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SPRS Reports
Payroll Addenda – Vendor Payments Generated

This report is produced when payments are generated to the deduction vendor on the employee’s payment date. For deductions taken through the regular monthly payroll, the vendor payment will be generated and displayed on this report on the first working day of the following month.

REPORT: SPRRVPY-01                                          STATE OF TEXAS                                     RUN DATE: 02/11/2009 
                                          STANDARDIZED PAYROLL/PERSONNEL REPORTING SYSTEM                      RUN TIME: 15:07:53   
                                             PAYROLL ADDENDA - VENDOR PAYMENTS GENERATED                           PAGE:      1     
                                                  FOR PAYMENTS GENERATED 11/19/2008                                                 
AGENCY:  AGY# AGENCY NAME                                                                                   
VENDOR PAYMENT DOCUMENT: XA08324A                                                                                                   
ADDENDA TYPE: CHI   CHILD SUPPORT                                                                                                   
VENDOR NO   MC   VENDOR NAME                                  ADDENDA RECORD COUNT        VENDOR PMT AMOUNT                         
3X02X02X022 001  TEXAS CHILD SUPPORT DISBURSEMENT                          4                         360.00                         
3Y02Y02Y022 002  PENNSYLVANIA CHILD SUPPORT DISB                           1                          50.00                         
TOTAL VENDOR PAYMENTS GENERATED BY ADDENDA PROCESSING                      5                         410.00