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SPRS Reports
SPRS Exception File

This file is a condensed version of the personnel and payroll information found in SPRS Exception Transaction Listings (SPRR000-01 through SPRR999-01), Payment Record Exception and Balancing (SPRPWPF-01) and Agency Document Status (SPRPSTA-01) reports.

Use this file to identify agency batch/document status, monitor personnel and payroll transactions that either processed with exceptions or rejected during SPRS processing, and to easily identify where correcting transactions will need to be resubmitted.

Header Row Data Description/Comments
PROCESS DATE Date the file was processed through SPRS; formatted MM/DD/YYYY.
AGYNO Agency number
BATCH/DOC NO Batch Number (PER) or Document Number (PAY)
REC ID Displays the type of record:
SSN Employee Social Security number
JOBNO Job Number (where available)
EFF/PP DATE Effective Date of the transaction (PER) or Pay Period Start Date (PAY); formatted MM/DD/YYYY
PROC/PAY SEQNO Process Sequence Number (PER) or Payment Sequence Number (PAY)
REV IND Reversal Indicator (PER)
AUTH BSY Authorized Base Salary on input transaction (PER)
REASON CD Reason Code/Action Code (PER) or Deduction/Entitlement Code (PAY)
ORIG DOC Original Document Number associated with the payment being cancelled or replaced (PAY only)
ORIG PAYMNT NO Original Payment Number associated with the payment being cancelled or replaced (PAY only)
BATCH SEQNO SPRS-assigned sequence number associated with the Batch Number (PER) or Document Number (PAY)
ERROR CODE Four character error code
ERROR TYPE Displays the one character Error Type:
ERROR TEXT Text associated with the reported Error Code
CAPPS IND Indicator that identifies whether the agency is CAPPS or Non-CAPPS:
STATUS Provides the status for the Batch Number (PER) or Document Number (PAY)

Retrieval and Distribution

Note: You must have security access for files starting with PROD.SPR.AGYxxx (where xxx = Agency Number) to access these reports. To request access, contact your agency security coordinator.

Technical Staff ‘Get’ Option

Technical staff at your agency can “get” the .CSV report files from the Comptroller mainframe server using the free version of BlueZone available from the Comptroller’s office (login required) or any preferred secure FTP.

Technical staff should save the report files to an in-house server/PC accessible to the end user. Preserve the .CSV extension when you “get” files to transfer to the agency server. It is the responsibility of your agency to distribute the report files to the appropriate agency staff.

End User ‘Get’ Option

The end user at your agency with appropriate security can also directly “get” the report files from the Comptroller server using a secure FTP. They would use the Bluezone Procedures to Access SPRS Exception File via FTP (login required) for instructions regarding how to access your Exception File report via FTP.