02/28/25 |
Payables and Binding Encumbrances Due
02/14/25 |
Reminder – Deadline to Request Unclaimed Funds
01/24/25 |
Updated USAS T-Code Sorts and Reference Information
01/24/25 |
Deadline to Request Unclaimed Funds
Deadline to Request Unclaimed Funds
Unclaimed property transferred to the state includes property that might belong to state agencies or institutions of higher education. Money not claimed by May 31 will be deposited into unappropriated general revenue. See Unclaimed Property Annual Notification for more information, including contact information for the Comptroller’s Unclaimed Property Division.
01/17/25 |
Biennial Revenue Estimate
12/13/24 |
Earned Federal Funds Update
12/06/24 |
Reminder – Local Funds Reporting Due
11/26/24 |
Payables and Binding Encumbrances Due
11/22/24 |
Hotel Occupancy Tax Refund Reports
11/22/24 |
Reminder – Local Funds Reporting Due
11/08/24 |
2024 State of Texas Annual Cash Report
11/08/24 |
Local Funds Reporting Requirements Due
11/01/24 |
Top 10 Audit Findings
10/25/24 |
Benefits Proportional by Method of Finance Reports Due
Benefits Proportional by Method of Finance Reports Due
State agencies and institutions of higher education are required to ensure payments of benefit costs are proportional to the agency’s or institution’s method of finance, unless another legal provision prohibits proportionality. Benefits Proportional by Method of Finance Reports and related adjustments are due Nov. 19. Agencies and institutions funded with a single method of finance must submit a letter confirming this status by Nov. 19. See Benefits Proportional by Method of Finance (APS 011) (FPP A.010) for more information, including forms and sample letters.
10/25/24 |
Reminder – Annual Encumbrance Certification and Automated Lapsing
10/11/24 |
Reminder – Annual Encumbrance Certification and Automated Lapsing
Reminder – Annual Encumbrance Certification and Automated Lapsing
By Oct. 30 each year, state agencies and institutions of higher education must lapse appropriation balances above the level needed to satisfy outstanding binding encumbrances and/or payables. All agencies must also submit the online annual certification form by Oct. 30. (Sept. 30 is the recommended due date for GR consolidated agencies to lapse appropriation balances and submit annual certifications.) An automatic lapse program will run in USAS as early as the Nov. 1 nightly cycle to lapse all unencumbered nonconstruction appropriation balances for all prior appropriation years. See Encumbrance Reporting and Lapsing of Appropriations (APS 018) (FPP A.019) for details.
09/27/24 |
Reminder – Take Our Customer Service Survey
Reminder – Take Our Customer Service Survey
We care about what you think! Please take a moment to fill out Fiscal Management’s online customer service survey. We depend on your feedback to improve our operations and better meet your needs. The survey has three main questions that should take less than a minute to answer, plus an opportunity to provide additional feedback. You can access the survey until Friday, Oct. 4. Please share this email and survey link with any staff that may interact with Fiscal Management and our statewide systems. Thank you in advance for your time and thoughts. Email us at fiscal.documentation@cpa.texas.gov with any questions.
09/20/24 |
Annual Encumbrance Reporting Due
09/20/24 |
Automated Lapse of Unencumbered Balances
Automated Lapse of Unencumbered Balances
By Oct. 30 each year, all agencies must lapse appropriation balances above the amount needed to satisfy any outstanding binding encumbrances and/or payables. (The recommended due date for GR consolidated agencies is Sept. 30.) The Comptroller’s office must lapse all unencumbered nonconstruction appropriation balances for past appropriation years each Nov. 1. An automatic lapse program will run in USAS as early as the Nov. 1 nightly cycle. Agencies must review appropriation balances for accuracy before the lapse process. See Reviewing Appropriation Balances Prior to UB or Lapsing in APS 018 for full details.
