“What’s New” for Travel
12/31/24 | Mileage Reimbursement Rate Increase Mileage Reimbursement Rate Increase
Effective Jan. 1 to Dec. 31, 2025, the maximum mileage reimbursement rate for state employee travel in a personal vehicle will increase to 70 cents per mile (up from 67 cents in 2024). This rate is consistent with the Internal Revenue Service’s standard mileage rate. See Current Rates or Mileage in Personal Vehicle in Textravel for more information. Note: State agencies may adopt an internal policy with a rate that is lower than the maximum; however, the agency must distribute the policy before its employees begin any travel under the lower rate. |
11/22/24 | Hotel Occupancy Tax Refund Reports Hotel Occupancy Tax Refund Reports
Agencies that reimburse employees for state-related hotel stays are due a refund for the associated hotel occupancy taxes. USAS automatically generates the refunds each quarter. The hotel occupancy tax refund for September through November will be available Dec. 9 on DAFR8190 and DAFR8200. See Hotel Occupancy Tax Quarterly Refund (FPP B.006) for more information. |
11/08/24 | CBA and CLIBA Payment Procedures CBA and CLIBA Payment Procedures
Entering procurement and travel card transactions in USAS or CAPPS Financials requires special considerations for timely payment reconciliation. Agencies should review the procedures for entering credit card information in the USAS and CAPPS invoice number fields as detailed in the section on central billed account (CBA) and corporate liability individual billed account (CLIBA) numbers in USAS and CAPPS Financials Invoice Number Field Requirements (FPP E.023). See Processing Third-Party Transactions in USAS for Payment/Travel Cards, Direct Bill Payments and Reimbursements (FPP A.043) (login required) for more information. Contact Expenditure Assistance with questions. |
10/25/24 | Benefits Proportional by Method of Finance Reports Due Benefits Proportional by Method of Finance Reports Due
State agencies and institutions of higher education are required to ensure payments of benefit costs are proportional to the agency’s or institution’s method of finance, unless another legal provision prohibits proportionality. Benefits Proportional by Method of Finance Reports and related adjustments are due Nov. 19. Agencies and institutions funded with a single method of finance must submit a letter confirming this status by Nov. 19. See Benefits Proportional by Method of Finance (APS 011) (FPP A.010) for more information, including forms and sample letters. |
10/11/24 | USAS and CAPPS Invoice Number and Description Fields USAS and CAPPS Invoice Number and Description Fields
State agencies and institutions of higher education may enter payment information in the invoice number and description fields on USAS and CAPPS transaction entry screens. Never enter confidential or sensitive information such as complete or partial Social Security numbers or information covered by the protected health information prohibition. See USAS and CAPPS Financials Invoice Number Field Requirements (FPP E.023) for more information and to review your agency’s procedures for compliance with field requirements. |
09/27/24 | Reminder – Take Our Customer Service Survey Reminder – Take Our Customer Service Survey
We care about what you think! Please take a moment to fill out Fiscal Management’s online customer service survey. We depend on your feedback to improve our operations and better meet your needs. The survey has three main questions that should take less than a minute to answer, plus an opportunity to provide additional feedback. You can access the survey until Friday, Oct. 4. Please share this email and survey link with any staff that may interact with Fiscal Management and our statewide systems. Thank you in advance for your time and thoughts. Email us at fiscal.documentation@cpa.texas.gov with any questions. |
08/23/24 | Hotel Occupancy Tax Refund Reports Hotel Occupancy Tax Refund Reports
Agencies that reimburse employees for state-related hotel stays are due a refund for hotel occupancy taxes. USAS automatically generates the refunds each quarter. The hotel occupancy tax refund for August will be available Sept. 9 on DAFR8190 and DAFR8200. See Hotel Occupancy Tax Quarterly Refund (FPP B.006) for more information. |
08/23/24 | Reminder – Salary Supplement Report Due Reminder – Salary Supplement Report Due
State agencies and institutions must report certain salary supplements to the Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts, the State Auditor’s office and the Secretary of State by Sept. 15. See Salary Supplements Paid From Sources Other Than Appropriated Funds (FPP F.031) for instructions and the online report form. |
07/19/24 | Outstanding Warrants Void Aug. 30 Outstanding Warrants Void Aug. 30
