02/21/25 |
Hotel Occupancy Tax Refund Reports
02/21/25 |
SSD Request Deadline
SSD Request Deadline
Effective Feb. 21, super security delete (SSD) requests must be submitted by 2 p.m. to ensure same-day processing. An SSD request submitted after 2 p.m. may not be processed the same day depending on its complexity and the time needed to review and process it.
Email the completed Super Security Delete Request form (73-310) to usas.maintenance@cpa.texas.gov.
Note: To complete the form electronically, download it to your computer and open the form with Adobe Acrobat Reader. Do not complete the form using your internet browser.
02/21/25 |
Internal Transaction File Maintenance
02/14/25 |
Reminder – Deadline to Request Unclaimed Funds
01/24/25 |
Deadline to Request Unclaimed Funds
Deadline to Request Unclaimed Funds
Unclaimed property transferred to the state includes property that might belong to state agencies or institutions of higher education. Money not claimed by May 31 will be deposited into unappropriated general revenue. See Unclaimed Property Annual Notification for more information, including contact information for the Comptroller’s Unclaimed Property Division.
01/17/25 |
USAS and CAPPS Confidentiality Indicator
USAS and CAPPS Confidentiality Indicator
To make payment information available to the public promptly, the Comptroller’s office must be able to distinguish between confidential and nonconfidential payments. State agencies and institutions of higher education must mark confidential transactions to protect payee confidentiality, per USAS and CAPPS Financials Confidentiality Indicator (FPP E.045). The agency or institution submitting a transaction is responsible for determining confidentiality. Transactions are legally considered public unless specifically excluded by the Public Information Act (Texas Government Code, Chapter 552). An agency or institution that marks a transaction as confidential should be prepared to cite the law or attorney general opinion that excludes the payment from public disclosure.
12/31/24 |
Mileage Reimbursement Rate Increase
Mileage Reimbursement Rate Increase
Effective Jan. 1 to Dec. 31, 2025, the maximum mileage reimbursement rate for state employee travel in a personal vehicle will increase to 70 cents per mile (up from 67 cents in 2024). This rate is consistent with the Internal Revenue Service’s standard mileage rate. See Current Rates or Mileage in Personal Vehicle in Textravel for more information. Note: State agencies may adopt an internal policy with a rate that is lower than the maximum; however, the agency must distribute the policy before its employees begin any travel under the lower rate.
11/08/24 |
CBA and CLIBA Payment Procedures
11/01/24 |
Top 10 Audit Findings
10/25/24 |
Benefits Proportional by Method of Finance Reports Due
Benefits Proportional by Method of Finance Reports Due
State agencies and institutions of higher education are required to ensure payments of benefit costs are proportional to the agency’s or institution’s method of finance, unless another legal provision prohibits proportionality. Benefits Proportional by Method of Finance Reports and related adjustments are due Nov. 19. Agencies and institutions funded with a single method of finance must submit a letter confirming this status by Nov. 19. See Benefits Proportional by Method of Finance (APS 011) (FPP A.010) for more information, including forms and sample letters.
10/11/24 |
USAS and CAPPS Invoice Number and Description Fields
09/27/24 |
Reminder – Take Our Customer Service Survey
Reminder – Take Our Customer Service Survey
We care about what you think! Please take a moment to fill out Fiscal Management’s online customer service survey. We depend on your feedback to improve our operations and better meet your needs. The survey has three main questions that should take less than a minute to answer, plus an opportunity to provide additional feedback. You can access the survey until Friday, Oct. 4. Please share this email and survey link with any staff that may interact with Fiscal Management and our statewide systems. Thank you in advance for your time and thoughts. Email us at fiscal.documentation@cpa.texas.gov with any questions.
08/23/24 |
Reminder – Salary Supplement Report Due
08/09/24 |
Late Payment Interest Rate for Fiscal 2025
Late Payment Interest Rate for Fiscal 2025
For fiscal 2025, the interest rate the state pays on a late payment to a vendor under the state’s prompt payment law will be 9.50 percent. The interest calculation is one percentage point higher than the prime rate published in the Wall Street Journal on the first business day of July. See Interest Rate on eXpendit (FPP I.005) for more information.