09/06/24 |
RTIs for Fiscal 2025 Unemployment Compensation Reimbursements
08/30/24 |
Higher Education USAS/ABEST Reconciliation Deadline
08/23/24 |
Hotel Occupancy Tax Refund Reports
08/23/24 |
Reminder – Salary Supplement Report Due
08/16/24 |
RTI End Dates
RTI End Dates
For recurring transaction indexes (RTIs) used during the interagency reconciliation process for the AFR, users should either leave the EFF END DATE field blank, or enter a date of Sept. 27 or later in that field on the Recurring Transaction Profile (55) screen. Interagency transaction vouchers (ITVs) must process successfully during the interagency reconciliation process for the AFR. An RTI (receiving) agency that sets an effective end date on the 55 profile will prevent a transaction (paying) agency from processing any ITVs past that end date. Agencies should leave the effective end dates on RTIs blank unless there is an explicit need to include one. See RTI Tables for Interfund/Interagency Transactions and the ITV/RTI Process USAS FAQs for more information.
08/09/24 |
Reminder – Quarterly GR Reimbursement Due for Statewide Allocated Costs
08/09/24 |
Reminder – Systems Unavailable During Year-End Close
07/26/24 |
Accounting Policy Meeting
Accounting Policy Meeting
An accounting policy meeting regarding the SPA threshold increase, LeaseQuery, new USAS general ledger accounts and General Revenue Reconciliation updates will be held Aug. 15, 10 a.m. – noon. Attend the presentation in person or online (via webinar). See the Accounting Policy Meetings page for more information. Note: For the webinar, use Google Chrome as the internet browser to avoid Webex compatibility issues.
07/19/24 |
Outstanding Warrants Void Aug. 30
07/19/24 |
Salary Supplement Report Due
07/12/24 |
Super Security Delete Request Form Change
07/12/24 |
Accounting Policy Meeting
Accounting Policy Meeting
An accounting policy meeting will be held July 18, 10 a.m. – noon. Attend the presentation in person or via online webinar. See the Accounting Policy Meetings page for more information. Note: For the webinar, use Google Chrome as the internet browser to avoid Webex compatibility issues.
07/12/24 |
Earned Federal Funds Collections
07/12/24 |
Reminder – Quarterly GR Reimbursement Due for Statewide Allocated Costs
07/12/24 |
Reminder – USAS Budget Entries and Appropriation Schedules Due
06/28/24 |
Fiscal Year-End Close Schedule
06/28/24 |
USAS and CAPPS Financials Year-End Process
06/28/24 |
Reminder – Certification Due for Certain USAS Balances
Reminder – Certification Due for Certain USAS Balances
To ensure correct fiscal year-end USAS balances for imprest, petty cash and travel advance accounts, agencies authorized to maintain these accounts must certify that USAS balances and agency computed balances (cash plus outstanding reimbursements) agree. Only cash accounts with balances created with funds from the state treasury are subject to this requirement. Certification is due July 5. All corrections must be entered in USAS by July 19. See USAS Balances for Imprest, Petty Cash and Travel Advance Accounts (FPP A.045) for more information, including how to request access to the Petty Cash Certification web application and complete the forms.
06/21/24 |
USAS Budget Entries and Appropriation Schedules
06/21/24 |
Current Forms Always Available on FMX
Current Forms Always Available on FMX
Check the Forms page on FMX to ensure you use the current version. Previously downloaded forms might be outdated. The top of every FMX page has a link to the Forms page. Topic pages such as Appropriations and Payment Services link to their specific forms on the Forms page. Note: Payment Services forms on FMX are secured and require login to prevent unauthorized users from accessing them and submitting them to state agencies. If it is necessary for your agency to maintain any of these forms on your website, ensure the forms require login and that you are using the most current version.
06/14/24 |
Reminder – Statewide Cost Allocation Forms Due
06/07/24 |
Certification Due for Certain USAS Balances
Certification Due for Certain USAS Balances
To ensure correct fiscal year-end USAS balances for imprest, petty cash and travel advance accounts, agencies authorized to maintain these accounts must certify that USAS balances and agency computed balances (cash plus outstanding reimbursements) agree. Only cash accounts with balances created with funds from the state treasury are subject to this requirement. The certification is due July 5. All corrections must be entered in USAS by July 19. See USAS Balances for Imprest, Petty Cash and Travel Advance Accounts (FPP A.045) for more information, including how to request access to the Petty Cash Certification web application and complete the forms.
