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USAS Internal Transaction File Maintenance and Super Security Delete Process

FPP Q.001

Review Control Detailed Accounting Financial Reports (DAFRs)

Several control DAFRs generated after each USAS cycle help identify transaction statuses and errors.

  • DAFR for reviewing batches submitted via INREC file to USAS by external systems:
    • Batch/Document Processing Summary (DAFR2021) – Displays the processing status of INRECS submitted to USAS from another accounting system, including CAPPS-Financials. This report identifies if a batch and/or document was accepted or rejected for processing in USAS.

      Common messages appearing in the STATUS column of this report:

      • PROCESSED – The batch and document passed the general edits.
      • HELDBATCH NOT RELEASED – The batch was held due to the batch not being pre-released.
      • REJNO VALID TRANS – The batch header/document header was rejected due to no valid transactions received.
      • REJNO BATCH HEADER – The batch was rejected due to no valid batch header received.
      • REJBATCH ID NOT UNIQUE – The batch was rejected because the batch ID was previously used.

        Note: A batch ID can never be reused, even if the batch was subsequently deleted after being created.

      • HELDBATCH OUT OF BALANCE – The batch was held due to batch amounts being out of balance.
      • REJDOC ID NOT UNIQUE – The document header was rejected because the document ID was processed in a previous nightly batch cycle.
      • REJNO DOCUMENT HEADER – The document was rejected due to no valid document header received.
      • HELDDOC OUT OF BALANCE – The batch was held due to document amounts being out of balance.
      • HELDREIMBURSEMENTS OOB – The sum of the detail transaction amounts in a reimbursement/third-party document does not equal the summary transaction amount within the document.
      • REJDUPLICATE DOC HDR – The document was rejected because the document header was entered twice within the same nightly batch cycle.
      • REJDUPLICATE BATCH HEADER – The batch was rejected because the batch header was entered twice within the same nightly batch cycle.
      • HELDDUP REIMB SUMMARY – The batch was held because a document within the batch contained more than one reimbursement summary T-code.
      • HELDTREASURY CASH OOB – For journal vouchers (document types J and K), the net of the transactions posting to cash does not equal zero within a document.
      • REJNO TXNS FOR DOC HDR – The document was rejected because no transactions were received for a given document header.
      • HELDAGL OUT OF BALANCE – The batch was held because the AGLs are out of balance within the document.
  • DAFR for reviewing funding and data element errors (unposted transactions):
    • Agency Batch Error Report (DAFR2151) – Displays transactions with funding and/or data-related errors detected during the nightly USAS cycle, including failed system-generated interest transactions. For a detailed explanation of error codes displayed in the ERRORS column of the report:
      1. Navigate to the News/Help Table (90) screen.
      2. Enter the three-character error code in the KEYWORD field.
      3. Press Enter.
  • DAFRs for reviewing batches remaining on the IT file after cycle:
    • USAS Transaction Aging Report (DAFR2221) – Displays outstanding batches and each batch’s processing status.
    • USAS IT Status Report (DAFR3331) – Displays documents in date order with errors detected by the nightly USAS cycles, including funding errors, data element errors and documents requiring approval.
  • DAFRs for reviewing payment processing errors:
    • Payment Error Comparison Report (DAFR3521) – Displays payment processing errors such as payments not generated due to future payment due dates or fatal funding errors.
    • Transactions Cancelled for Negative Balances (DAFR3601) – Displays transactions that were cancelled (not paid and remaining on the IT file) due to a negative payment balance. A payment cannot be generated for a negative amount. Therefore, if the net total payment amount for a vendor is negative, the payment cannot be generated.
    • Fund Control Errors Occurring During Pmt Processing (DAFR3631) – Displays transactions in which funding errors, vendor errors, and/or document errors were detected during the payment processing cycle. These errors prevented the payments from generating for these transactions.

DAFRs are included in the report files created after each USAS cycle. Agency technical staff can retrieve the report files from the Comptroller mainframe server daily. For additional information, see Requirements for Transmitting Comptroller Information Over Public Networks and Downloading Mainframe Reports Using Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP) (FPP N.007) (login required).