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USPS Process Guide
Chapter 1: Positions –

HNPU1 – Entering Position Information

Screen: HNPU1

H0CUS, H0CCN, H0CE4, HDWE4, HNJU1, HNORG, H7SLS*, H7OU1* (*if the position is exempt or unclassified)

The position control fiscal year dates on HNKPC must be current to delete position information.


Note: The create position switch your agency has chosen resides on H0CUS (Agency Processing Options). This switch determines whether a position will be automatically created by the HMPHR process or must be set up prior to the HMPHR action. The value of this switch also determines whether an override of the create position value is allowed on the HMPHR screen.

Switch Definition
1 The position will always be created during the HMPNH/HMPHR action. No override of the create position switch may occur. There is a way, using the CREATE/UPDATE HNP field on HMPHR, to stop the automatic position creation when you are using reason codes where position creation is not necessary. By default, your agency will use synchronized staffing (where budgeted equals actual pay).
4 The position will not be created during the HMPNH/HMPHR action. A valid position must already exist on HNPU1. No override of the create position switch is allowed on the HMPNH/HMPHR screen. Corresponding fields do not have to match. Under/overfill situations are allowed.

You may create a new position (if your create position switch is 1, the HMPNH/HR action creates the position) by cloning an existing position, but be aware that any field not changed or cleared out may be cloned to the new position.

Step Action
1 Access HNPU1.
2 Enter R or I in the SUBCOMMAND field.
3 Enter the following fields as required:
Indicates if the position is underfilled (U), overfilled (O), or synchronized (S). Underfill/overfill is created when actual (assignment HMP) money differs from budgeted (position HNP) money.
ORG CD (Required)
Enter a value that identifies the organization code for this position. Establish valid organization codes on HNORG.
PCA/PCT (Display)
After the employee has been assigned on HMPHR, this field displays the primary PCA or index and the primary labor percent. A value of less than 100 in the PCT area of the field will cause a link to HO2U1.
EEO-4 (Required)
Enter the EEO-4 function code as established on HDWE4.
LOC (Required)
Enter a value that identifies the location of the position. Establish valid locations on HNJU1.
EXT LOC (Optional)
A user-defined value to provide a further breakdown of the location code. Establish valid extended locations on HMJU1.
The first part of this field indicates the FLSA status for this position (defaults from H7OU1, but may be overridden).
0 Non-exempt
1 Admin-exempt
2 Exec-exempt
3 Prof-exempt
4 Comp-exempt

The second part of this field indicates the EEO-4 function code for the job classification (defaults from H7OU1, but may be overridden).

A Officials and Administrators
C Administrative Support (clerical)
E Elected Officials
M Service – Maintenance
O Elected Officials Staff
P Professionals
Q Paraprofessionals
R Protective Service Workers
S Skilled Craft Workers
T Technicians
Indicates when the position record was created.
N Position record was created by the position table process (on HNPU1) or the position rollover process (Report 195).
Y Position was created during the new hire process (HMPNH) or the employee assignment change/HR process (HMPHR).
A Position was created during HMPHR process using actuals from old position.
B Position was created during HMPHR process using budgeted from old position.
S Position was created during HMPHR process using values from HMPHR from old position.
CR/UPD POS (Display)
Determines whether the existing HNP was updated or if a new HNP was created when the following reason codes are used: 025, 027, 028, 033, 034, 038, 047, 049, and reason code 029 where the job class does not change.
C New HNP was created.
U Existing HNP was updated.
HAZ DUTY (Display)
Indicates whether this position is eligible for hazardous duty pay. Hazardous duty values may be established by agency on Decode Table 819. If an agency level Decode Table 819 does not exist, the field will display one of the following values.
N Not eligible for hazardous duty pay.
Y Eligible for hazardous duty pay; Certified Peace Officer.
8 Receiving hazardous duty pay – Not a Certified Peace Officer.
9 Employee is a Certified Peace Officer – Not eligible for hazardous duty pay

Note: These fields are protected if your agency is not eligible to pay hazardous duty pay.

BUD JOB CLS/TITLE (Required/Display)
The budgeted job classification code assigned to this position. Valid job class codes must be established on H7OU1. The job class title displays after you process the transaction.
FUNC CLS/TITLE (Optional/Display)

The budgeted functional job classification code assigned to this position. You can use functional job classes to break down a job class into agency-specific job classes and job titles.

Note: This field is optional. An agency can establish functional job classes for some job classes and not for others. Functional job classifications must be defined on HMLU1. The functional job class title, as specified on HMLU1, displays after you process the transaction. The functional job class code infers the state job class code defined on the HMLU1.