08/09/24 |
Reminder – Vendor Hold Search Decommissioned
08/09/24 |
Reminder – Systems Unavailable During Year-End Close
07/19/24 |
Vendor Hold Search Decommissioned
07/19/24 |
Outstanding Warrants Void Aug. 30
07/19/24 |
Salary Supplement Report Due
07/12/24 |
Hotel Occupancy Tax Refund Reports
06/28/24 |
Fiscal Year-End Close Schedule
06/21/24 |
Current Forms Always Available on FMX
Current Forms Always Available on FMX
Check the Forms page on FMX to ensure you use the current version. Previously downloaded forms might be outdated. The top of every FMX page has a link to the Forms page. Topic pages such as Appropriations and Payment Services link to their specific forms on the Forms page. Note: Payment Services forms on FMX are secured and require login to prevent unauthorized users from accessing them and submitting them to state agencies. If it is necessary for your agency to maintain any of these forms on your website, ensure the forms require login and that you are using the most current version.
05/03/24 |
Deadline to Request Unclaimed Funds
Deadline to Request Unclaimed Funds
Unclaimed property transferred to the state includes property that might belong to state agencies or institutions of higher education. Money not claimed by May 31 will be deposited into unappropriated general revenue. See Unclaimed Property Annual Notification for more information, including contact information for the Comptroller’s Unclaimed Property Division.
02/23/24 |
Encrypt Confidential Emails to Fiscal Management
02/16/24 |
Hotel Occupancy Tax Refund Reports
02/09/24 |
Deadline to Request Unclaimed Funds
Deadline to Request Unclaimed Funds
Unclaimed property transferred to the state includes property that might belong to state agencies or institutions of higher education. Money not claimed by May 31 will be deposited into unappropriated general revenue. See Unclaimed Property Annual Notification for more information, including contact information for the Comptroller’s Unclaimed Property Division.
01/26/24 |
USAS and CAPPS Confidentiality Indicator
01/12/24 |
Comptroller Manual of Accounts Updated
01/05/24 |
Reminder – Mileage Reimbursement Rate Increase
12/22/23 |
Mileage Reimbursement Rate Increase
Mileage Reimbursement Rate Increase
Effective Jan. 1 to Dec. 31, 2024, the maximum mileage reimbursement rate for state employee travel in a personal vehicle will increase to 67 cents per mile (up from 65.5 cents in 2023). This rate is consistent with the Internal Revenue Service’s standard mileage rate. See Current Rates or Transportation: Mileage in Personal Vehicle in Textravel for more information. Note: State agencies may adopt an internal policy with a rate that is lower than the maximum; however, the agency must distribute the policy before its employees begin any travel under the lower rate.
12/14/23 |
Security Alert: Avoid Email Confirmation
Security Alert: Avoid Email Confirmation
Fiscal Management urges all agencies to review and further strengthen internal processes and procedures for requesting system or security changes. To avoid security threats, it is best to validate requests by a method other than email. In the past, hackers harvested credentials such as user IDs, passwords, email addresses, etc., then used the credentials to access systems and gather data or other sensitive information. Now, hackers target the credential with the most transparency — email addresses. They hijack an email account, change the password, then use the email address to request the agency to provide sensitive information or make detrimental changes to the user’s profile, such as changing direct deposit instructions. This is what makes these hacks so dangerous. Everything about the email appears legitimate, because it is. Since the email account is compromised, the traditional strategy of training users to identify illegitimate email will not work. Only a second level of validation will ensure the instructions received were from the intended user. See Fraud Prevention Recommendations for more tips, or contact your agency’s information security office for more information and/or to discuss and implement security improvements for your agency.
