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All leave activity is entered on the HM9U1 screen.

HM9U1 Screen Field Descriptions

Descriptions of key fields are listed below the screen shot. You can also hover your cursor over field names in the screen shot to view descriptions.

GUH   XXX,XXXXXXXXX                                          			ON HM9U1

           		----------EMPLOYEE LEAVE REQUEST-----------
 AGENCY-----> 00XXX                                       SSN-------> 00XXXXXXXXX
 NAME-------> HOWELL, LOVIE                            LAST ACCR DT--> 10/01/2009
 EMPL DATE--> 01/18/1999     VAC ELIG--> 04/01/1988    TERM DT-------> 00/00/0000
 VACATION--->   341:00       OT (AT 1.5)->   0:00      COMPENSATORY----> 36:45
 SICK------->   386:00       OT (AT 1.0)->   0:00      HOLIDAY COMP---->  8:00
 SK POOL AW->     0:00       ADMIN LV---->   0:00      OPT HOLIDAY TKN->  0:00
 EXT SICK--->     0:00       MILITARY LV->   0:00
       -------START-------          --------END--------
        ACTY ST  DATE        TIME     LVHRS   DATE       TIME  REASN OPID  C
 ____   SL T  P 05/16/2008 FR _____     3:00  05/16/2008 FR _____  ____ TEST111
 ____   CT E  P 05/05/2008 MO _____     3:00  05/05/2008 MO _____  ____ TEST111
 ____   SL T  R 03/17/2008 MO _____     8:00  03/17/2008 MO _____  ____ TEST111

U078I-BALANCES ARE FOR FY 2010                                              

The top half of HM9U1 displays the employee's leave balances by type, the last accrual date and employment start date.

The bottom half of HM9U1 is where the maintenance activity is entered. The cursor will default to the first subcommand field for data entry.

Type I (insert) in the subcommand field to enter a new leave activity. You can clone records by typing over existing records. The record that you are writing over will be moved and sorted by date once you press Enter. Be aware that any information not deleted or changed will be part of the new record.

Type R (replace) in the subcommand field where data needs to be changed.

Field Descriptions

The ACTIVITY (ACTY) field is broken into two parts that use a three-character code to show leave activity. Appendix I of the USPS Process Guide new window lists all of the valid leave combinations you can enter into the USPS Leave Accounting System.
The field next to the activity field is the STATUS (ST) field. If no value is entered in this field, it will default to R (requested) or P (posted) depending on the value of the start date and the last accrual date for the employee.
The DATE field under the START section is the date when the leave begins.
The TIME field is not required unless more than one of the same leave activity is entered on the same leave start date.
The LEAVE HOURS (LVHRS) field is where the leave hours and minutes are entered.
The DATE field under the END section is the date when the leave ends.
The TIME field under the END section should be used when time has been entered in the START section.
The REASON (REASN) field is used to give information about the leave being taken.
The OPERATOR (OPID) field notes who entered the leave.

Next: Example 5