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USAS Coding Instructions

30 Contract Profile

Agency defined. The Contract Profile (30) screen is used to define and establish controls for contract reporting. Creating this profile is the first step to monitor and track contracts by contract number, appropriation year and vendor/payee. The 30 profile includes a budget check indicator to ensure that contract expenditures do not exceed the budgeted contract amount. This is an optional profile within the USAS system.

Note: There is no system edit to ensure inclusion of the contract number on a transaction.

Related screens:

This profile is included in the annual USAS profile rollover. Profile rollover creates new profile records to be used in the next fiscal year (FY) and appropriation year (AY) based on existing profile records for the current FY and AY.

 LINK TO:                     CONTRACT PROFILE                             PROD 
 ACTION:     (A=ADD, C=CHANGE, D=DELETE, N=NEXT, R=RECALL)                      
 AGENCY:                CONTRACT NO:                AY:                         
 AMENDMENT NO:            CHANGE NO:              TYPE:     COMP NO:            
 PRIMARY VENDOR NO/MC:                    MULTI VENDOR:   (Y/N)                
   CONTRACT AMOUNT:                    CONTINGENCY AMOUNT:                     
  RETAINAGE AMOUNT:                      UNTRACKED AMOUNT:                     
     BUDGET AMOUNT:                      BUDGET CHECK IND:    OUTSOURCED:      
 TX REGISTER ID-RPF:                AWARD:                AMEND:                
                                                        STATUS CODE:           
 EFF START DATE:            EFF END DATE:            LAST PROC DATE:           
 F1-HELP F3-END F4-INTERRUPT F6-PROCESS F10-30B F12-68                          

This screen includes:

ACTION (Required)
Enter the one-character action code.

A Add a new record
C Change an existing record*
D Delete an existing record*
N Next – Recall next record

Note: The agency number is a required field for the next action to display information.

R Recall

*Note: Record must be recalled before this action can be performed.

AGENCY (Control key – Required)
Enter the three-digit agency number assigned to the agency.

CONTRACT NO (Control key – Required)
Enter the alphanumeric contract number (up to 10 characters).

AY (Control key – Required)
Enter the two-digit appropriation year. The appropriation year is the year for which funds are appropriated by the Legislature for setting up budgets, depositing money and paying obligations.

Enter the eight-character alphanumeric amendment number.

CHANGE NO (Optional)
Enter the 10-character alphanumeric change number.

TYPE (Optional)
Enter the one-character agency-defined type of amendment or change.

COMP NO (Optional)
Enter the eight-character alphanumeric comptroller contract number.

Enter the contract description (up to five lines of 65 characters).

PRIMARY VENDOR NO/MC (Required to add new record/Optional)

Note: This is a split field. The first field is the primary vendor/payee number (PRIMARY VENDOR NO), and the second field is the vendor/payee mail code (MC). PRIMARY VENDOR NO is a required field, and MC is an optional field.

Enter the 11-digit primary vendor/payee number. The primary vendor/payee number must be either a valid TINS or USAS vendor/payee number. USAS vendor/payee numbers start with a zero and cannot be used to process payment-generating transactions. TINS vendor/payee numbers start with 1, 3 or 7.

Enter the three-character alphanumeric vendor/payee mail code or leave blank. The mail code identifies the vendor/payee’s mailing address or electronic payment routing instructions for payment distribution. A single vendor/payee may have multiple mail codes. For contract edit purposes, a blank mail code on the 30 screen represents all valid mail codes for the specified vendor/payee.

MULTI VENDOR (System generated)
Displays a value of Y (Yes) when additional vendors/payees for a contract have been set up on the 30B profile. The additional vendors/payees will be displayed on the 30B screen. A value of N (No) indicates that there is a single vendor/payee.

Note: A 30 screen cannot be deleted if there are multiple vendors/payees on the 30B screen. The 30B screen must be deleted before deleting the 30.

NAME (System generated)
Displays the vendor/payee name (up to 40 characters) from the TINS or USAS vendor/payee file.

CONTRACT AMOUNT (Required to add new record)
Enter the total contract amount (up to 11 digits and two decimal places).

Enter the total contingency amount (up to 11 digits and two decimal places).

Enter the total retainage amount (up to 11 digits and two decimal places).

Enter the total amount expended for the contract before the 30 screen was set up (up to 11 digits and two decimal places).

BUDGET AMOUNT (Optional unless the budget check indicator is Y)
Enter the total budget amount for the contract (up to 11 digits and two decimal places). This field defaults to 0.00 when left blank.