11/03/23 |
CBA and CLIBA Payment Procedures
10/27/23 |
USAS and CAPPS Invoice Number and Description Fields
10/27/23 |
Top 10 Audit Findings
09/29/23 |
88th Legislature Updates – eXpendit
09/28/23 |
Reminder – Complete Our Customer Service Survey by Sept. 29
09/15/23 |
Fiscal Management Customer Service Survey
09/15/23 |
Fiscal 2024 Travel Rates
Fiscal 2024 Travel Rates
The 2024 General Services Administration (GSA) rates are online now and effective Oct. 1. Fiscal 2024 travel reimbursement rates are available for: - In-state and out-of-state meals and lodging
- In-state and out-of-state non-overnight meals
- Automobile mileage
- Aircraft mileage
Standard lodging reimbursement rates have increased for fiscal 2024. The standard lodging rate for all locations not listed by the GSA increases from $98 to $107. The meal reimbursement rate for locations not listed by the GSA remains at $59 for fiscal 2024. For CAPPS agencies using the Travel and Expense module, the CAPPS Financials Production Support Team will update meal and lodging rates, as necessary. Mileage rates must be updated by the agency. Contact your CAPPS Level 1 representative for assistance. For more information, see Textravel, email expenditure.assistance@cpa.texas.gov or call (512) 475-0966.
09/15/23 |
Updated Interagency Payment Policy
09/08/23 |
Additional Accounting Policy Statements Updated
Additional Accounting Policy Statements Updated
The following Accounting Policy Statements (APSs) have been updated: - APS 003 – Reimbursements for Unemployment Compensation Payments
- APS 010 – Travel Advance Account and Petty Cash Account
- APS 018 – Encumbrance Report and Lapsing of Appropriations
- APS 026 – Capital Budget Rider Appropriations
- APS 027 – Accounting for Uncollectible Accounts
Review each APS to ensure compliance with the most current policies and procedures.
09/08/23 |
Comptroller Manual of Accounts Updated
08/25/23 |
Reminder – Salary Supplement Report Due
08/18/23 |
Accounting Policy Statements Updated
Accounting Policy Statements Updated
The following Accounting Policy Statements (APSs) have been updated: - APS 001 – Sources of Revenue Required to Pay Benefit Cost
- APS 005 – Reimbursing Retirement Contributions and Insurance Premiums
- APS 007 – Revenue Deposits Intended to Increase Appropriation Authority
- APS 008 – Deposit of Sales Taxes Collected by State Agencies
- APS 013 – Refunding Deposits
- APS 014 – Interagency Payments and Receipts for Goods and Services
- APS 019 – Salary Benefit Appropriation Allocations
- APS 021 – Correcting Bookkeeping and Cost Allocation Entries
- APS 025 – Cost Allocation From Temporary Administrative and Support Appropriations
- APS 028 – Reporting of State Debts and Hold Offset Procedures
- APS 029 – Electronic Processing of Revenues and Expenditures
Review each APS to ensure compliance with the most current policies and procedures.
08/11/23 |
88th Legislature GAA Updates
08/11/23 |
Reminder – Systems Unavailable During Year-End Close
08/04/23 |
Late Payment Interest Rate for Fiscal 2024
Late Payment Interest Rate for Fiscal 2024
The interest rate the state pays on a late payment to a vendor under the state’s prompt payment law will be 9.25 percent for fiscal 2024. The interest calculation is one percentage point higher than the prime rate published in the Wall Street Journal on the first business day of July. See Interest Rate on eXpendit (FPP I.005) for more information.
07/21/23 |
Outstanding Warrants Void Aug. 31
07/21/23 |
Salary Supplement Report Due
07/14/23 |
Updates to Comptroller Manual of Accounts
07/14/23 |
Hotel Occupancy Tax Refund Reports
06/30/23 |
Fiscal Year-End Close Schedule
05/19/23 |
Current Forms Always Available on FMX
Current Forms Always Available on FMX
Check the Forms page on FMX to ensure you use the current version. Previously downloaded forms might be outdated. The top of every FMX page has a link to the Forms page. Topic pages (such as Appropriations and Payment Services link to their specific forms on the Forms page. Note: Payment Services forms on FMX are secured and require login to prevent unauthorized users from accessing them and submitting them to state agencies. If it is necessary to maintain any of these forms on your agency’s website, ensure the forms require login and are the most current version.
