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Optional Holidays

Optional holidays observed by the state of Texas are:

  • Rosh Hashanah
  • Yom Kippur
  • Cesar Chavez Day
  • Good Friday

If an employee takes off for an optional holiday, the employee should work on a regular state holiday to restore his or her optional holiday balance to zero.

If an employee does not work on a regular state holiday to make up the optional holiday, the agency needs to contact the employee to discuss the repayment of hours. Some options are docking the employee's pay or compensatory time, vacation or holiday compensatory time balances.

The USPS Leave Accounting system is set up to track the optional holidays an employee takes.

Note: Optional holidays cannot be substituted for national holidays.

Entering an Optional Holiday Taken Before Working a Standard State Holiday

When an employee takes an optional holiday, enter the following on the HM9U1 screen:

  • HCT in the ACTY field
  • OHOL in the REASON field

Once the employee works a regular state holiday to make up the optional holiday, enter the following on the HM9U1 screen:

  • HCE in the ACTY field
  • OHOL in the REASON field

Note: The optional holiday taken and the holiday compensatory time earned must be in the same fiscal year.

See HM9U1 — Optional Holiday Activity new window in Chapter 12 of the USPS Process Guide for more details on completing the HM9U1 screen.

Note: Entering OHOL causes the system to adjust the optional holiday balance without changing the holiday compensatory time balance.

Next: Example 9