05/31/24 |
Accounting Policy Meeting
Accounting Policy Meeting
An accounting policy meeting regarding the GR reconciliation process and updates for the state pass-through, SEFA and financial reporting processes will be held June 13, 10 a.m. – noon. Attend the presentation in person or online (via webinar): - Attend in person: Barbara Jordan Building, Room 2.034, 1601 Congress Ave., Austin, Texas 78701.
- Attend the webinar: See Accounting Policy Meetings to register.
See the Accounting Policy Meetings page for more information, including: - Agenda (available one week before the meeting).
- Meeting materials (available the day before the meeting).
- Q&As (available two or three weeks after the webinar).
Note: For the webinar, use Google Chrome as the internet browser to avoid Webex compatibility issues.
05/24/24 |
USAS Profile Rollover to FY/AY25
05/24/24 |
USAS Profile Review and Cleanup Reports
USAS Profile Review and Cleanup Reports
To prepare for the June 22, 2024, rollover to fiscal 2025, the Comptroller’s office will transmit USAS Profile Review and Cleanup Reports to agencies June 1 – 21. The reports: - Help agencies review certain USAS profiles and make necessary changes before the June 22 rollover.
- Allow review of transaction entries, appropriation and USAS balances to prepare for fiscal year-end.
- Include USAS data through the previous business day.
Contact your agency’s financial reporting analyst with report questions. Contact the Comptroller’s help desk at (512) 463-HELP (4357) if you need retransmission of the reports. See USAS Profile Review and Cleanup Procedures (FPP A.031) for more information.
05/24/24 |
Payables and Binding Encumbrances Due
05/24/24 |
Reminder – Statewide Cost Allocation Worksheet and Forms Due
05/10/24 |
SWCAP Worksheet and Forms Due
05/10/24 |
Appropriation Information Management Report Changes
05/03/24 |
Deadline to Request Unclaimed Funds
Deadline to Request Unclaimed Funds
Unclaimed property transferred to the state includes property that might belong to state agencies or institutions of higher education. Money not claimed by May 31 will be deposited into unappropriated general revenue. See Unclaimed Property Annual Notification for more information, including contact information for the Comptroller’s Unclaimed Property Division.
05/03/24 |
Accounting Policy Meeting
Accounting Policy Meeting
An accounting policy meeting regarding shared funds, USAS profile rollover and GASB 99/GASB 100 will be held May 15, 10 a.m. – noon. Attend the presentation in person or online (via webinar): - Attend in person at: Barbara Jordan Building, Room 2.034, 1601 Congress Ave., Austin, Texas 78701.
- Attend the webinar: see Accounting Policy Meetings to register.
See the Accounting Policy Meetings page for more information, including: - Agenda (available one week before the meeting).
- Meeting materials (available the day before the meeting).
- Q&As (available two or three weeks after the webinar).
Note: For the webinar, use Google Chrome as the internet browser to avoid Webex compatibility issues.
04/19/24 |
GAA Book Available
03/28/24 |
State Grant Requirement
03/28/24 |
Accounting Policy Meeting
Accounting Policy Meeting
An accounting policy meeting regarding House Bill 4510 (Nov. 1 reporting deadline) will be held April 17, 1:30 – 3:30 p.m. Attendees can attend the presentation in person or online (webinar): - Attend in person: William B. Travis Building, Room 1-100, 1701 Congress Avenue, Austin, Texas.
- Attend the webinar: See Accounting Policy Meetings to register.
See Accounting Policy Meetings for meeting updates, including: - Agenda (available one week before the meeting).
- Meeting materials (available the day before the meeting).
- Q&As (available two or three weeks after the webinar).
Note: For the webinar, use Google Chrome as the internet browser to avoid Webex compatibility issues.
03/01/24 |
Reporting Requirements for ARPA
03/01/24 |
Payables and Binding Encumbrances Due
02/23/24 |
Encrypt Confidential Emails to Fiscal Management
02/09/24 |
Deadline to Request Unclaimed Funds
Deadline to Request Unclaimed Funds
Unclaimed property transferred to the state includes property that might belong to state agencies or institutions of higher education. Money not claimed by May 31 will be deposited into unappropriated general revenue. See Unclaimed Property Annual Notification for more information, including contact information for the Comptroller’s Unclaimed Property Division.