05/04/23 |
Reminder – Deadline to Request Unclaimed Funds
02/17/23 |
Hotel Occupancy Tax Refund Reports
02/03/23 |
Reminder – Deadline to Request Unclaimed Funds
01/27/23 |
USAS and CAPPS Confidentiality Indicator
USAS and CAPPS Confidentiality Indicator
To make payment information available to the public promptly, the Comptroller’s office must be able to distinguish confidential and nonconfidential payments. State agencies and institutions of higher education must properly mark confidential transactions to protect payee confidentiality, per USAS and CAPPS Confidentiality Indicator (FPP E.045). The agency or institution submitting a transaction is responsible for determining confidentiality. Transactions are legally considered public unless specifically excluded by the Public Information Act (Texas Government Code, Chapter 552). An agency or institution that marks a transaction as confidential should be prepared to cite the law or attorney general opinion that excludes the payment from public disclosure.
01/20/23 |
Deadline to Request Unclaimed Funds
Deadline to Request Unclaimed Funds
Unclaimed property transferred to the state includes property that might belong to state agencies or institutions of higher education. Money not claimed by May 31 will be deposited into unappropriated general revenue. See Unclaimed Property Annual Notification for more information, including contact information for the Comptroller’s Unclaimed Property Division.
01/05/23 |
Reminder – Mileage Reimbursement Rate Increase
12/30/22 |
Current Forms Always Available on FMX
12/30/22 |
Mileage Reimbursement Rate Increase
Mileage Reimbursement Rate Increase
Effective Jan. 1 to Dec. 31, 2023, the maximum mileage reimbursement rate for state employee travel in a personal vehicle will increase to 65.5 cents per mile (up from 62.5 cents in 2022). This rate is consistent with the Internal Revenue Service’s standard mileage rate. See Current Rates or Transportation: Mileage in Personal Vehicle in Textravel for more information. Note: State agencies may adopt an internal policy with a rate that is lower than the maximum; however, the agency must distribute the policy before its employees begin any travel under the lower rate.
12/09/22 |
Top 10 Audit Findings
10/28/22 |
Benefits Proportional by Method of Finance Reports Due
Benefits Proportional by Method of Finance Reports Due
State agencies and institutions of higher education are required to ensure payments of benefit costs are proportional to the agency's or institution’s method of finance, unless another legal provision prohibits proportionality. Benefits Proportional by Method of Finance Reports and related adjustments are due Nov. 19. Agencies and institutions funded with a single method of finance must submit a letter confirming this status by Nov. 19. See Benefits Proportional by Method of Finance (APS 011) (FPP A.010) for more information, including forms and sample letters.
10/21/22 |
CBA and CLIBA Payment Procedures
10/14/22 |
USAS and CAPPS Invoice Number and Description Fields
09/23/22 |
Reminder – Fiscal Management Customer Service Survey
09/16/22 |
2022 Fiscal Management Customer Service Survey
09/09/22 |
Fiscal 2023 Travel Rates
Fiscal 2023 Travel Rates
The 2023 General Services Administration (GSA) rates are effective Oct. 1 and are online. Fiscal 2023 travel reimbursement rates are available for: - In-state and out-of-state meals and lodging
- In-state and out-of-state non-overnight meals
- Automobile mileage
- Aircraft mileage
Standard lodging reimbursement rates have increased for fiscal 2023. The standard lodging rate for all locations not listed by the GSA increases from $96 to $98. The meal reimbursement rate for locations not listed by the GSA remains at $59 for fiscal 2023. For CAPPS agencies using the Travel and Expense module, the CAPPS Financials Production Support Team will update meal and lodging rates, as necessary. Mileage rates must be updated by the agency. Contact your CAPPS Level 1 representative for assistance. See Textravel, email Expenditure Assistance or call (512) 475-0966 for more information.
08/12/22 |
Reminder – Systems Unavailable During Year-End Close
07/29/22 |
Late Payment Interest Rate for Fiscal 2023
Late Payment Interest Rate for Fiscal 2023
The interest rate the state pays on late payments to vendors under the state’s prompt payment law will be 5.75 percent for fiscal 2023. The interest calculation is one percentage point higher than the prime rate published in the Wall Street Journal on the first business day of July. See Interest Rate on eXpendit (FPP I.005) for more information.
07/22/22 |
Outstanding Warrants Void Aug. 31
07/18/22 |
Reminder – Hotel Occupancy Tax Refund Reports
07/01/22 |
Fiscal Year-End Close Schedule
05/06/22 |
Reminder – Deadline to Request Unclaimed Funds