BUDGET CHECK IND (Required to add new record)
Enter the one-character budget check indicator. During transaction processing, this indicator determines whether expenditures and outstanding encumbrances may exceed the contract budget.

Y Yes. The budget will be checked, and a budget amount is required.
N No. The budget will not be checked.

OUTSOURCED (Required to add new record)
Enter the single character that identifies contracts that are primarily for outsourced services.

Y Yes. Contract is primarily for outsourced services.
N No. Contract is not outsourced.

Enter the 14-character Texas Register Identification (TRI) request for proposal code.

AWARD (Optional)
Enter the TRI award code (up to 11 digits and two decimal places).

AMEND (Optional)
Enter the TRI amendment code (up to 11 digits and two decimal places).

Enter the eight-digit contract start date (MMDDYYYY), which identifies the date the contract goes into effect. A start date must be entered if an end date is entered, or if the agency sets up the service date edit severity indicator to check a transaction’s service date.

Enter the eight-digit contract end date (MMDDYYYY), which identifies the date that the contract terminates. An end date must be entered if a start date is entered, or if the agency sets up the service date edit severity indicator to check a transaction’s service date.

Note: Payments on a contract can be made later than the contract end date as long as the effective end date for the profile is still in the future.

SERVDT EDIT (Required to add new record)
Enter the one-character service date edit severity indicator. This field allows users to choose the level of severity for an edit between a transaction’s service date and the specified 30 screen record’s CNTRCT STRT DATE and CNTRCT END DATE.

I Ignore – During transaction processing, no edit is performed between the service date on the transaction and the CNTRCT STRT DATE and CNTRCT END DATE on the 30 screen.
W Warning – If a value of W is entered in the SERV DT EDIT field and the transaction edit indicator SVDT field on the Transaction Code Decision Profile (28A) has a value of Blank (optional), R or I, then USAS performs an edit between the transaction service date and the CNTRCT STRT DATE and CNTRCT END DATE. If the transaction service date is not within the range defined by the CNTRCT STRT DATE and CNTRCT END DATE, USAS issues a warning error message on the transaction and allows the transaction to continue processing.
F Fatal – If a value of F is entered in the SERV DT EDIT field and the transaction edit indicator SVDT field on the 28A screen has a value of Blank (optional), R or I, then USAS performs an edit between the transaction service date and the CNTRCT STRT DATE and CNTRCT END DATE. If the transaction service date is not within the range defined by the CNTRCT STRT DATE and CNTRCT END DATE, USAS issues a fatal error message during transaction entry and stops the transaction from posting.

Note: If a value of W or F is entered in this field, the CNTRCT STRT DATE and CNTRCT END DATE are required fields on the 30 screen.

STATUS CODE (Optional)
Enter the one-character status code.

A Active (Default)
I Inactive

Note: The status code may be used in lieu of deleting a profile record to prevent the system from using the profile record for system processing. Set the status to I to inactivate profiles no longer in use.

Enter the eight-digit effective start date (MMDDYYYY), which identifies when the information established on the profile record becomes accessible for system processing. Leaving this field blank causes the vendor/payee number to become immediately available for system processing, and the effective start date defaults to the current date.

EFF END DATE (Optional)
Enter the eight-digit effective end date (MMDDYYYY), which identifies when the profile record is no longer accessible for system processing. Leaving this field blank causes the profile to have no effective end date; therefore, any system processing using the profile record will not be restricted by the effective end date.

LAST PROC DATE (System generated)
Displays the last process date. The system defaults to the last date (MMDDYYYY) that any online modification (add or change) was made to the profile record.

Function Key Definitions

F1 (Help) Automatically links to the News/Help Table (90) screen. Will transfer to the appropriate type of help depending upon the screen and activity the user is on at the time F1 is pressed.
F3 (End) Returns the screen to the menu associated with that screen.
F4 (Interrupt) Initiates or ends an active interrupt. When ending an active interrupt, F4 returns the user to the original screen showing the same information as was on the screen when the active interrupt was initiated. This does not undo the last action.
F6 (Process) Submits transaction data to the edit process. If the edit process is successful, an acceptance message is produced, and the profile record information is stored in the system. If the edit process is not successful, an error message(s) will result. Retains current information on the screen upon completion of processing.
F10 (30B) Automatically links to the Contract Multi-Vendor Profile (30B). If a profile record has been recalled and is displayed on 30 screen when the F10 key is pressed, the agency number, contract number and AY will be carried over to the 30B screen.
F11 (68) Automatically links to the Contract Record Inquiry (68) screen. If a profile record has been recalled and is displayed on the 30 screen when the F12 key is pressed, the agency number, contract number, AY and vendor/payee number will be carried over to the 68 screen.