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USAS Coding Instructions

510 Recall a Batch for Correction

Agency and centrally used. The Recall a Batch for Correction (510) screen can be used to make changes to batches and transactions that are on the USAS internal transaction file (IT). Transactions that have been final approved or posted cannot be changed. Transactions that have already completed their processing and have gone to history cannot be recalled.

To access this screen:

  • Press the F10 key on the financial transaction data entry screens,
  • Press the F10 key on the Document Tracking Inquiry (37) screen or
  • Select option 51 Recall a Batch for Correction on the Transaction Entry Submenu.
 LINK TO:                RECALL A BATCH FOR CORRECTION                     PROD 
              BATCH AGENCY:                                                     
                BATCH DATE:                                                     
                BATCH TYPE:                                                     
              BATCH NUMBER:                                                     
           BATCH BALANCING-                                                     
             ENTERED COUNT:              ENTERED AMOUNT:                        
            COMPUTED COUNT:             COMPUTED AMOUNT:                        
         PAYMENT DIST TYPE:                                                     
             DISB METH IND:                                                     
          ORIGINAL USER ID:                                                     
                USER CLASS:                                                     
              LAST USER ID:                                                     

ACTION (Required)
Enter the one-character action code.

A Add a transaction. Assigns the next available sequential system-generated sequence number to the added transaction.
B Change the batch header. Only entered count, entered amount, payment distribution type and effective date can be changed.
C Change a transaction. The sequence number is not required to be entered for this action. If the sequence number is left blank, the batch transaction with the lowest sequence number still remaining on the IT will be recalled. If a sequence number is entered, that specific transaction will be recalled, and the user can scroll forward to subsequent transactions.

Note: If the batch status is R (Released) on the View Batch Headers (530) screen, a change action will reset the status to H (Hold), requiring the batch to be re-released before it can continue to process.

D Delete a transaction. Sequence number of the transaction to be deleted is required. This will delete only the specified transaction.

Note: The transaction will not be automatically recalled for the user to verify before the deletion is processed.

R Recompute. The system will recalculate the computed count and computed amount for the batch based on the batch transactions that are still remaining on the IT.
V View a transaction. The sequence number is required to be entered for this action. The sequence number provides a starting transaction for viewing and the user can scroll forward to subsequent transactions. This option allows inquiry/viewing of transactions. No changes to the transaction are allowed, and the release flag is not changed on the 530 screen.
S Central use only – Super security delete. Allows the deletion of transactions that have posted to the financial tables but have not created a payment or gone to history.

Enter the three-digit batch agency associated with the batch to be recalled.

BATCH DATE (Required)
Enter the six-digit batch date (MMDDYY) associated with the batch to be recalled.

BATCH TYPE (Required)
Enter the one-character batch type associated with the batch to be recalled. For Batch Types, please see USAS Reference.

Enter the three-digit agency-defined batch number associated with the batch to be recalled.

SEQUENCE NUMBER (Required if deleting or viewing a transaction – Optional for changing a transaction)
Enter the five-digit transaction sequence number. This number uniquely identifies each transaction entered into USAS. If sequence number is left blank for changing a transaction, the system will default to the first available transaction in the batch.

ENTERED COUNT (System generated)
Displays the count entered as a control total on the batch header. The entered count may be updated by entering a B in the ACTION field. Up to five digits can be entered. If an optional count is not entered, this count will be zero until the batch is balanced and released. Balancing and releasing the batch will update the zero count to equal the computed count.

ENTERED AMOUNT (System generated)
Displays the amount entered as a control total on the batch header. The entered amount may be updated by entering a B in the ACTION field. Up to 11 digits and two decimal places can be entered. If an optional amount is not entered, this amount will be zero until the batch is balanced and released. Balancing and releasing the batch will update the zero amount to equal the computed amount.

COMPUTED COUNT (System generated)
Displays the computed count. The computed count is the number of transactions in the batch as calculated by the system. This count is based on either the batch as originally submitted or the batch as recomputed on this screen.

COMPUTED AMOUNT (System generated)
Displays the computed amount. The computed amount is the total of the transactions in the batch as calculated by the system. This amount is based on either the batch as originally submitted or the batch as recomputed on this screen.

PAYMENT DIST TYPE (System generated)
Displays the batch-level payment distribution type (PDT), if applicable. The PDT may be updated by entering a B in the ACTION field. Up to two characters can be entered. Batch-level PDTs are optional and are entered on the batch header.

DISB METH IND (System generated)
Displays the batch-level disbursement method indicator (DMI), if applicable. Batch-level DMIs are optional and are entered on the batch header.

ORIGINAL USER ID (System generated)
Displays the user ID of the person who originated the batch. The associated user name will be displayed beside the original user ID.

USER CLASS (System generated)
Displays the sign-on user class of the person who originated the batch.

LAST USER ID (System generated)
Displays the user ID of last person who either entered, updated or released the batch. The associated user name will be displayed beside the last user ID.

Function Key Definitions

F1 (Help) Automatically links to the News/Help Table (90) screen. Will transfer to the appropriate type of help depending upon the screen and activity the user is on at the time F1 is pressed.
F3 (End) Returns the screen to the menu associated with that screen.
F4 (Interrupt) Initiates or ends an active interrupt. When ending an active interrupt, F4 returns the user to the original screen showing the same information as was on the screen when the active interrupt was initiated. This does not undo the last action.
F8 (Doc/Track) Automatically links to the Document Tracking Inquiry (37) screen.
F9 (Balancing) Automatically links to the Batch Balancing (502) screen. If a batch has been recalled and is displayed on the 510 screen when the F9 key is pressed, the batch header information will be carried over to the 502 screen.
F11 (Details) Automatically links to the View a Batch (520) screen. If a batch has been recalled and is displayed on the 510 screen when the F11 key is pressed, the batch header information will be carried over to the 520 screen.
F12 (Headers) Automatically links to the View Batch Headers (530) screen.