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USAS User’s Manual
Chapter 12 – Understanding Financial Tables (continued)

Posting to the Project Table – Text Version of Above Table

                    PROFILES          & VALID VALUES 

Project Phase     D42 Project Number        Project Phase Budget
                    Profile                  Level Indicator:
                                             Y-Post Project Budget at Phase Level
                                             N-Post Project Budget at Grant Level

Fund               27 Project Control       Expenditure Post Level Ind 
                    Profile                 & Revenue Post Level Ind:
                                            0- Do Not Post Fund or Object
                                            1-Post Comptroller Object
                                            2-Post Agency Object
                                            3-Post Grant Object
                                            A-Post Fund, but No Object
                                            B-Post Fund and Comptroller Object
                                            C-Post Fund and Agency Object
                                            D-Post Fund and Grant Object 

Comptroller      27 Project Control       Expenditure Post Level Ind  
 Object           Profile                  & Revenue Post Level Ind:
                                            0- Do Not Post Fund or Object
                                            1-Post Comptroller Object
                                            2-Post Agency Object
                                            3-Post Grant Object
                                            A-Post Fund, but No Object
                                            B-Post Fund and Comptroller Object
                                            C-Post Fund and Agency Object
                                            D-Post Fund and Grant Object

Agency Object     27 Project Control       Expenditure Post Level Ind & 
                    Profile                Revenue Post Level Ind:
                                           0- Do Not Post Fund or Object
                                           1-Post Comptroller Object
                                           2-Post Agency Object
                                           3-Post Grant Object
                                           A-Post Fund, but No Object
                                           B-Post Fund and Comptroller Object
                                           C-Post Fund and Agency Object
                                           D-Post Fund and Grant Object 

Grant Object       27 Project Control    Expenditure Post Level Ind  
                     Profile              & Revenue Post Level Ind:
                                          0- Do Not Post Fund or Object
                                          1-Post Comptroller Object
                                          2-Post Agency Object
                                          3-Post Grant Object
                                          A-Post Fund, but No Object
                                          B-Post Fund and Comptroller Object
                                          C-Post Fund and Agency Object
                                          D-Post Fund and Grant Object 

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