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SPA Process User’s Guide
Chapter 6 – Deleting Property and Funds

Disposal Method 09 (Surplus Property Donated or Sold to an Assistance Organization)

This disposal method is used to delete surplus property donated or sold to an assistance organization. Assets are required to complete the 10-day TFC advertisement before they can be sold or donated to an assistance organization. The following steps must be completed before an asset can be disposed with disposal method 09:
  1. Asset must be entered in the TFC Surplus Process in SPA and complete the 10-day advertisement period. If an assistance organization contacts the agency to request the property during the TFC advertisement period, the organization must wait for the full 10-day advertisement period to complete. Requests from state agencies have priority over any other organizations during the entire advertisement period. If no state agency requests the property, the first organization requesting the property and agreeing to the price will be awarded the property.
  2. Once the advertisement is complete, verify that the assistance organization is eligible to receive assets from the state using the TFC Approved Assistance organizations list.
  3. Contact TFC to request approval to donate or sell the asset to the assistance organization. Include a list of the asset numbers in the email.
  4. TFC, in conjunction with the agency, will determine the sales price, if any, for each item.
  5. Complete any TFC required procedures.
  6. TFC will then update the disposal method to a 5c in SPA. The asset must be in DM 5c before it can be updated to 09.
  7. After the organization has picked up the property, update the disposal method to 09 in SPA.


  1. Confirm that payment, if any, has been received and that the asset has been picked up by the receiving organization.
  2. Access the Disposal of Property (PADLET) screen on the Main Menu.
  3. Enter the property and component number in the corresponding fields.
  4. Press Enter. Disposal method must be 5c.
  5. Enter 09 in the DISPOSAL METHOD field.
  6. Press Enter. The message Enter Disposal Date appears.
  7. Enter the disposal date. No entry defaults to current date.
  8. Press Enter. The message Disposal Method Requires a Comment appears.
  9. Enter the name of the assistance organization receiving the asset in the COMMENT field.
  10. Enter the proceeds, if any, in the PROCEEDS FROM SALE field. The proceeds from sale value is the amount for which the property was sold.
  11. Press Enter. The message Press F4 To Continue Or F5 To Cancel appears.
  12. Press Enter. The message Information has been Deleted appears.