01/19/24 |
Updated USAS T-Code Sorts and Reference Information
01/12/24 |
Comptroller Manual of Accounts Updated
12/14/23 |
Security Alert: Avoid Email Confirmation
Security Alert: Avoid Email Confirmation
Fiscal Management urges all agencies to review and further strengthen internal processes and procedures for requesting system or security changes. To avoid security threats, it is best to validate requests by a method other than email. In the past, hackers harvested credentials such as user IDs, passwords, email addresses, etc., then used the credentials to access systems and gather data or other sensitive information. Now, hackers target the credential with the most transparency — email addresses. They hijack an email account, change the password, then use the email address to request the agency to provide sensitive information or make detrimental changes to the user’s profile, such as changing direct deposit instructions. This is what makes these hacks so dangerous. Everything about the email appears legitimate, because it is. Since the email account is compromised, the traditional strategy of training users to identify illegitimate email will not work. Only a second level of validation will ensure the instructions received were from the intended user. See Fraud Prevention Recommendations for more tips, or contact your agency’s information security office for more information and/or to discuss and implement security improvements for your agency.
11/21/23 |
Payables and Binding Encumbrances Due
11/17/23 |
GAA for 2024-25
11/17/23 |
2024 Earned Federal Funds Update
11/17/23 |
Hotel Occupancy Tax Refund Reports
11/10/23 |
2023 State of Texas Annual Cash Report
10/27/23 |
Top 10 Audit Findings
10/20/23 |
Reminder – Annual Encumbrance Certification and Automated Lapsing
10/06/23 |
SB8 Supplemental Appropriations Expiring
10/06/23 |
Reminder – Annual Encumbrance Certification and Automated Lapsing
Reminder – Annual Encumbrance Certification and Automated Lapsing
By Oct. 30 each year, state agencies and institutions of higher education must lapse appropriation balances above the level needed to satisfy outstanding binding encumbrances and/or payables. All agencies must also submit the online annual certification form by Oct. 30. (The recommended due date for GR consolidated agencies is Sept. 30 for both lapsing balances and certification submissions.) An automatic lapse program will run in USAS as early as the Nov. 1 nightly cycle to lapse all unencumbered nonconstruction appropriation balances for all past appropriation years. See Encumbrance Report and Lapsing of Appropriations (APS 018) (FPP A.019) for details.
09/28/23 |
Reminder – Complete Our Customer Service Survey by Sept. 29
09/22/23 |
Updated Check Processing Requirement
Updated Check Processing Requirement
Effective Sept. 18, the Comptroller’s Treasury Operations Division (Treasury) will no longer process deposits of a single check split into multiple D documents (known as a “split deposit”). Split deposits will fail the USAS/Treasury match process and will post to the depositing agency’s default coding block in USAS. See USAS Deposit Default Processing (FPP Q.006) for information on clearing your agency’s deposit default fund.
09/15/23 |
Fiscal Management Customer Service Survey
09/15/23 |
Automated Lapse of Unencumbered Balances
Automated Lapse of Unencumbered Balances
By Oct. 30 each year, all agencies must lapse appropriation balances above the amount needed to satisfy any outstanding binding encumbrances and/or payables. (The recommended due date for GR consolidated agencies is Sept. 30.) The Comptroller’s office must lapse all unencumbered nonconstruction appropriation balances for past appropriation years each Nov. 1. An automatic lapse program will run in USAS as early as the Nov. 1 nightly cycle. Agencies must review appropriation balances for accuracy before the lapse process. See Reviewing Appropriation Balances Prior to UB or Lapsing in APS 018 for full details.
09/15/23 |
Annual Encumbrance Reporting Due
09/08/23 |
Additional Accounting Policy Statements Updated
Additional Accounting Policy Statements Updated
The following Accounting Policy Statements (APSs) have been updated: - APS 003 – Reimbursements for Unemployment Compensation Payments
- APS 010 – Travel Advance Account and Petty Cash Account
- APS 018 – Encumbrance Report and Lapsing of Appropriations
- APS 026 – Capital Budget Rider Appropriations
- APS 027 – Accounting for Uncollectible Accounts
Review each APS to ensure compliance with the most current policies and procedures.
