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USAS User’s Manual
Chapter 12 – Understanding Financial Tables (continued)

Financial Tables

Primary Financial Tables

The Primary financial tables in USAS are:

  • Appropriation table
  • Cash Control table
  • Agency Budget table
  • Agency/Fund table
  • Grant table
  • Project table
  • Document table
  • Contract table

Appropriation Table

The Appropriation table enables users to record, monitor, and control appropriations at the level they are awarded.

Cash Control Table

The Cash Control table enables users to monitor expenditures to verify that enough fund-cash exists to fund disbursements.

Agency Budget Table

The Agency Budget table enables users to account for and control internal agency budgets.

Agency/Fund Table

The Agency/Fund table enables users to monitor excess collected revenue balances across appropriations for agency/appropriated fund or agency/fund combinations. This table contains high-level appropriation information for inquiry.

Grant and Project Tables

Grant and Project tables enable users to account for grant and project expenditures, encumbrances, and revenues. Specific grants or projects indicate budget, expenditure, and receipt transactions. These tables can maintain expendable and billable.

Document Table

The Document table enables users to maintain document-level balances for control and provides operating and planning information for those General Ledger accounts requiring document-level support, such as accounts receivables and encumbrances. Receivables and encumbrances are established and maintained on a document-by-document basis.

Contract Table

The Contract table enables users to monitor expenditures to make sure they do not exceed the amount budgeted for the contract. This table posts encumbrance and expenditure transactions.

contract table

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