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USPS Process Guide
Chapter 4: Employee Maintenance –

HMPFX – Changing Information for a New Hire, Rehire, or Interagency Transfer

Screen: HMPFX
Prerequisites: HMPHR

Note: The assignment date and reason code may be changed only for new hires/rehires (reason code 010) or transfers (reason code 12 or LEG). An assignment date may not be changed to date earlier than the month before the current calendar month and must stay in the same fiscal year as the original assignment date. This action will cause an entry to be created on HNXU1 and HNXAT.

Step Action
1 Access HMPFX.
2 Enter the following fields as required:
ASSIGN DT (Required)
Enter the employment date in this format MM/DD/YYYY. If the position existed before the employee was hired/rehired or transferred then the employment date must be the same or later than the position’s effective date.
HNP SW (Required)
Enter a value that determine the appropriate HNP row to use when the employment date (ASSIGN DT) or POSITION changes.
S The assignment stays in the same HNP row
V The assignment moves to the most current vacant HNP row
D The assignment moves to the HNP row with the effective date the same as the new employment date

Note: This field is not displayed for agencies where positions are automatically created by a personnel action entered on HMPNH/HMPHR screens (H0CUS create position = 1).

Determines whether the HNP used will have its budgeted information changed to the actual information of the assignment.
Y Change the HNP budgeted values to match the HMP assignment actual values.
N Do not change the HNP budgeted values to match the HMP assignment actual values.

Note: This field is displayed only for agencies that allow underfill/overfill situations on personnel actions (H0CUS create position = 4). If the position has actual expenditures or a last paid date, and the HMPFX results in a change in pay, then the budget amount is recalculated as of the effective date of the position record through the end of the FY or the position inactive date. The projected expenditures are recalculated using the actual pay as of the last paid date plus one day through the end of the FY or the position inactive date.

REASON CD/EXT (Required/Optional)
Enter the HRIS reason code and/or agency-defined extended reason code indicating whether the employee is a new hire, rehire or interagency transfer.
010 Newly hired or rehired after a break in state service

The following values are valid for interagency transfers only:

012 Interagency transfer in
LEG Legislatively mandated interagency transfer
ORG CODE (Required)
Enter the organization (ORG) code of the position.
PCA/PCT (Required)

In the first area of this field, enter P (PCA), I (index) or A (agency-defined) followed by a valid five-digit USAS cost code. If the employee is paid out of multiple PCA or index codes for an assignment, enter additional labor codes on the Position Labor Distribution (HO2U1) screen.

In the second area of this field, enter the percentage of the employee’s salary that will be charged to that employee’s primary labor code. If the percentage is not 100 percent, enter the remaining labor codes and percentages on the HO2U1 screen to total 100 percent.

LOC/EXT (Required/Optional)

In the first area of the field, enter the location code.

In the second area of the field, enter the extended location code as established on the Extended Location Table (HMJU1) screen.

JOB CLS/TITLE (Required)

In the first area of this field, enter the job classification code.

The second area of this field displays the job class title.

CARD (Optional)
Represents the schedule card value established on the Job Schedules (HPSJS) screen. If left blank, it is assumed the employee is on a regular eight-hour-per-day, five-day-per-week schedule.

In the first area of this field, enter the functional job class code. The functional job class code is defined on the Functional Job Class Table (HMLU1) screen.

The second area of this field displays the functional job class title that you established on the HMLU1 screen.

GRP/STP (Display/Required or Optional)

The first area of this field displays the actual pay group for the employee’s current position.

The second area of this field may contain a value depending on the group displayed:

If the group displayed in GRP is… Do this…
You are required to enter a value (01–05) in STP indicating the pay step.
You are required to enter a value (01–99) in STP indicating the pay step. (You must have previously defined your agency’s pay steps on the Pay Table (H7SLS) screen.)
You are required to enter a value (01–99) in STP indicating the pay step. (You must have previously defined your agency’s pay steps on the Pay Table (H7SLS) screen.)
SAL (Required for salaried employees only)
Enter the salary the employee is being paid. If you entered a value in the STP (PAY STEP) portion of the table to represent a pay step in the GRP/STP field, you do not need to enter the salary.
RATE (Required for hourly employees only)

Enter the hourly rate the employee is being paid.

Note: You are required to complete either the SAL field or RATE field for an assignment without a pay step, or an assignment that will pay less than the amount defined by the pay step.

HRS/FTE (Required)

In the first area of the field, enter the number of hours per week the employee is scheduled to work in the position. USPS will generate the FTE.

– OR –

In the second area of the field, enter a value indicating the full-time equivalency (FTE) for this position. The FTE equals the number of hours an employee works per week divided by 40 (truncated after three decimal digits).

If… then…
an employee works 20 hours per week.

divide 20 by 40 for an FTE of 0.500 (20 ÷ 40 = 0.500)

For example, enter 0.500 for 20 hours per week; 1.000 for 40 hours per week, and so forth.

Note: If you enter the number of hours an employee is scheduled to work per week in the first part of the HRS/FTE field, USPS generates the FTE. If you enter the FTE in the second part of this field, USPS fills the hours (HRS) field. If you enter both, the system checks for consistency.

EMP TYPE (Required)
Enter a value indicating the employee type. Press F2 twice for valid values.
PAY FREQ/TYPE (Required)

In the first area of this field, enter a value indicating how often the position is paid. This value must match the value in the PAY FREQ field on the Position Table (HNPU1) screen. Press F2 for values.