09/08/23 |
Comptroller Manual of Accounts Updated
09/01/23 |
University USAS/ABEST Reconciliation Deadline
08/25/23 |
Hotel Occupancy Tax Refund Reports
08/25/23 |
Reminder – Salary Supplement Report Due
08/11/23 |
88th Legislature GAA Updates
08/11/23 |
RTI End Dates
RTI End Dates
Reminder: When coding on the USAS Recurring Transaction Profile (55), do not set an effective end date until after Sept. 26 on certain recurring transaction indexes (RTIs) used during the interagency reconciliation process for the annual financial report (AFR). Interagency transaction vouchers (ITVs) must process successfully during the interagency reconciliation process for the AFR. An RTI (receiving) agency that sets an effective end date on the 55 profile will prevent a transaction (paying) agency from processing any ITV transactions past that effective end date. Agencies should leave the effective end dates on RTIs blank unless there is an explicit need to include one. See RTI Tables for Interfund/Interagency Transactions and the ITV/RTI Process USAS FAQs for more information.
08/11/23 |
Reminder – Systems Unavailable During Year-End Close
08/11/23 |
Reminder – Quarterly GR Reimbursement Due for Statewide Allocated Costs
08/04/23 |
HB 9 Supplemental Appropriations Expiring
07/28/23 |
Proceeds From the Sale of Surplus Property
07/28/23 |
Accounting Policy Webinar
Accounting Policy Webinar
An accounting policy webinar will be held Aug. 17, 2–4 p.m. See the Accounting Policy Meetings page for the webinar registration. Future updates for the Aug. 17 meeting will include: - Meeting materials (available the day before the meeting)
- Q&As (available two or three weeks after the webinar)
Note: For the webinar, use Google Chrome as the internet browser to avoid Webex compatibility issues.
07/21/23 |
Outstanding Warrants Void Aug. 31
07/21/23 |
Salary Supplement Report Due
07/14/23 |
Limits on New Accounts, Funds and Revenue Dedications
07/14/23 |
Updates to Comptroller Manual of Accounts
07/14/23 |
Reminder – Quarterly GR Reimbursement Due for Statewide Allocated Costs
07/07/23 |
2023 Earned Federal Funds Collections Reminder
07/07/23 |
Accounting Policy Webinar
Accounting Policy Webinar
An accounting policy webinar will be held July 20, 2 – 4 p.m. See the Accounting Policy Meetings page for the webinar registration. Future updates for the July 20 meeting will include: - Meeting materials (available the day before the meeting)
- Q&As (available two or three weeks after the webinar)
Note: For the webinar, use Google Chrome as the internet browser to avoid Webex compatibility issues.
07/07/23 |
Reminder – USAS Budget Entries and Appropriation Schedules Due
06/30/23 |
Fiscal Year-End Close Schedule
06/30/23 |
USAS and CAPPS Financials Year-End Process
06/26/23 |
SB 30 Supplemental Appropriation and Reduction Transactions Due
06/23/23 |
Salary Increase Information Available
06/23/23 |
Reminder – Certification Due for Certain USAS Balances
Reminder – Certification Due for Certain USAS Balances
To ensure correct fiscal year-end USAS balances for imprest, petty cash and travel advance accounts, agencies authorized to maintain these accounts must certify that USAS balances and agency computed balances (cash plus outstanding reimbursements) agree. Only cash accounts with balances created with funds from the state’s treasury are subject to this requirement. The certification is due July 7. All corrections must be entered in USAS by July 21. See USAS Balances for Imprest, Petty Cash and Travel Advance Accounts (FPP A.045) for more information, including how to request access to the Petty Cash Certification web application and complete the forms.
