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SPRS Reports
Direct Deposit Register

Updated: March 15, 2013 – View Changes

This report provides a listing of employee direct deposits, including vendor number, payment date, deposit number, document number, name, net payment amount, and payment amount.

See the Page Break and Page Break Title Options for SPRS Payment Registers (ACR 7955) document for more information.

REPORT: SPRRREG-01                                          STATE OF TEXAS                                     RUN DATE: MM/DD/YYYY 
                                          STANDARDIZED PAYROLL/PERSONNEL REPORTING SYSTEM                      RUN TIME: 09:11:22   
                                                       DIRECT DEPOSIT REGISTER                                     PAGE:      1     
                                                  SPRS PROCESSING DATE: 10/25/20XX                                                  
AGENCY:  AGY#  AGENCY NAME                                                                                  
    SSN        PAYEE/VEN NO    PMT DT    DEPOSIT NO  DOC NO                NAME                          NET PAY AMT PAYMENT SORT   
 999999999    99999999999SP1 12/04/20XX  008999999  89996R22  FIRST M LAST                                     69.35 1832           
                                                         COUNT:           1       AGENCY TOTAL:                69.35                
Changes to This Document
Date Updates
03/15/2013 Added payee/vendor ID info.