GRP/STP (Display/Optional)
The pay group displays based on the job class entered.
Pay Table A and B Classified Does not contain steps.
Pay Table C Classified Step is required. Used only by agencies 405, 802, 458 and 696.
Pay Table Type 02 Unclassified Agency-defined steps can be established on H7SLS, table 02. Valid values: 00-99 (Required).
Pay Table Type 03 Exempt Agency-defined steps can be established on H7SLS, table 03. Valid values: 00-99 (Required).
SALARY (Optional when pay step is used)
Pay Table A and B Classified Salary must be between minimum and maximum for a group. (No pay steps.)
Pay Table C Classified Salary is determined by group and step.
Pay Table Type 02 Unclassified Pay groups and steps are required. Salaries must be no greater than amount specified by step on H7SLS.
Pay Table Type 03 Exempt Pay groups and steps are required. Salaries must be no greater than amount specified by step on H7SLS.
RATE (Required if hourly employee and no step is used)
Pay Table A and B Classified Rate times 2080 hours must be within group range.
Pay Table C Classified Pay group and step are required. Rate is determined by group and step.
Pay Table Type 02 Unclassified Pay steps are required. Rate times 2080 hours must be no greater than specified by step on H7SLS.
Pay Table Type 03 Exempt Exempt employees may not be hourly.
HRS/FTE (Required)

Enter the number of hours budgeted for an employee to work in this position during a work week, and a value to indicate the percent of full-time equivalent (FTE) budgeted for this position. For example, enter 20 hours per week as 0.500 or 40 hours per week as 1.000.

Note: If you enter HRS, the system generates FTE. If you enter FTE, the system generates HRS. If you enter both, the system will check for consistency.

PAY FREQUENCY/TYPE (Required/Required)
Enter a value in the first area of this field to indicate the frequency of payment.
M Monthly
S Semimonthly

Enter a value in the second area of this field to indicate the employee type.

1 Hourly
2 Salary (Default)
4 Part-Time (This value is used to describe former judges only.)
POS CODE/TYPE (Required/Required)
Enter a value in the first area of this field to indicate whether the position is classified (uses pay table A, B, or C), unclassified (uses pay table 02) or exempt (uses pay table 03).
C Classified
U Unclassified
E Exempt

Enter a value in the second area of this field to indicate the type of position (defaults to standard). Press F2 twice for values (Decode Table 975).

This is a user-defined field. An example would be the position number of the supervisor to whom the employee in this position reports, or a user-defined value to indicate that this position has supervisory responsibilities.
BUDG UNIT (Optional)
A user-defined value to indicate a reporting group (other than an organization) for budgeting and reporting purposes.
AUTH DATE (Optional)
Indicates the date the position was authorized.
Indicates the date the position became or will become inactive.
The last date the employee was paid.
SSN/NAME (Display)
If the position is filled, the SSN and name of the employee assigned to the position displays.
The actual job classification code/title of the employee assigned to this position as entered on HMPNH/HMPHR.
The actual functional job classification code/title of the employee assigned to this position as entered on HMPNH/HMPHR.
GRP/STP (Display)

The actual pay group and step of the employee assigned to this position as entered on HMPNH/HMPHR.

Note: STEP will not display for positions created on or after 09/01/2003 for schedule A and B.

SALARY (Display)
The actual salary of the employee assigned to this position as entered on HMPNH/HMPHR.
RATE (Display)
The actual hourly rate (for hourly employees) for the employee assigned to this position as entered on HMPNH/HMPHR.
HRS/FTE (Display)
The actual work hours/FTE for the employee assigned to this position as entered on HMPNH/HMPHR. A value other than 0.00 in the FTE field indicates a filled position.
BUD AMT (Display)
The amount of base pay budgeted for the position during the fiscal year. The pay is calculated from the position’s effective date to either the inactive date or the fiscal year-end if the inactive date reads 00/00/0000.
ACT EXP (Display)
The fiscal year-to-date gross amount that has actually been paid to the position. This field updates after every final payroll run.
PROJ EXP/LPS (Display)

The first area of this field (projected expenditures) displays the base pay amount to be paid to the position for the remainder of the fiscal year. This sum reflects amounts to be paid for base salaries and wages, but does not include special pays, overtime pay and bonuses. If a position is vacant, the projected expenditure is based on the budgeted pay group and step. If a position is filled, then it is based on the actual base pay. This field updates after Report 911 (Position Control Lapsing) is run at month end.

The second area of this field (projected lapse) displays the difference between the value in the BUD AMT field and the sum of the values in the ACT EXP and PROJ EXP fields for the position. This field updates after Report 911 (Position Control Lapsing) is run at month end. PROJECTED LAPSE = BUDGETED AMOUNT – (ACTUAL EXPENDITURE + PROJECTED EXPENDITURE).


Press Enter to process the transaction.

Note: Once you assign the employee to this position on HMPNH/HMPHR, the employee’s name, Social Security number, actual job class/title, functional job class/title, group, and FTE will display on HNPU1. If actual data differs from budgeted data, you have created an overfill/underfill condition.