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HM9U1 Screen (Employee Leave Request)

After you have created a record on the HO8U1 screen, you can use the FMLA reason code in conjunction with the employee leave on the HM9U1 screen. You can enter up to 480 hours per year, which is the federal limit.

Family medical leave and parental leave are not leave types in and of themselves. For the employee to take either one, you must enter a request for one of the following reason codes:

Reason Codes

Abbreviation Description
ALT Administratative leave taken
CDT Compensatory disaster taken
CET Compensatory emergency taken
CTT Compensatory time taken
DBT Donate blood taken
DMT Donate marrow taken
DOT Donate organ taken
DST Donor sick taken
EST Extended sick leave taken
EOT Emergency other taken
HCT Holiday comp taken
FLT Family leave taken
FPT Foster parent leave taken
LDT Line of duty taken
LWD Leave without pay dock
LWT Leave without pay (LWOP) taken
OTT Overtime taken
SET Assistance dog training
SAT Sick leave awarded from the sick leave pool taken
SLT Sick leave taken
VCT Vacation taken

Note: Family leave taken (FLT) only documents the HO8U1 balance. This value is used to record a holiday that falls within any PL/FMLA leave taken.

On the same record, a two-part code is entered in the REASN field to indicate the event for which the employee is taking leave. The two parts of this code come from the HO8U1 record which tracks the leave the employee is taking.

If the employee is taking family medical leave, the first two characters will be FM. If the employee is taking parental leave, the first two characters will be PL.

The first two characters must match with the value in the LEAVE CATEGORY field on the HO8U1 record.

The second two characters must match with the value in the EVENT NUMBER field entered on the HO8U1 record.

If an employee has used the maximum allotted 480 hours of leave allowed but the agency is granting additional leave, you can still enter any of the above leave requests for the employee, without the reason code. It is up to the leave administrator to track any family medical or parental leave beyond the federally mandated limit.

Next: Steps to Enter FMLA or Parental Leave Events