The Outstanding Warrants Control Report (DAFR8171) runs on the first Friday of each month (e.g., July 5 and Aug. 2). Agencies should monitor their report before warrants become void Aug. 30. See USAS Annual Close Process (FPP Q.004) for more information, including how to generate agency-customized reports via the Report Request Profile, USAS 91 screen. Also see Void Warrants. Contact your appropriation control officer with questions. |
07/19/24 | Salary Supplement Report Due Salary Supplement Report Due
State agencies and institutions must report certain salary supplements to the Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts, the State Auditor’s office and the Secretary of State by Sept. 15. See Salary Supplements Paid From Sources Other Than Appropriated Funds (FPP F.031) for instructions and the online report form. |
07/12/24 | Hotel Occupancy Tax Refund Reports Hotel Occupancy Tax Refund Reports
Agencies that reimburse employees for state-related hotel stays are due a refund for hotel occupancy taxes. USAS automatically generates the refunds each quarter. The hotel occupancy tax refund for June through July will be available Aug. 9 on DAFR8190 and DAFR8200. See Hotel Occupancy Tax Quarterly Refund (FPP B.006) for more information. |
06/28/24 | Reminder – Certification Due for Certain USAS Balances Reminder – Certification Due for Certain USAS Balances
To ensure correct fiscal year-end USAS balances for imprest, petty cash and travel advance accounts, agencies authorized to maintain these accounts must certify that USAS balances and agency computed balances (cash plus outstanding reimbursements) agree. Only cash accounts with balances created with funds from the state treasury are subject to this requirement. Certification is due July 5. All corrections must be entered in USAS by July 19. See USAS Balances for Imprest, Petty Cash and Travel Advance Accounts (FPP A.045) for more information, including how to request access to the Petty Cash Certification web application and complete the forms. |
06/21/24 | Current Forms Always Available on FMX Current Forms Always Available on FMX
Check the Forms page on FMX to ensure you use the current version. Previously downloaded forms might be outdated. The top of every FMX page has a link to the Forms page. Topic pages such as Appropriations and Payment Services link to their specific forms on the Forms page. Note: Payment Services forms on FMX are secured and require login to prevent unauthorized users from accessing them and submitting them to state agencies. If it is necessary for your agency to maintain any of these forms on your website, ensure the forms require login and that you are using the most current version. |
06/07/24 | Certification Due for Certain USAS Balances Certification Due for Certain USAS Balances
To ensure correct fiscal year-end USAS balances for imprest, petty cash and travel advance accounts, agencies authorized to maintain these accounts must certify that USAS balances and agency computed balances (cash plus outstanding reimbursements) agree. Only cash accounts with balances created with funds from the state treasury are subject to this requirement. The certification is due July 5. All corrections must be entered in USAS by July 19. See USAS Balances for Imprest, Petty Cash and Travel Advance Accounts (FPP A.045) for more information, including how to request access to the Petty Cash Certification web application and complete the forms. |
05/24/24 | Hotel Occupancy Tax Refund Reports Hotel Occupancy Tax Refund Reports
Agencies that reimburse employees for state-related hotel stays are due a refund for hotel occupancy taxes. USAS automatically generates the refunds each quarter. The hotel occupancy tax refund for March through May will be available on DAFR8190 and DAFR8200 on June 9. See Hotel Occupancy Tax Quarterly Refund (FPP B.006) for more information. |
02/23/24 | Encrypt Confidential Emails to Fiscal Management Encrypt Confidential Emails to Fiscal Management
State agencies and institutions of higher education sometimes send documents with confidential information to Fiscal Management. An unencrypted email is not a secure transmission. Agencies must send confidential information in an encrypted email or as an encrypted email attachment as prescribed by your agency’s information security policy. See Confidential Information Must Be Encrypted Before Emailing to Fiscal Management (FPP D.004) for details. |
02/16/24 | Hotel Occupancy Tax Refund Reports Hotel Occupancy Tax Refund Reports
Agencies that reimburse employees for state-related hotel stays are due a refund for hotel occupancy taxes. USAS automatically generates the refunds each quarter. The hotel occupancy tax refund for December through February will be available on DAFR8190 and DAFR8200 on March 9. See Hotel Occupancy Tax Quarterly Refund (FPP B.006) for more information. |
01/26/24 | USAS and CAPPS Confidentiality Indicator USAS and CAPPS Confidentiality Indicator