06/16/23 |
USAS Budget Entries and Appropriation Schedules Deadline
06/16/23 |
Reminder – Statewide Cost Allocation Forms Due
06/09/23 |
Certification Due for Certain USAS Balances
Certification Due for Certain USAS Balances
To ensure correct fiscal year-end USAS balances for imprest, petty cash and travel advance accounts, agencies authorized to maintain these accounts must certify that USAS balances and agency computed balances (cash plus outstanding reimbursements) agree. Only cash accounts with balances created with funds from the state’s treasury are subject to this requirement. The certification is due July 7. All corrections must be entered in USAS by July 21. See USAS Balances for Imprest, Petty Cash and Travel Advance Accounts (FPP A.045) for more information, including how to request access to the Petty Cash Certification web application and complete the forms.
05/26/23 |
USAS Profile Rollover to FY/AY24
05/26/23 |
USAS Profile Review and Cleanup Reports
USAS Profile Review and Cleanup Reports
To prepare for the June 17, 2023, rollover to fiscal 2024, the Comptroller’s office will transmit USAS Profile Review and Cleanup Reports to agencies June 1–15. The reports: - Help agencies review certain USAS profiles and make necessary changes before the June 17 rollover.
- Allow review of transaction entries, appropriation and USAS balances to prepare for fiscal year-end.
- Include USAS data through the previous business day.
Contact your agency’s financial reporting analyst with report questions. Contact the Comptroller’s help desk at (512) 463-HELP (4357) if you need retransmission of the reports. See USAS Profile Review and Cleanup Procedures (FPP A.031) for more information.
05/26/23 |
Review USAS IT File Daily
05/26/23 |
Reminder – Payables and Binding Encumbrances Due
05/19/23 |
Current Forms Always Available on FMX
Current Forms Always Available on FMX
Check the Forms page on FMX to ensure you use the current version. Previously downloaded forms might be outdated. The top of every FMX page has a link to the Forms page. Topic pages (such as Appropriations and Payment Services link to their specific forms on the Forms page. Note: Payment Services forms on FMX are secured and require login to prevent unauthorized users from accessing them and submitting them to state agencies. If it is necessary to maintain any of these forms on your agency’s website, ensure the forms require login and are the most current version.
05/19/23 |
Reminder – SWCAP Worksheet and Forms Due
05/12/23 |
Interest Earned From ARPA Balances
05/05/23 |
SWCAP Worksheet and Forms Due
05/04/23 |
HB 2 Supplemental Appropriations Expiring
HB 2 Supplemental Appropriations Expiring
Agencies with supplemental appropriations made by House Bill 2, 87th Legislature, Regular Session must encumber or accrue obligated funds by June 17 in USAS with an effective date of May 31 to allow expenditure over the next two fiscal years. Any balances not encumbered or accrued will lapse. Contact your appropriation control officer with questions.
05/04/23 |
Reminder – Deadline to Request Unclaimed Funds
03/03/23 |
Statewide Cost Allocation Billing Delayed
Statewide Cost Allocation Billing Delayed
The Comptroller’s office bills agencies for their portion of statewide costs using the statewide allocated costs and billing procedures prescribed by the governor’s office. Agencies indicate the basis for allocating statewide costs and use that basis to distribute their statewide costs among sources of funding on the statewide cost allocation worksheet. The Fiscal 2022 Statewide Cost Allocation Summary of Fixed Costs by Agency provided by the governor's office is delayed beyond the usual first-quarter deadline. When that data is available, the Comptroller’s office will issue separate guidance, including new deadlines. See General Revenue Reimbursement for Statewide Allocated Costs (FPP A.022) for complete information including contacts, instructions, forms and worksheet.
03/03/23 |
Reminder – Payables and Binding Encumbrances Due
02/24/23 |
Encrypt Confidential Emails to Fiscal Management
02/03/23 |
Updated USAS T-Code Sorts and Reference Information
02/03/23 |
Reminder – Deadline to Request Unclaimed Funds
01/20/23 |
Deadline to Request Unclaimed Funds
Deadline to Request Unclaimed Funds
Unclaimed property transferred to the state includes property that might belong to state agencies or institutions of higher education. Money not claimed by May 31 will be deposited into unappropriated general revenue. See Unclaimed Property Annual Notification for more information, including contact information for the Comptroller’s Unclaimed Property Division.
