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USPS Process Guide
Chapter 4: Employee Maintenance –

HMPHR – Changing Hazardous Duty Status and Information

Screen: HMPHR
Prerequisites: Updated HNPU1 (depending on create position switch on H0CUS).

Note: Only agencies authorized to pay hazardous duty can perform the action.

Step Action
1 Access HMPHR using all three key fields.
2 Enter R or I in the SUBCOMMAND field.
3 Enter the following fields as required:
POS (Key)
PREV POS (Required if changing position numbers)
Enter the employee’s previous position number.
ASSIGN DT (Required if changing position records)

Enter the date the employee is assigned to the position. This date must be equal to or later than the position’s effective date.

Note: If the CREATE/UPDATE HNP flag is set to C on this screen, then you must enter the assignment date. If the position number is not changing and the CREATE/UPDATE HNP flag is set to U, then the pay change date must be entered. Online system edits will guide your use of the date fields.

NON PAY CHG DT (Optional)
The effective date of the location/ext location change. This field is required if the employee is not changing position records (CREATE/UPDATE HNP flag is U).
REASON CD/EXT (Required/Optional)

In the first area of this field, enter 038 (Descriptive Data change).

The second area of this field is a agency-defined, four-digit extended reason code (optional) to further define the reason for the location/ext location code change. An agency-specific Decode Table 987 must be established to use area of this field.

LOC/EXT (Required/Optional)

The first area of this field identifies the location of the position. Establish valid locations on HNJU1.

The second area of this field is a user-defined value to provide a further breakdown of the location code. Establish valid extended locations on HMJU1.

HAZ DTY IND (Required)
Enter a value to indicate the hazardous duty pay eligibility.
N Employee is not a Certified Peace Officer and not eligible for hazardous duty pay.
Y Employee is a Certified Peace Officer and is eligible for hazardous duty pay.
8 Employee is not a Certified Peace Officer but is eligible for hazardous duty pay (TYC and TABC).
9 Employee is a Certified Peace Officer but is not eligible for hazardous duty pay.
CREATE POS (Required)

This switch determines whether a new HNPU1 position record is automatically created during this process or if the position record must be set up prior to this action. If the create position switch at the agency level (on H0CUS) is 1, the switch defaults to protected S (see values below) and the HMPHR process automatically creates the position. You may, however, use the CREATE/UPDATE HNP field to prevent HMPHR from automatically creating a position.

If the create position switch on H0CUS is 4, the switch defaults to a protected N. When a position change is required, the new position must be set up prior to the HMPHR process. When a position change is not required, the CREATE/UPDATE HNP field may be used to update the existing position record.

S Use the pay information entered on HMPHR to create the budgeted pay amount on the new position record.
N Do not create the position automatically. The user has manually created the new position record prior to this personnel action.
The date you want the vacated position to be inactivated.

Enter a value to determine whether the employee will be moved to a new position record even though USPS may not require a new position record.

If your H0CUS create position switch is 1, the new position record may be automatically created during the processing of the personnel action. If your H0CUS create position switch is 4, the new position record must be manually created by the user prior to the personnel action. In either case, a value of C in the field lets the system know that the employee will move to the new position record. The new position record may have the same position number or a different number than the employee’s original position.

A value of U in this field lets the system know that the existing position record should be used and it’s information updated. If a value of U is used, budgeted pay information on the position record is never updated. Instead, the system updates actual assignment information written to the HNP for display purposes. System messages warn you if the update of actuals will result in an underfill or overfill situation.

C Move the employee to a different position record that the system or user has created.
U Leave the employee in the current position record, cancel automated position creation (if used), and only update information on the existing HNP.
4 Press Enter to process the transaction.