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HRIS Online Inquiry and Entry Guide
Chapter 3 – HRIS Online Data Entry

How to Change a Social Security Number

Perform the following steps to change an employee’s Social Security number (SSN) on the Employee SSN Change screen (reason code 037, Record ID 76).

  1. Enter SC in the OPTION field of the Personnel Update Menu.

    – or –

    From any screen in HRIS, press Home to advance to the top-left corner of the screen at the ALT CMD field, then enter HESC.

  2. Press Enter. The SSN Change screen appears.
USER123   HESC/PESC                HRIS                    MM/DD/YYYY 03:22:36 
     ALT CMD: ____          EMPLOYEE SSN CHANGE                   PAGE:  1     
  (REASON CODE: 037)                                                           
                       OLD SSN: _________                                      
                       NEW SSN: _________                                      
                 EMPLOYEE NAME:                                                
               EMPLOYMENT DATE:                                                
                 DATE OF BIRTH:                                                
           PVSC  MAIN  MENU  REFR                                      END    
9039 PLEASE ENTER AGENCY NUMBER AND SSN                                        

  1. Enter the employee’s old SSN in the OLD SSN field.
  2. Press Enter.
  3. Enter the employee’s new SSN in the NEW SSN field.
  4. Press Enter.
  5. Press F6 to confirm the change.

    The message SSN Change Transaction Created should appear at the bottom of the screen.

    Note: The Social Security number update is not immediate and occurs during overnight processing. Therefore, you must verify the Social Security number change the next day.