SPRS Reports —
Gross Exceeds (By Pay Period)
Monthly report displaying three months of information by pay period. If the difference between actual base salary (BSY) gross amount paid and authorized BSY amount is greater than or equal to zero, and the employee was hired, terminated, demoted, promoted, partial month LWOP, the employee will be included on the report. The reason code field will reflect the last action for the employee with a code to identify the type of action. The different options in type of action are: A (Acquisition), D (Decrease), F (Full Month LWOP), I (Increase), P (Partial Month LWOP), T (Termination).
For example, if an employee is on LWOP for an entire month and was paid, their reason code information would display as F043. The authorized amount would be zero and the actual amount would be the amount paid.
AGY# REPORT: SPRRGEX-01 STATE OF TEXAS RUN DATE: 06/02/2003 STANDARDIZED PAYROLL/PERSONNEL REPORTING SYSTEM RUN TIME: 13:16:29 GROSS EXCEEDS (BY PAY PERIOD) PAGE: 1 AGENCY: AGY# AGENCY NAME SSN NAME ------------- APR 2003 --------- /-------------- MAR 2003 -------------- /-------------- FEB 2003 ------------ / ENT GROSS ENT AUTH ENT GROSS ENT AUTH ENT GROSS ENT AUTH AMT AMT DIFF RSN / AMT AMT DIFF RSN / AMT AMT DIFF RSN / 999-99-9991 FIRST NAME MI LAST NAME 0.00 0.00 0.00 F043 / 0.00 0.00 0.00 F043 / 3,236.00 3,236.00 0.00 P043 / 999-99-9992 FIRST NAME LAST NAME 2,021.00 2,021.00 0.00 P043 / 1,732.28 2,021.00 -288.72 / 2,021.00 2,021.00 0.00 / 999-99-9993 FIRST NAME MI LAST NAME 0.00 0.00 0.00 F043 / 1,393.19 0.00 1,393.19 F043 / 532.43 1,721.00 1,188.57 / 999-99-9994 FIRST NAME MI LAST NAME 0.00 0.00 0.00 F043 / 2,021.00 2,021.00 0.00 P043 / 2,021.00 2,021.00 0.00 / 999-99-9995 FIRST NAME MI LAST NAME 3,669.12 3,669.12 0.00 T068 / 3,669.12 3,669.12 0.00 / 3,669.12 3,669.12 0.00 / 999-99-9996 FIRST NAME MI LAST NAME 0.00 0.00 0.00 F043 / 2,021.00 2,021.00 0.00 P043 / 2,021.00 2,021.00 0.00 / 999-99-9997 FIRST NAME MI LAST NAME / / 2,853.76 0.00 2,853.76 T060 /