To make payment information available to the public promptly, the Comptroller’s office must be able to distinguish between confidential and nonconfidential payments. State agencies and institutions of higher education must mark confidential transactions to protect payee confidentiality, per USAS and CAPPS Confidentiality Indicator (FPP E.045). The agency or institution submitting a transaction is responsible for determining confidentiality. Transactions are legally considered public unless specifically excluded by the Public Information Act (Texas Government Code, Chapter 552). An agency or institution that marks a transaction as confidential should be prepared to cite the law or attorney general opinion that excludes the payment from public disclosure. |
01/12/24 | Comptroller Manual of Accounts Updated Comptroller Manual of Accounts Updated
Effective Jan. 1, substantive changes have been made to the Texas Comptroller Manual of Accounts (FPP Q.009), reflecting legislation passed by the 88th Legislature, Regular Session, and resulting from the Nov. 7, 2023, election for Texas constitutional amendments. The Manual of Accounts provides current information on state agencies, appropriated funds, and accounts and object codes for recording accounting transactions. |
01/05/24 | Reminder – Mileage Reimbursement Rate Increase Reminder – Mileage Reimbursement Rate Increase
Effective Jan. 1 to Dec. 31, 2024, the maximum mileage reimbursement rate for state employee travel in a personal vehicle has increased to 67 cents per mile (up from 65.5 cents in 2023). This rate is consistent with the Internal Revenue Service’s standard mileage rate. See Current Rates and Transportation: Mileage in Personal Vehicle in Textravel for more information. |
12/22/23 | Mileage Reimbursement Rate Increase Mileage Reimbursement Rate Increase
Effective Jan. 1 to Dec. 31, 2024, the maximum mileage reimbursement rate for state employee travel in a personal vehicle will increase to 67 cents per mile (up from 65.5 cents in 2023). This rate is consistent with the Internal Revenue Service’s standard mileage rate. See Current Rates or Transportation: Mileage in Personal Vehicle in Textravel for more information. Note: State agencies may adopt an internal policy with a rate that is lower than the maximum; however, the agency must distribute the policy before its employees begin any travel under the lower rate. |
12/14/23 | Security Alert: Avoid Email Confirmation Security Alert: Avoid Email Confirmation
Fiscal Management urges all agencies to review and further strengthen internal processes and procedures for requesting system or security changes. To avoid security threats, it is best to validate requests by a method other than email. In the past, hackers harvested credentials such as user IDs, passwords, email addresses, etc., then used the credentials to access systems and gather data or other sensitive information. Now, hackers target the credential with the most transparency — email addresses. They hijack an email account, change the password, then use the email address to request the agency to provide sensitive information or make detrimental changes to the user’s profile, such as changing direct deposit instructions. This is what makes these hacks so dangerous. Everything about the email appears legitimate, because it is. Since the email account is compromised, the traditional strategy of training users to identify illegitimate email will not work. Only a second level of validation will ensure the instructions received were from the intended user. See Fraud Prevention Recommendations for more tips, or contact your agency’s information security office for more information and/or to discuss and implement security improvements for your agency. |
11/17/23 | Hotel Occupancy Tax Refund Reports Hotel Occupancy Tax Refund Reports
Agencies that reimburse employees for state-related hotel stays are due a refund for the associated hotel occupancy taxes. USAS automatically generates the refunds each quarter. The hotel occupancy tax refund for September through November will be available on DAFR8190 and DAFR8200 on Dec 9. See Hotel Occupancy Tax Quarterly Refund (FPP B.006) for more information. |
11/03/23 | CBA and CLIBA Payment Procedures CBA and CLIBA Payment Procedures
Entering procurement and travel card transactions in USAS or CAPPS Financials requires special considerations for timely payment reconciliation. Agencies should review the procedures for entering credit card information in the USAS and CAPPS invoice number fields as detailed in the section on central billed account (CBA) and corporate liability individual billed account (CLIBA) numbers in USAS and CAPPS Financials Invoice Number Field Requirements (FPP E.023). See Processing Third-Party Transactions in USAS for Payment/Travel Cards, Direct Bill Payments and Reimbursements (FPP A.043) (login required) for more information. Contact Expenditure Assistance with questions. |
10/27/23 | USAS and CAPPS Invoice Number and Description Fields USAS and CAPPS Invoice Number and Description Fields
