SPRS Reports —
USAS/SPRS Balancing
This report displays payroll data from USAS and SPRS by document and fund, used to research any variances between amounts processed through the two systems.
The only normal or expected variances are created when negative deduction amounts are processed through SPRS, and then suspended on the USAS Internal Transaction (IT) file during USAS processing. These held negative deductions cause the SPRS deduction total, which includes the negative amounts, to be less than the USAS deduction total, which does not include the negative deductions. This variance is a normal result of cancellation processing or deduction refunds; any other unexpected variances should be researched.
AGY# REPORT: SPRRBAL-01 STATE OF TEXAS RUN DATE: 05/21/2003 STANDARDIZED PAYROLL/PERSONNEL REPORTING SYSTEM RUN TIME: 04:22:37 USAS/SPRS BALANCING PAGE: 1 SPRS PROCESSING DATE: 05/20/2003 AGENCY: AGY# AGENCY NAME DOCUMENT NUMBER: 83054BR1 AGENCY FUND 0001 USAS TOTALS SPRS TOTALS VARIANCE ---------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------- ---------- FUND IMPACT FOR WARRANTS ISSUED 99,999.99 FUND IMPACT 99,999.99 0.00 CANCELLATIONS DIFFERENCE BETWEEN SPRS NET WARRANT ISSUES ----VENDOR----- WARR. NO. REF DOC. AMOUNT AND THE TREASURY EXTRACT ---------------- TOTAL 0.00 0.00 0.00 WARRANTS ISSUED 99,999.99 WARRANTS ISSUED 99,999.99 (TREASURY EXTRACT) DIRECT DEPOSIT 9,999.99 DIRECT DEPOSIT 9,999.99 0.00 CALLBACKS OR RETURNED MONEY CALLBACKS OR RETURNED MONEY ----VENDOR----- AMOUNT ---------------- TOTAL 0.00 0.00 0.00 DEDUCTIONS 99,999.99 DEDUCTIONS 99,999.99 0.00 TRANSACTIONS POSTED TO 'IT' ----VENDOR----- AMOUNT ------------------ TOTAL 0.00 401 (K) 9,999.99 401 (K) 9,999.99 0.00 G R O S S ----> 99,999.99 G R O S S ----> 99,999.99