the appropriate type of help depending upon the screen and activity the user is on at the time F1 is pressed.
F3 (End) Returns the screen to the menu associated with that screen.
F4 (Interrupt) Initiates or ends an active interrupt. When ending an active interrupt, F4 returns the user to the original screen showing the same information as was on the screen when the active interrupt was initiated. This does not undo the last action.
F6 (Process) Submits transaction data to the edit process. If the edit process is successful, an acceptance message is produced, and the profile record information is stored in the system. If the edit process is not successful, an error message(s) will result. Retains current information on the screen upon completion of processing.