Transaction entry screens in USAS and CAPPS let state agencies and institutions of higher education enter payment information in the invoice number and description fields. Never enter confidential or sensitive information such as complete or partial Social Security numbers or information covered by the protected health information prohibition. See USAS and CAPPS Financials Invoice Number Field Requirements (FPP E.023) for more information and to review your agency’s procedures for compliance with field requirements. |
09/28/23 | Reminder – Complete Our Customer Service Survey by Sept. 29 Reminder – Complete Our Customer Service Survey by Sept. 29
If you already completed our Fiscal Management customer service survey, thank you! If you haven't had a chance to take our online survey, it will be available until the close of business Friday, Sept. 29. We appreciate your feedback. If you have any questions about the survey, email us at fiscal.documentation@cpa.texas.gov. |
09/15/23 | Fiscal Management Customer Service Survey Fiscal Management Customer Service Survey
How well are we meeting your customer service expectations? Please let us know by completing the online survey by Friday, Sept. 29. We appreciate your feedback. Email us at fiscal.documentation@cpa.texas.gov with any questions. |
09/15/23 | Fiscal 2024 Travel Rates Fiscal 2024 Travel Rates
The 2024 General Services Administration (GSA) rates are online now and effective Oct. 1. Fiscal 2024 travel reimbursement rates are available for:
Standard lodging reimbursement rates have increased for fiscal 2024. The standard lodging rate for all locations not listed by the GSA increases from $98 to $107. The meal reimbursement rate for locations not listed by the GSA remains at $59 for fiscal 2024. For CAPPS agencies using the Travel and Expense module, the CAPPS Financials Production Support Team will update meal and lodging rates, as necessary. Mileage rates must be updated by the agency. Contact your CAPPS Level 1 representative for assistance. For more information, see Textravel, email expenditure.assistance@cpa.texas.gov or call (512) 475-0966. |
09/08/23 | Additional Accounting Policy Statements Updated Additional Accounting Policy Statements Updated
The following Accounting Policy Statements (APSs) have been updated:
Review each APS to ensure compliance with the most current policies and procedures. |
09/08/23 | Comptroller Manual of Accounts Updated Comptroller Manual of Accounts Updated
Effective Sept. 1, substantive changes have been made to the Texas Comptroller Manual of Accounts (FPP Q.009) reflecting legislation passed by the 88th Legislature. The Manual of Accounts provides current information on state agencies, appropriated funds, accounts and object codes to record accounting transactions. |
08/25/23 | Hotel Occupancy Tax Refund Reports Hotel Occupancy Tax Refund Reports
Agencies that reimburse employees for state-related hotel stays are due a refund for hotel occupancy taxes. USAS automatically generates the refunds each quarter. The hotel occupancy tax refund for August will be available on DAFR8190 and DAFR8200 on Sept. 9. See Hotel Occupancy Tax Quarterly Refund (FPP B.006) for more information. |
08/25/23 | Reminder – Salary Supplement Report Due Reminder – Salary Supplement Report Due
State agencies and institutions must report certain salary supplements to the Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts, the State Auditor’s Office and the Secretary of State by Sept. 15. See Salary Supplements Paid From Sources Other Than Appropriated Funds (FPP F.031) for instructions and the online report form. |
08/18/23 | Accounting Policy Statements Updated Accounting Policy Statements Updated
The following Accounting Policy Statements (APSs) have been updated:
Review each APS to ensure compliance with the most current policies and procedures. |
08/11/23 | 88th Legislature GAA Updates 88th Legislature GAA Updates
The 88th Legislature updated Article IX of the General Appropriations Act (GAA); changes take effect Sept. 1. See Changes to Article IX of the GAA and Other Bills of Interest to State Agencies (FPP F.008) for a summary of GAA changes and other legislation that affects state agencies. |
07/21/23 | Outstanding Warrants Void Aug. 31 Outstanding Warrants Void Aug. 31
The Outstanding Warrants Control Report (DAFR8171) runs on the first Friday of each month (e.g., July 7 and Aug. 4). Agencies should monitor their report before warrants become void on Aug. 31. See USAS Annual Close Process (FPP Q.004) for more information, including details on generating agency-customized reports via the Report Request Profile, USAS 91 screen. Also see Void Warrants. Contact your appropriation control officer with questions. |
07/21/23 | Salary Supplement Report Due Salary Supplement Report Due
State agencies and institutions of higher education must report certain salary supplements to the Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts, the State Auditor’s office and the Secretary of State by Sept. 15. See Salary Supplements Paid From Sources Other Than Appropriated Funds (FPP F.031) for instructions and the online report form. |
