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USAS Coding Instructions

44 Single Payment Cancellation

Centrally defined. The Single Payment Cancellation (44) screen provides for online cancellation request by entry of a single payment number. During the payment processing batch cycle, the cancellation request is retrieved and accounting transactions are generated. This reverses the accounting impact of the payment liquidation that occurred when the payment was issued.

Agencies may enter cancellations using the Treasury Operations’ Web Warrant Inquiry and Cancellation Request System (WWIC) for USAS payments.

 LINK TO:                 SINGLE PAYMENT CANCELLATION                      PROD 
       ACTION:     (C=CHANGE, R=RECALL)                                         
   PAYMENT NO:           CANCEL REASON CODE:     DOCUMENT NO:                   
 VENDOR NO/MC:                     OVERRIDE:         CONFIND:                   
  VENDOR NAME:                                                                  
   ISSUE DATE:          PAYMENT STATUS:                                         
        COUNT:       PAYMENT AMT:                 DOCUMENT AMT:                 
 F1-HELP  F3-END  F4-INTERRUPT  F6-PROCESS  F8-NEXT                             

ACTION (Required)
Enter the one-character action code.

C Change an existing record*
R Recall

Note: Record must be recalled before this action can be performed.

Note: Recall is limited to payments made by the user’s agency. This validation is accomplished by a comparison of the Financial Agency on the payment against the user’s Security Profile (96A), AGY GROUP, AGY – RANGE 1, AGY RANGE 2 and SECURITY AGENCY fields.

PAYMENT NO (Control key — Required)
Enter the nine-digit warrant number or a seven-digit sequence number (preceded by two spaces) of the direct deposit trace.

CANCEL REASON CODE (Required if canceling a payment – Ignored for recall)
Enter the three-digit cancel reason code as listed in the Titles Profile (D53) under TABLE ID PPCR.

Payment Cancellations:

301 Incorrect PIN
302 Incorrect amount
303 Unable to deliver payment
304 Payment on hold – Incorrect PIN
305 Payment on hold – Payment canceled by agency
306 Stop payment – Payment lost or destroyed
307 Duplicate payment from state/local funds
308 Payment not due
309 Leave without pay (LWOP)
310 Termination
311 Retirement
312 Deceased
313 Levies – IRS, child support, bankruptcy
314 Incorrect transit number
315 Incorrect/closed account
316 Other

DOCUMENT NO (Required if canceling a payment – Ignored for recall)
Enter the eight-character alphanumeric cancellation document number.

For all non-payroll and non-annuity cancellations:

  • The first character of the cancellation document number must begin with C.
  • The Comptroller’s office will assign the next four characters (characters two through five), using one of the following prefixes and the three-digit calendar Julian date.

    Valid cancellation prefixes:
    C Reserved for future use
    D Direct deposit
    X Centrally entered via the 44 screen
    Z Manual cancellations centrally entered via transaction entry
  • The agency will assign the remaining three characters.

For a cancellation of a document type 4 (payroll):

  • The Comptroller’s office will define the first six characters. Characters one through three are 4CC and characters four through six are the calendar Julian date.
  • The agency will assign the remaining two characters.

For cancellation of a document type 7 (annuity):

  • The Comptroller’s office will define the first six characters. Characters one through three are 7CC and characters four through six are the calendar Julian date.
  • The agency will assign the remaining two characters.

VENDOR NO/MC (System generated)
Displays vendor/payee number and mail code.

OVERRIDE (Optional)
Enter the one-character override indicator. This field allows the Comptroller’s office to override the Treasury Operations’ approval requirements on the cancellation if a critical payment reissue is dependent on the funds made available by the cancellation.

  Blank (Default). Do not override the Treasury Operations’ approval requirements. Blank has the same functionality as N.
Y Yes. Override the Treasury Operations’ approval requirements.
N No. Do not override the Treasury Operations’ approval requirements.

CONFIND (System generated)
Displays the confidential indicator that was entered in transaction entry.

Y Yes. At least one transaction in the payment was flagged as confidential.
S Some. At least one transaction in the payment was flagged as containing some confidential information.
N No. No transactions were flagged as confidential.

Note: If at least one transaction in the payment was flagged as confidential, the CONFIND field value displays as Y, even if the payment also contains at least one transaction flagged as containing some confidential information (S).

System-Generated Elements

The following fields are system generated based on information stored on the document and payment control table.

VENDOR NAME (System generated)
Displays the vendor/payee name.

ISSUE DATE (System generated)
Displays the payment issue date. This is the date that USAS generated the payment.

PAYMENT STATUS (System generated)
Displays the payment status.

I Warrant was issued and is outstanding at the state treasury.
S Stop payment placed through the state treasury but is still eligible for cancellation.
C Warrant previously canceled through the state treasury.*
Z Warrant previously canceled through the state treasury.
P Warrant has been paid and cleared through the state treasury.

*Note: C status will only be shown on the original day the state treasury approves the cancellation. After that, the status is changed to Z.

COUNT (System generated)
Displays the count of the number of transactions in the payment.

PAYMENT AMT (System generated)
Displays the payment amount.

DOCUMENT AMT (System generated)
Displays the total of all transactions included in the payment without regard to the financial impact.

Note: The payment amount and the document amount will be the same unless the payment includes a transaction with a reversal indicator of R.

For example: PAYMENT AMT is 15.00 (20.00 less 5.00 reversal)
                    DOCUMENT AMT is 25.00 (20.00 plus the 5.00 reversal)

System-Generated Elements

The following system-generated elements represent the detail information located on the lower portion of the 44 screen. These fields are based on information stored on the payment cancellation table. After a payment has either cleared the state treasury or been canceled, no detail information for the document or document/vendor combination can be recalled.

DOC NO (System generated)
Displays the document number included in the payment.

SFX (System generated)
Displays the suffix number of the transaction associated with the document number included in the payment.

AGY (System generated)
Displays the financial agency.

TC (System generated)
Displays the transaction code.

INDEX (System generated)
Displays the index.

PCA (System generated)
Displays the program cost account.

APPN (System generated)
Displays the appropriation number.

AFND (System generated)
Displays the appropriated fund.

FND (System generated)
Displays the agency-defined fund.

AY (System generated)
Displays the appropriation year.

CBJ (System generated)
Displays the comptroller object.

PDT (System generated)
Displays the payment distribution type.

C (System generated)
Displays the confidential indicator that was entered in transaction entry.

R (System generated)
Displays the reversal indicator.

AMT (System generated)
Displays the transaction amount.

Function Key Definitions

F1 (Help) Automatically links to the News/Help Table (90) screen. Will transfer to the appropriate type of help depending upon the screen and activity the user is on at the time F1 is pressed.
F3 (End) Returns the screen to the menu associated with that screen.
F4 (Interrupt) Initiates or ends an active interrupt. When ending an active interrupt, F4 returns the user to the original screen showing the same information as was on the screen when the active interrupt was initiated. This does not undo the last action.
F6 (Process) Submits transaction data to the edit process. If the edit process is successful, an acceptance message is produced, and the profile record information is stored in the system. If the edit process is not successful, an error message(s) will result. Retains current information on the screen upon completion of processing.
F8 (Next) Retrieves the following page of information.