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SPRS Reports
Daily Warrant Transmittal

This report includes a signature line that the person designated by the agency to pick up warrants must sign. The person signing the document certifies receiving the warrants. The report lists the starting and ending warrant numbers, payment count, and total of warrant amounts.

REPORT: SPRRREG-06                          STATE OF TEXAS                                 RUN DATE: 05/21/2003
                            STANDARDIZED PAYROLL/PERSONNEL REPORTING SYSTEM                RUN TIME: 23:54:43
                                      DAILY WARRANT TRANSMITTAL                            PAGE:     1
                                 SPRS PROCESSING DATE: 05/21/2003

                                                                         * READ STATEMENT BELOW BEFORE SIGNING
                  START WARR   END WARR   PMT COUNT    AGENCY TOTAL        SIGNATURE                   DATE
PAYROLL WARRANTS  999999999    999999999      9,999      999,999.99        __________________________  ________
HELD WARRANTS     999999999    999999999        999            0.00
                       WARRANTS TOTAL:        9,999      999,999.99

                                                                         * THE PERSON(S) SIGNING THIS DOCUMENT
                                                                           CERTIFIES THAT THEY RECEIVED THE
                                                                           WARRANTS NEXT TO THEIR SIGNATURE
                  START DD     END DD      PMT COUNT    AGENCY TOTAL
DIRECT DEPOSITS   999999999    999999999      99,999   99,999,999.99
                         AGENCY TOTAL:        99,999   99,999,999.99