07/14/23 | Updates to Comptroller Manual of Accounts Updates to Comptroller Manual of Accounts
Substantive changes have been made to the Texas Comptroller Manual of Accounts (FPP Q.009) reflecting legislation passed by the 88th Legislature, Regular Session effective before Sept. 1. The Manual of Accounts provides current information on state agencies, appropriated funds, and accounts and object codes to use when properly recording accounting transactions. |
07/14/23 | Hotel Occupancy Tax Refund Reports Hotel Occupancy Tax Refund Reports
Agencies that reimburse employees for state-related hotel stays are due a refund for hotel occupancy taxes. USAS automatically generates the refunds each quarter. The hotel occupancy tax refund for June through July will be available on DAFR8190 and DAFR8200 on Aug. 9. See Hotel Occupancy Tax Quarterly Refund (FPP B.006) for more information. |
06/23/23 | Reminder – Certification Due for Certain USAS Balances Reminder – Certification Due for Certain USAS Balances
To ensure correct fiscal year-end USAS balances for imprest, petty cash and travel advance accounts, agencies authorized to maintain these accounts must certify that USAS balances and agency computed balances (cash plus outstanding reimbursements) agree. Only cash accounts with balances created with funds from the state’s treasury are subject to this requirement. The certification is due July 7. All corrections must be entered in USAS by July 21. See USAS Balances for Imprest, Petty Cash and Travel Advance Accounts (FPP A.045) for more information, including how to request access to the Petty Cash Certification web application and complete the forms. |
06/09/23 | Certification Due for Certain USAS Balances Certification Due for Certain USAS Balances
To ensure correct fiscal year-end USAS balances for imprest, petty cash and travel advance accounts, agencies authorized to maintain these accounts must certify that USAS balances and agency computed balances (cash plus outstanding reimbursements) agree. Only cash accounts with balances created with funds from the state’s treasury are subject to this requirement. The certification is due July 7. All corrections must be entered in USAS by July 21. See USAS Balances for Imprest, Petty Cash and Travel Advance Accounts (FPP A.045) for more information, including how to request access to the Petty Cash Certification web application and complete the forms. |
05/26/23 | Hotel Occupancy Tax Refund Reports Hotel Occupancy Tax Refund Reports
Agencies that reimburse employees for state-related hotel stays are due a refund for hotel occupancy taxes. USAS automatically generates the refunds each quarter. The hotel occupancy tax refund for March through May will be available on DAFR8190 and DAFR8200 on June 9. See Hotel Occupancy Tax Quarterly Refund (FPP B.006) for more information. |
05/19/23 | Current Forms Always Available on FMX Current Forms Always Available on FMX
Check the Forms page on FMX to ensure you use the current version. Previously downloaded forms might be outdated. The top of every FMX page has a link to the Forms page. Topic pages (such as Appropriations and Payment Services link to their specific forms on the Forms page. Note: Payment Services forms on FMX are secured and require login to prevent unauthorized users from accessing them and submitting them to state agencies. If it is necessary to maintain any of these forms on your agency’s website, ensure the forms require login and are the most current version. |
02/17/23 | Hotel Occupancy Tax Refund Reports Hotel Occupancy Tax Refund Reports
Agencies that reimburse employees for state-related hotel stays are due a refund for hotel occupancy taxes. USAS automatically generates the refunds each quarter. The hotel occupancy tax refund for December through February will be available on DAFR8190 and DAFR8200 on March 9. See Hotel Occupancy Tax Quarterly Refund (FPP B.006) for more information. |
01/27/23 | USAS and CAPPS Confidentiality Indicator USAS and CAPPS Confidentiality Indicator
To make payment information available to the public promptly, the Comptroller’s office must be able to distinguish confidential and nonconfidential payments. State agencies and institutions of higher education must properly mark confidential transactions to protect payee confidentiality, per USAS and CAPPS Confidentiality Indicator (FPP E.045). The agency or institution submitting a transaction is responsible for determining confidentiality. Transactions are legally considered public unless specifically excluded by the Public Information Act (Texas Government Code, Chapter 552). An agency or institution that marks a transaction as confidential should be prepared to cite the law or attorney general opinion that excludes the payment from public disclosure. |
01/05/23 | Reminder – Mileage Reimbursement Rate Increase Reminder – Mileage Reimbursement Rate Increase