01/13/23 |
Biennial Revenue Estimate
12/30/22 |
Current Forms Always Available on FMX
12/09/22 |
Top 10 Audit Findings
12/02/22 |
Reminder – Local Funds Reporting Requirements Due
11/28/22 |
Payables and Binding Encumbrances Due
Payables and Binding Encumbrances Due
State agencies and institutions of higher education must report payables and binding encumbrances for first-quarter fiscal 2023 appropriations by Dec. 30 to the Comptroller’s office. Quarterly certification must be entered in the online form. See Important Dates in the Reporting Guidelines of Encumbrance Report and Lapsing of Appropriations (APS 018) (FPP A.019) for more information.
11/18/22 |
Hotel Occupancy Tax Refund Reports
11/18/22 |
Reminder – Local Funds Reporting Requirements Due
11/10/22 |
2022 State of Texas Annual Cash Report
11/10/22 |
Local Funds Reporting Requirements Due
10/28/22 |
Benefits Proportional by Method of Finance Reports Due
Benefits Proportional by Method of Finance Reports Due
State agencies and institutions of higher education are required to ensure payments of benefit costs are proportional to the agency's or institution’s method of finance, unless another legal provision prohibits proportionality. Benefits Proportional by Method of Finance Reports and related adjustments are due Nov. 19. Agencies and institutions funded with a single method of finance must submit a letter confirming this status by Nov. 19. See Benefits Proportional by Method of Finance (APS 011) (FPP A.010) for more information, including forms and sample letters.
10/21/22 |
Reminder – Annual Encumbrance Certification and Automated Lapsing
10/07/22 |
Reminder – Annual Encumbrance Certification and Automated Lapsing
Reminder – Annual Encumbrance Certification and Automated Lapsing
By Oct. 30 each year, state agencies and institutions of higher education must lapse appropriation balances above the level needed to satisfy outstanding binding encumbrances and/or payables. All agencies must also submit the online annual certification form by Oct. 30. (Sept. 30 is the recommended due date for GR consolidated to lapse appropriation balances and submit annual certifications.) An automatic lapse program will run in USAS as early as the Nov. 1 nightly cycle to lapse all unencumbered nonconstruction appropriation balances for all prior appropriation years. See Encumbrance Report and Lapsing of Appropriations (APS 018) (FPP A.019) for details.
09/23/22 |
Reminder – Fiscal Management Customer Service Survey
09/16/22 |
2022 Fiscal Management Customer Service Survey
09/16/22 |
Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act Policy Updates
09/16/22 |
Annual Encumbrance Reporting Due
09/16/22 |
Automated Lapse of Unencumbered Balances
Automated Lapse of Unencumbered Balances
By Oct. 30 each year, all agencies must lapse appropriation balances above the amount needed to satisfy outstanding binding encumbrances and/or payables. (The recommended due date for GR consolidated agencies is Sept. 30.) The Comptroller’s office must lapse all unencumbered nonconstruction appropriation balances for prior appropriation years each Nov. 1. An automatic lapse program will run in USAS as early as the Nov. 1 nightly cycle. Agencies must review appropriation balances for accuracy before the lapse process. See Reviewing Appropriation Balances Prior to UB or Lapsing in APS 018 for details.
09/09/22 |
RTIs for Fiscal 2023 Unemployment Compensation Reimbursements
09/02/22 |
Higher Ed USAS/ABEST Reconciliation Deadline
08/26/22 |
Hotel Occupancy Tax Refund Reports
08/19/22 |
Reminder – Quarterly GR Reimbursement Due for Statewide Allocated Costs
08/12/22 |
RTI End Dates
RTI End Dates
Reminder: when coding on the USAS Recurring Transaction Profile (55), do not set an effective end date until after Sept. 26 on certain recurring transaction indexes (RTIs) used during the interagency reconciliation process for the annual financial report (AFR). Interagency transaction vouchers (ITVs) must process successfully during the interagency reconciliation process for the AFR. An RTI (receiving) agency that sets an effective end date on the 55 profile will prevent a transaction (paying) agency from processing any ITV transactions past that effective end date. Agencies should leave the effective end dates on RTIs blank unless there is an explicit need to include one. See RTI Tables for Interfund/Interagency Transactions and the ITV/RTI Process USAS FAQs for more information.
