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SPRS Reports
Transaction Held on Addenda Table – Aging

This month-end report displays any records for which vendor payments have not been generated, when the due date on the records is in the prior month or earlier.

REPORT: SPRRAGE-01                                          STATE OF TEXAS                                     RUN DATE: 05/13/2009 
                                          STANDARDIZED PAYROLL/PERSONNEL REPORTING SYSTEM                      RUN TIME: 10:40:55   
                                             TRANSACTIONS HELD ON ADDENDA TABLE - AGING                            PAGE:      5     
AGENCY:  AGY# AGENCY NAME                                                                                   
VENDOR: 3X02X02X02X033     TEXAS CHILD SUPPORT DISBURSEMENT UNIT                                                             
PAYMENT DT  SSN          CASE ID               CAUSE NO         ST  CREATE DT   ORIG DOC  INRECS DOC   DEDUCT AMT                   
03/23/2008  123456789    999855571             CASE-98          A   03/28/2009  89016N14   89136024         35.00-                  
04/16/2009  123456789    999855571             CASE-98          P   03/25/2009  89016P14   89016P14         45.00-                  
04/17/2009  123456789    999855571             CASE-98          P   03/23/2009  89016N19   89016N19         45.00                   
TOTAL AGED FOR VENDOR                                                                                       35.00-