Effective Jan. 1 to Dec. 31, 2023, the maximum mileage reimbursement rate for state employee travel in a personal vehicle will increase to 65.5 cents per mile (up from 62.5 cents in 2022). This rate is consistent with the Internal Revenue Service’s standard mileage rate. See Current Rates or Transportation: Mileage in Personal Vehicle in Textravel for more information. |
12/30/22 | Current Forms Always Available on FMX Current Forms Always Available on FMX
Check the Forms page on FMX before submitting a form to ensure you submit the current version. Previously downloaded forms or stored links might be outdated. The top of every FMX page has a link to the Forms page. Topic pages (such as Appropriations or Payment Services) link to their specific forms on the Forms page. |
12/30/22 | Mileage Reimbursement Rate Increase Mileage Reimbursement Rate Increase
Effective Jan. 1 to Dec. 31, 2023, the maximum mileage reimbursement rate for state employee travel in a personal vehicle will increase to 65.5 cents per mile (up from 62.5 cents in 2022). This rate is consistent with the Internal Revenue Service’s standard mileage rate. See Current Rates or Transportation: Mileage in Personal Vehicle in Textravel for more information. Note: State agencies may adopt an internal policy with a rate that is lower than the maximum; however, the agency must distribute the policy before its employees begin any travel under the lower rate. |
11/18/22 | Hotel Occupancy Tax Refund Reports Hotel Occupancy Tax Refund Reports
Agencies that reimburse employees for state-related hotel stays are due a refund for the hotel occupancy taxes. USAS automatically generates the refunds each quarter. The hotel occupancy tax refund for September through November will be available on DAFR reports 8190 and 8200 Dec. 9 See Hotel Occupancy Tax Quarterly Refund (FPP B.006) for more information. |
10/28/22 | Benefits Proportional by Method of Finance Reports Due Benefits Proportional by Method of Finance Reports Due
State agencies and institutions of higher education are required to ensure payments of benefit costs are proportional to the agency's or institution’s method of finance, unless another legal provision prohibits proportionality. Benefits Proportional by Method of Finance Reports and related adjustments are due Nov. 19. Agencies and institutions funded with a single method of finance must submit a letter confirming this status by Nov. 19. See Benefits Proportional by Method of Finance (APS 011) (FPP A.010) for more information, including forms and sample letters. |
10/21/22 | CBA and CLIBA Payment Procedures CBA and CLIBA Payment Procedures
Entering procurement and travel card transactions in USAS or CAPPS Financials requires special considerations for timely payment reconciliation. Agencies should review the procedures for entering credit card information in USAS and CAPPS invoice number fields as detailed in the section on central billed account (CBA) and corporate liability individual billed account (CLIBA) numbers in USAS and CAPPS Financials Invoice Number Field Requirements (FPP E.023). See Processing Third-Party Transactions in USAS for Payment/Travel Cards, Direct Bill Payments and Reimbursements (FPP A.043) (login required) for more information. Contact Expenditure Assistance with questions. |
10/14/22 | USAS and CAPPS Invoice Number and Description Fields USAS and CAPPS Invoice Number and Description Fields
Transaction entry screens in USAS and CAPPS let state agencies and institutions of higher education enter payment information in the invoice number and description fields. Never enter confidential or sensitive information such as complete or partial Social Security numbers or information covered by the protected health information prohibition. See USAS and CAPPS Financials Invoice Number Field Requirements (FPP E.023) for more information and to review your agency’s procedures for compliance with field requirements. |
09/23/22 | Reminder – Fiscal Management Customer Service Survey Reminder – Fiscal Management Customer Service Survey
How well are we meeting your customer service expectations? Please let us know by completing the online survey by Friday, Sept. 30. We appreciate your feedback. Email us at fiscal.documentation@cpa.texas.gov with any questions. |
09/16/22 | 2022 Fiscal Management Customer Service Survey 2022 Fiscal Management Customer Service Survey
How well are we meeting your customer service expectations? Please let us know by completing the online survey by Friday, Sept. 30. We appreciate your feedback. Email us at fiscal.documentation@cpa.texas.gov with any questions about the survey. |
09/09/22 | New Pay Card Program New Pay Card Program
