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USPS Process Guide
Chapter 12: Leave Accounting –

HM9U1 – Optional Holiday Activity

Screen: HM9U1
Prerequisites: None

Note: For more information regarding optional holidays, see Appendix I – Leave Accounting.

Step Action
1 Access HM9U1.
2 Enter I in the SUBCOMMAND field.

Enter the following fields as required:

Note: You may enter over an existing detail line. Be aware that any information not deleted will be cloned to the new record.

SSN (Key)
ACTY (Key)
Enter a value indicating the employee's leave activity:
HCT Took an optional holiday.
HCE Worked on a standard state or national holiday. You may apply these hours against optional holidays already taken, or take them like regular compensatory time.
HCL Took an optional holiday and has not repaid the state; therefore the holiday compensatory time balance is being docked.
VCL Took an optional holiday and has not repaid the state; therefore the vacation leave balance is being docked.
CTL Took an optional holiday and has not repaid the state; therefore the compensatory time balance is being docked.
LWD Took an optional holiday and has not repaid the state; therefore the employee’s pay is being docked.
ST (Optional)
The status of the leave activity. Leave this field blank. It will default to P if the transaction is in or prior to the current accrual month, or R if later than the current accrual month.
The date the employee’s leave begins.
START TIME (Optional)
The specific time the leave starts, based on a 24-hour clock (for example, 13:30 for 1:30 p.m.) This field is not required unless more than one leave activity is entered on the same leave start date.
LV HRS (Required)

Enter the number of hours and minutes of leave the employee is taking or earning. Use either a colon (:) or a period (.) to separate hours and minutes. If neither is used, the system assumes the number entered represents hours. For example, enter one hour and five minutes as 1.5 or 1:5. Enter one hour and fifty minutes as 1.50 or 1:50.

Note: If the employee’s scheduled pattern code (on HMCU1) is 10, you do not need to enter both the LV HRS field and the END DATE field. The system will calculate the one you leave blank using a standard 40-hour week. (One of the fields must be blank for the system to do this.) You can, however, enter both fields to override system calculations.

END DATE (Optional)

The date the leave ended. This date must be in the same month as the leave start date. There must be multiple entries for leave spanning more than one calendar month.

Note: If the employee works a normal schedule (HMC pattern code = 10), this field may be left blank and will be calculated based on the start date, the holiday schedule, and the leave hours entered. If the employee does not work a normal schedule (HMC pattern code = 99), then this field is required.

END TIME (Optional)
Enter the time the employee returned or will return from leave.
REASON (Required)
Enter OHOL.
4 Press Enter to process the transaction.