08/12/22 |
Reminder – Systems Unavailable During Year-End Close
07/29/22 |
Accounting Policy Webinar
Accounting Policy Webinar
An accounting policy webinar will be held Aug. 18, 2–4 p.m. See the Accounting Policy Meetings page for the webinar registration. The Aug. 17 meeting page will also be updated with: - Agenda and meeting materials (available the day before the meeting).
- Q&As (available two to three weeks after the webinar).
Note: Use Google Chrome as the internet browser to avoid Webex compatibility issues.
07/22/22 |
Outstanding Warrants Void Aug. 31
07/11/22 |
2022 Earned Federal Funds Collections
07/11/22 |
Reminder – USAS Budget Entries and Appropriation Schedules Due
07/01/22 |
Fiscal Year-End Close Schedule
07/01/22 |
USAS and CAPPS Financials Year-End Process
06/24/22 |
Accounting Policy Webinar
Accounting Policy Webinar
An accounting policy webinar will be held July 27, 2 – 4 p.m. See the Accounting Policy Meetings page for the webinar registration. The July 27 meeting page will also be updated with: - Agenda and meeting materials (available the day before the meeting).
- Q&As (available two or three weeks after the webinar).
Note: Use Google Chrome as the internet browser to avoid Webex compatibility issues.
06/24/22 |
Reminder – Certification of USAS Balances for Imprest, Petty Cash and Travel Advance Accounts Due
06/17/22 |
USAS Budget Entries and Appropriation Schedules Due
06/17/22 |
Reminder – Quarterly GR Reimbursement Due for Statewide Allocated Costs
06/10/22 |
Certification of USAS Balances for Imprest, Petty Cash and Travel Advance Accounts Due
05/31/22 |
USAS Profile Review, Cleanup and Rollover to FY23
USAS Profile Review, Cleanup and Rollover to FY23
USAS Profile Review and Cleanup ReportsTo prepare for the June 18, 2022, rollover to fiscal 2023, the Comptroller’s office will transmit USAS Profile Review and Cleanup Reports to agencies June 3 - 16. The reports: - Help agencies review certain USAS profiles so necessary changes are made before the June 18 rollover.
- Allow review of transaction entries, appropriation and USAS balances to prepare for fiscal year end.
- Include USAS data through the previous business day.
Contact your financial reporting analyst with report questions. Contact the Comptroller’s help desk at (512) 463-HELP (4357) if you need retransmission of the reports. See USAS Profile Review and Cleanup Procedures (FPP A.031) for more information. USAS Profile Rollover to FY/AY23The annual USAS profile rollover occurs June 18. The process automatically creates new profiles for fiscal year (FY) and appropriation year (AY) 2023, based on existing FY22 and AY22 profiles. See USAS Profile Rollover (FPP Q.007) for more information.
05/31/22 |
Review USAS IT File Daily
05/31/22 |
Reminder – Payables and Binding Encumbrances Due
05/06/22 |
Reminder – Deadline to Request Unclaimed Funds
04/22/22 |
Coronavirus State Fiscal Recovery Fund
04/22/22 |
Reporting Requirements for ARPA
Reporting Requirements for ARPA
For federal relief funds authorized by ARPA (HR 1319) deposited to the state’s treasury before the adjournment of the 87th Legislature, Regular Session, the Comptroller has established Appropriation 21319 for all revenue and expenditure activity relating to these funds. Contact your appropriation control officer (ACO) to request activation of Appropriation 21319. For federal relief funds authorized by ARPA, or similar legislation, and deposited to the state’s treasury after the adjournment of the 87th Legislature, Regular Session, refer to Processing Supplemental Appropriations and Reductions (FPP A.047). See Coronavirus Relief of 2020 Federal Funding Accounting Policy for the State of Texas (FPP A.048) for more information.
04/22/22 |
Reminder – Quarterly GR Reimbursement Due for Statewide Allocated Costs
03/25/22 |
Petty Cash Account Procedures Updated
03/18/22 |
Encrypt Confidential Emails to Fiscal Management
03/18/22 |
Reminder – Quarterly GR Reimbursement Due for Statewide Allocated Costs