State agency employees can now choose to receive their payroll and travel reimbursement on a pay card as an alternative to receiving payments by warrant or direct deposit. The vendor will load the pay cards with the payment on payday or on the day a travel reimbursement is paid. Employees can contact their agency payroll office to choose this option. Payroll stuffers to promote the pay card program are available. See TexPayment Resource – Promoting Direct Deposit/Pay Card. Pay card setup procedures are available for payments issued via USAS, USPS, SPRS and CAPPS. See Pay Cards for Payroll/Retirement Net Pay (FPP P.004). |
09/09/22 | Fiscal 2023 Travel Rates Fiscal 2023 Travel Rates
The 2023 General Services Administration (GSA) rates are effective Oct. 1 and are online. Fiscal 2023 travel reimbursement rates are available for:
Standard lodging reimbursement rates have increased for fiscal 2023. The standard lodging rate for all locations not listed by the GSA increases from $96 to $98. The meal reimbursement rate for locations not listed by the GSA remains at $59 for fiscal 2023. For CAPPS agencies using the Travel and Expense module, the CAPPS Financials Production Support Team will update meal and lodging rates, as necessary. Mileage rates must be updated by the agency. Contact your CAPPS Level 1 representative for assistance. See Textravel, email Expenditure Assistance or call (512) 475-0966 for more information. |
08/26/22 | Hotel Occupancy Tax Refund Reports Hotel Occupancy Tax Refund Reports
Agencies that reimburse employees for state-related hotel stays are due a refund for hotel occupancy taxes. USAS automatically generates the refunds each quarter. The hotel occupancy tax refund for August will be available on DAFR reports 8190 and 8200 Sept. 9. See Hotel Occupancy Tax Quarterly Refund (FPP B.006) for more information. |
07/22/22 | Outstanding Warrants Void Aug. 31 Outstanding Warrants Void Aug. 31
The Outstanding Warrants Control Report (DAFR8171) runs on the first Friday of each month. Agencies should monitor their report before warrants become void on Aug. 31. See USAS Annual Close Process (FPP Q.004) for more information, including details on generating reports via the Report Request Profile, USAS 91 screen. Also see Void Warrants. Contact your appropriation control officer with questions. |
07/18/22 | Reminder – Hotel Occupancy Tax Refund Reports Reminder – Hotel Occupancy Tax Refund Reports
Agencies that reimburse employees for state-related hotel stays are due a refund for hotel occupancy taxes. USAS automatically generates the refunds each quarter. The hotel occupancy tax refund for June through July will be available on DAFR reports 8190 and 8200 Aug. 9. See Hotel Occupancy Tax Quarterly Refund (FPP B.006) for more information. |
06/24/22 | Reminder – Mileage Reimbursement Rate Increase Reminder – Mileage Reimbursement Rate Increase
Effective July 1 to Dec. 31, 2022, the maximum mileage reimbursement rate for state employee travel in a personal vehicle will increase to 62.5 cents per mile (up from 58.5 cents for Jan. 1 – June 30, 2022). This rate is consistent with the Internal Revenue Service’s standard mileage rate. See Current Rates or Transportation: Mileage in Personal Vehicle in Textravel for more information. Note: State agencies may adopt an internal policy with a rate that is lower than the maximum; however, the agency must distribute the policy before its employees begin any travel under the lower rate. |
06/24/22 | Reminder – Certification of USAS Balances for Imprest, Petty Cash and Travel Advance Accounts Due Reminder – Certification of USAS Balances for Imprest, Petty Cash and Travel Advance Accounts Due
To ensure correct fiscal year-end USAS balances for imprest, petty cash and travel advance accounts, agencies authorized to maintain these accounts must certify that USAS balances and agency computed balances (cash plus outstanding reimbursements) agree. Only cash accounts with balances created from funds in the state’s treasury are subject to this requirement. The certification is due July 8. All corrections must be entered in USAS by July 22. See USAS Balances for Imprest, Petty Cash and Travel Advance Accounts (FPP A.045) for more information including how to request access to the Petty Cash Certification web application and complete the fo |
06/21/22 | Mileage Reimbursement Rate Increase Mileage Reimbursement Rate Increase
Effective July 1 to Dec. 31, 2022, the maximum mileage reimbursement rate for state employee travel in a personal vehicle will increase to 62.5 cents per mile (up from 58.5 cents for Jan. 1 – Jun. 30, 2022). This rate is consistent with the Internal Revenue Service’s standard mileage rate. See Current Rates or Transportation: Mileage in Personal Vehicle in Textravel for more information. Note: State agencies may adopt an internal policy with a rate that is lower than the maximum; however, the agency must distribute the policy before its employees begin any travel under the lower rate. |
06/10/22 | Certification of USAS Balances for Imprest, Petty Cash and Travel Advance Accounts Due Certification of USAS Balances for Imprest, Petty Cash and Travel Advance Accounts Due
