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USPS Process Guide
Chapter 2: Applicant Tracking –

HN3U2 – Establishing Supplemental Posting Information

Screen: HN3U2
Prerequisites: HN3U1
Step Action
1 Access HN3U2.
2 Enter R in the SUBCOMMAND field to add/change information.
3 Enter the following fields as required:
Enter the identification number assigned to the posting on HN3U1.
Enter the posting effective date of the posting from HN3U1.
TITLE (Display)
Displays the functional job class title when a functional job class code has been entered on HN3U1, otherwise the job class title from H7OU1.
SHIFT (Required)
Enter the shift to be worked for this job opening.
1 First shift (begins after 4:00 a.m.) (default)
2 Second shift (begins after 12:00 noon)
3 Third shift (begins after 8:00 p.m.)
4 Rotating shift part-time)
5 Split shift (hours cross two shifts)
TYPING (Optional)

The required typing speed for the posting.

Note: If a number greater than 99 is entered and the value in the TRANSMIT POSTINGS field is Y (for upload to TWC), the information message Typing of 99 will be sent to TWC displays.

DURATION (Required)

Enter a value to indicate the duration of the job opening and whether the job is part-time or full-time.

Note: This information is needed for TWC.

1 1 to 3 days and full-time
2 4 to 150 days and full-time
3 Over 150 days and full-time (default if HN3U1 WORK HRS/WK = 40)
4 1 to 3 days and part-time
5 4 to 150 days and part-time
6 Over 150 days and part-time default if HN3U1 WORK HRS/WK < 40)
SHORTHAND (Optional)
Indicates the required shorthand speed for the posting.
Indicates the required TWC education level code for the posting.
01 First grade completed
02 Second grade completed
03 Third grade completed
04 Fourth grade completed
05 Fifth grade completed
06 Sixth grade completed
07 Seventh grade completed
08 Eighth grade completed
09 Ninth grade completed
10 Tenth grade completed
11 Eleventh grade completed
12 High school graduate or GED (default)
13 First year undergrad completed
14 Second year undergrad completed
15 Third year undergrad completed
16 Bachelor's Degree
17 Some graduate school completed
18 Master’s Degree
19 Doctoral Degree
Indicates the required driver’s license class for the posting.
A Class A
AC Class A Commercial
B Class B
BC Class B Commercial
C Class C
CC Class C Commercial
CD Class CDL
CE Class CDL & Endorsements
IC Class I.C.C.
M Class M
OTHER LICENSE 1 (Optional)
Indicates the license or certification requirement of this posting. Press F2 twice for values (Decode Table 842).
OTHER LICENSE 2 (Optional)
Indicates the license or certification requirement of this posting. Press F2 twice for values (Decode Table 842).
4 Press Enter to process the transaction.