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USAS Internal Transaction File Maintenance and Super Security Delete Process

Issued: Feb. 14, 2001
Updated: July 12, 2024 – View Changes

FPP Q.001


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Super Security Delete Request form (73-310)


Contact your agency’s appropriation control officer with general USAS questions.

Contact with questions on super security deletes.


Applicable to

State agencies and institutions of higher education.


The Uniform Statewide Accounting System (USAS) Internal Transaction (IT) File is a temporary file used to store transactions while they are being processed. This includes transactions awaiting:

  • Release
  • Oversight approval
  • Error correction
  • Rebalancing
  • Future dates

State agencies and institutions of higher education should review IT File transactions daily and complete the maintenance necessary to keep the file current. This helps:

  • Improve online response time.
  • Reduce nightly processing cycle time.
  • Agencies ensure payments are generated on time.
Changes to This Document
Date Updates
07/12/2024 Updated Super Security Delete (SSD) Process subsection
05/26/2023 Added Review USAS Frequently Asked Questions subsection
05/27/2022 Added instructions: Review USAS 530 Screen, Review Control DAFRs, Changing or deleting transactions, H-N-4, H-Y-4 or P-N-4 batches, Processing empty batch headers.