In the second area of this field, enter a value indicating whether the position is paid by the hour or by salary.

1 Hourly
2 Salary (Default)
4 Part-Time (This value is used to describe former judges only.)

In the first area of this field, enter the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) eligibility status of the employee’s position. Press F2 for values.

In the second area of this field, enter the Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) category code which describes the duties the employee performs (for reporting purposes only). Press F2 for values.

HAZ IND (Required for agencies that pay hazardous duty pay.)

Enter a value indicating whether this employee is eligible for hazardous duty pay. Press F2 for values.

Note: If your agency is not eligible to pay hazardous duty pay, you can not enter values in the HAZ DTY IND field.

MSR (Required 1st character/Optional 2nd character)

In the first character of this field, enter a value indicating how the employee will be reported on management/staff ratio reports. Press F2 for values.

In the second character of this field, an additional character to track any agency defined distinctions may be entered. Valid values are 0–9, A-Z.


Enter the day of the week that the work week for this position begins (i.e., the day that the FLSA week begins).

For example, if the employee will be working from Monday through Friday, enter Monday in this field. (Payroll calculations and number of workdays in the month are based on this field.)

POS TYP (Required)
Enter a value to indicate the type of position. If no value is entered, this field defaults to STD. Press F2 for valid values.
EEO-4 (Required)
Enter a value to indicate the EEO-4 function code.
BUD UNIT (Optional)
An agency-defined code to specify a reporting group (other than organization) for budgeting and other reporting purposes.
SPVR POS (Optional)
The position number of the employee’s supervisor.
XFER AGY (Required or Optional)
Enter the Agency number of the agency from which the employee is transferring. (This field is required only if the reason code entered in the REASON CD field is 012 or LEG.)
CLAS DT (Required)
Enter the classification date (MM/DD/YYYY) for the Legislative transfer of a classified employee from a non-USPS agency (reason code LEG). For employees transferring from a USPS agency, this value defaults to the value from the old agency.
Enter the value that determines the disposition of the HNP row being vacated.
D Delete the HNP row. (D is not a valid value if the HNP row has actual expenditures.)
I Inactivate the position using the date in the HNP INACT DT field (see below).
N Vacate the position but do not set the inactive date.
HNP INACT DT (Required or Optional)
Enter the date (MM/DD/YYYY) that will be used to inactivate the position. This value is required only if I is entered in the HNP INACT/DEL SW field.
3 Press Enter to process the transaction.

Correcting Data Entry Errors on the HMPFX Screen

If… then…
a correction crosses fiscal years you may not make the correction on the HMPFX screen. (You may make corrections by entering an additional personnel action or submitting an LOA.)
you are correcting information other than the employment date (ASSIGN DT) or position number (POSITION)

the current HNP row and HNH row is updated.

For H0CUS Switch 1, corrections to the actual information (such as job class or salary rate) changes the HNP budgeted information.

For H0CUS Switch 4, the value entered in the UPDATE HNP BUDGET W/ACTUALS field (Y for yes; N for no) determines whether the budget and actuals match or whether an underfill or overfill situation exists.

you are correcting the employment date (ASSIGN DT)
  • You may change the employment date to a date in the current or previous month.
  • You may not change the employment date to a date before the first day of the previous month.
you are correcting the position number (POSITION)

enter data in all three key fields on the command line:

  • AGENCY (agency number)
  • POSITION (new or correct position number)

For H0CUS Switch 1, the new hire information from HNH displays on the HMPFX screen.

For H0CUS Switch 4, the HNP information displays on the HMPFX screen. If the new position number was previously assigned to the employee, then information from the previous assignment displays.

you are correcting the employment date (ASSIGN DT) and/or position number (POSITION) for H0CUS Switch 1

a new HNP row is generated, and the existing position record is deleted unless actual expenditures are posted to the existing position.

If actual expenditures were posted to the existing position, USPS generates a message and the employee is assigned to the new position number, but the existing position record is not deleted.

you are correcting the employment date (ASSIGN DT) and/or position number (POSITION) for H0CUS Switch 4 any HNH rows that correspond to the old position number and/or old date will be deleted, and a new HNH row will be inserted. The appropriate HNP row to use is determined by the value that is entered in the HNP SW field. Valid values are S, V or D.
If… and… then…
you are correcting the employment date (ASSIGN DT) or position number (POSITION) for H0CUS Switch 4 the employment date is changing to an earlier date the old position can be deleted or vacated with no other change.
the employment date is changing to a more recent date, and no actual expenditures or lapsed amounts have been posted for the old position the old position record can be deleted, inactivated or vacated with no other change.
the employment date is changing and the position number is not changing, and actual expenditures or lapsed amounts have been posted for the old position record the old position record must be inactivated.
the employment date is changing and the position number is not changing, and the new employment date is greater than or equal to the HNP effective date valid values for field HNP SW are S, V or D.
the employment date and the position number are changing, or only the employment date is changing but the new date is less than the old HNP effective date only the HNP SW field values of V or D are valid. (S is not a valid value.)
the employment date and position number are both changing, and actual expenditures or lapsing amounts have been posted for the old position the old position must be inactivated or vacated with no other change.
you are correcting the employment date (ASSIGN DT) or position number (POSITION) for H0CUS Switch 4 the old position is to be inactivated the inactive date must be entered in the HNP INACTIVE DATE field.
actual expenditures have been posted for the old position

the old position record cannot be deleted.

Note: For a Switch 4 agency, if the employee is moving to a different HNP row, then the edits on the HMPNH/HMPHR screens will be used.