To ensure correct fiscal year-end USAS balances for imprest, petty cash and travel advance accounts, agencies authorized to maintain these accounts must certify that USAS balances and agency computed balances (cash plus outstanding reimbursements) agree. Only cash accounts with balances created from funds in the state’s treasury are subject to this requirement. The certification is due July 8. All corrections must be entered in USAS by July 22. See USAS Balances for Imprest, Petty Cash and Travel Advance Accounts (FPP A.045) for more information including how to request access to the Petty Cash Certification web application and complete the forms. |
06/03/22 | Travel Reimbursement Maximum Rates Travel Reimbursement Maximum Rates
Maximum lodging and meal reimbursement rates are listed on the U.S. General Services Administration (GSA) website by city (or county if the city is not listed). For locations not listed by city or county, daily rates are: lodging (in or out of state) — up to $96; meals (in or out of state) — up to $59. A state employee may claim less than the maximum meal reimbursement rate for a duty point and use the unclaimed amount to increase the lodging reimbursement rate. An employee who does not choose to offset lodging costs with lower meal costs is personally responsible for lodging costs over the maximum GSA rate. Contact Expenditure Assistance for more information. |
05/31/22 | Hotel Occupancy Tax Refund Reports Hotel Occupancy Tax Refund Reports
Agencies that reimburse employees for state-related hotel stays are due a refund for hotel occupancy taxes. USAS automatically generates the refunds each quarter. The hotel occupancy tax refund for March through May will be available on DAFR reports 8190 and 8200 June 9. See Hotel Occupancy Tax Quarterly Refund (FPP B.006) for more information. |
03/18/22 | Encrypt Confidential Emails to Fiscal Management Encrypt Confidential Emails to Fiscal Management
State agencies and institutions of higher education sometimes send documents with confidential information to Fiscal Management. Email is not a secured transmission. Agencies must send confidential information as an encrypted email attachment as prescribed by your agency’s information security policy. See Confidential Information Must be Encrypted Before Emailing to Fiscal Management (FPP D.004) for details. |
02/18/22 | Comptroller Manual of Accounts Updated Comptroller Manual of Accounts Updated
Effective Jan. 1, substantive changes have been made to the Texas Comptroller Manual of Accounts (FPP Q.009) reflecting legislation passed by the 86th and 87th Legislatures, Regular Session. The Manual of Accounts provides current information on state agencies, appropriated funds, and accounts and object codes for recording accounting transactions. |
02/18/22 | Hotel Occupancy Tax Refund Reports Hotel Occupancy Tax Refund Reports
Agencies that reimburse employees for state-related hotel stays are due a refund for hotel occupancy taxes. USAS automatically generates the refunds each quarter. The hotel occupancy tax refund for December through February will be available on DAFR reports 8190 and 8200 March 9. See Hotel Occupancy Tax Quarterly Refund (FPP B.006) for more information. |
02/04/22 | USAS and CAPPS Confidentiality Indicator USAS and CAPPS Confidentiality Indicator
To make payment information available to the public promptly, the Comptroller’s office must be able to distinguish confidential and non-confidential payments. State agencies and institutions of higher education must ensure confidential transactions are properly marked to protect payee confidentiality as specified in USAS and CAPPS Confidentiality Indicator (FPP E.045). The agency or institution submitting a transaction is responsible for determining confidentiality. Transactions are legally considered public unless specifically excluded by the Public Information Act (Texas Government Code, Chapter 552). An agency or institution that marks a transaction as confidential should be prepared to cite the law or attorney general opinion that excludes the payment from public disclosure. |
01/07/22 | Reminder – Mileage Reimbursement Rate Increase Reminder – Mileage Reimbursement Rate Increase
Effective Jan. 1 to Dec. 31, 2022, the maximum mileage reimbursement rate for state employee travel in a personal vehicle will increase to 58.5 cents per mile (up from 56 cents in 2021). This rate is consistent with the Internal Revenue Service’s standard mileage rate. See Current Rates or Transportation: Mileage in Personal Vehicle in Textravel for more information. |
01/03/22 | Current Forms Always Available on FMX Current Forms Always Available on FMX
Check the Forms page or appropriate topic page on FMX before submitting a form to ensure you submit the current version. Previously downloaded forms or stored links might be outdated. You’ll find a link to the Forms page at the top of any FMX page. Also, FMX topic pages such as Appropriations or Payment Services feature links to related forms. |