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HRIS Online Inquiry and Entry Guide
Chapter 3 – HRIS Online Data Entry

How to Enter Records for a New Hire or Transferred Employee

Perform the following steps to enter records for a newly hired or transferred employee. The Employee Descriptive Information screen (HEED) and the Employee Job/Appt Information screen (HEEJ) must be entered to complete the New Hire/Transfers process.

Screen 1 – Enter HEED

  1. Enter ED in the OPTION field of the Personnel Update Menu.

    – or –

    From any screen in HRIS, press Home to advance to the top-left corner of the screen at the ALT CMD field, then enter HEED.

  2. Press Enter. The Employee Descriptive Information screen appears.
        ALT CMD: ____     EMPLOYEE DESCRIPTIVE INFORMATION                        
 AGENCY: ___      SSN: _________      REASON CODE: ___       EFF DATE: ________ 
 REVERSAL IND:       _    TRANSFER AGY FR: ___       TRANSFER AGY TO:   ___     
 NAME - FIRST: ___________MI: 			 LAST: ___________________________________
 NON RES ALIEN IND:  _    BIRTH DATE:      ________  RACE:              _       
 SEX:                _    EMPL TYPE:       __        VETERAN IND:       _       
 STAT ATTR CD:       _    BRP ELIG IND:    _         BRP INCREASE:      _______ 
 TEMP SSN IND:       _    UNIT NUMBER:     ____      EMPL DATA REL IND: _       
 DIRECT DEP IND:     _    LOCATOR CODE:    _______   ACADEMIC RANK:     _       
 TENURE STATUS:      _    EDUCATION LEVEL: _                                    
                    MAILING: ADDR1: _________________________                   
                             ADDR2: _________________________                   
                             CITY:  ____________________________                
                             STATE: __      ZIP: _________                      
 EMPLOYMENT DT: ________   TERMINATION DT:              PAY RAISE ELIG IND: _   
 -ENTER- -F1-  -F2-  -F3-  -F4-  -F5-  -F6-  -F7-  -F8-  -F9-  -F10- -F11- -F12-
               PVSC  MAIN  MENU  REFR                                       END 

  1. Enter the following key mandatory fields:

    AGENCY (Key Mandatory)
    Enter your agency number.

    SSN (Key Mandatory)
    Enter the employee’s Social Security number (SSN) without spaces or hyphens.

    REASON CODE (Key Mandatory)
    Enter the reason code from the following list of valid values.

    010 Newly hired or rehired employee
    015 Interagency transfer in – classified employee moving to an unclassified position
    017 Interagency transfer in – unclassified employee remaining unclassified
    910 Non-reportable employee moving to reportable status

    EFF DT (Key Mandatory)
    Enter the date the employee was hired or transferred (MMDDYYYY).

  2. Press Enter.

    The system will now accept information in the mandatory and available fields.

    NAME-FIRST (Mandatory)
    Enter the employee’s first name (15-character maximum).

    MI (Available)
    Enter the employee’s middle initial.

    LAST (Mandatory)
    Enter the employee’s last name (35-character maximum).

    Note: If the name has a suffix, enter it in the LAST NAME field, preceded by a space. Examples: John C Smith Jr or William E Harris III (or Ruth Miller-Jones). Do not use periods or commas. You may use hyphens.

    NON RES ALIEN IND (Mandatory)
    Enter N (no) or Y (yes) to indicate whether the employee is a non-resident alien.

    BIRTH DATE (Mandatory)
    Enter the employee’s date of birth (MMDDYYYY).

    Note: Employee must be no less than 14 years of age at the time of employment.

    RACE (Mandatory)
    Enter the employee's race from the following list of valid values.

    I American Indian or Alaskan Native
    A Asian
    B Black
    H Hispanic
    W White
    O Race/Ethnicity unknown
    P Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander
    M Two or more races

    SEX (Mandatory)
    Enter M (male) or F (female)

    EMPL TYPE (Mandatory)
    Enter the employee type from the following list of valid values.

    RF Regular Full-Time
    RP Regular Part-Time
    TF Temporary Full-Time
    TP Temporary Part-Time

    VETERAN IND (Mandatory)
    Enter one of the following valid values to indicate if employee is a veteran and/or has a veteran preference.

    V Veteran preference
    W Surviving spouse of veteran
    O Orphan of veteran
    S Spouse of active-duty member
    H Disabled veteran’s spouse who is primary source of income
    U Unknown
    Y Yes, but not eligible for veteran preference
    N Not a veteran

    STAT ATTR CD (Available)
    Enter A only when the employee is a return-to-work retiree. Otherwise, leave this field blank.

    BRP ELIG IND (Mandatory)
    Indicates if the employee is eligible to receive benefit replacement pay.

    N Eligible and not leveling
    W Not eligible (without BRP)

    BRP INCREASE (Available)
    The amount of compensation that offsets the loss of state-paid Social Security (benefit replacement pay increase).

    TEMP SSN IND (Mandatory)
    Enter Y (yes) or N (no) to indicate whether the SSN for this employee is temporary.

    UNIT NUMBER (Available if authority to use the field has been given by HRIS)
    Enter the unit number for the employee. The unit number designates an administrative location for a system employee. It is an internal identifier assigned by the agency, not by HRIS; however, the agency must have HRIS approval to assign an internal unit number. This number is used for reporting purposes.

    DIRECT DEP IND (Mandatory)
    Enter Y (yes) or N (no) to indicate if the employee participates in direct deposit.

    LOCATOR CODE (Protected)
    Field is not used.

    ACADEMIC RANK (Mandatory or Available)
    You must enter the academic rank for employees with a category code attribute of FA (faculty) or FE (faculty equivalent).

    1 Professor
    2 Associate Professor
    3 Assistant Professor
    4 Instructor
    5 Lecturer
    6 Other

    Note: For employees with a category code attribute of FE, only codes 4, 5 and 6 are allowed.

    TENURE STATUS (Mandatory or Available)
    You must enter the tenure for employees with a category code attribute of FA (faculty) or FE (faculty equivalent).

    Y Faculty with tenure
    N Non-tenure (not on tenure track)
    T Non-tenure (on tenure track)

    Note: Use your institution's requirements to determine the employee's tenure status.

    EDUCATION LEVEL (Mandatory or Protected)
    This field is mandatory for components of the University of Texas. It is protected for everyone else.

    1 Did not graduate from high school – no GED
    2 High school graduate or GED
    3 Associate’s Degree
    4 Bachelor’s Degree
    5 Master’s Degree
    6 Doctoral Degree

    MAILING ADDR1 (Mandatory)
    Enter the employee’s primary mailing address. Abbreviations are allowed.

    MAILING ADDR2 (Available)
    Enter the employee’s alternate mailing address, if different from the primary address. Abbreviations are allowed.

    CITY (Mandatory)
    Enter the city of the mailing address.

    STATE (Mandatory)
    Enter the post office abbreviation for the state where the individual resides. This field defaults to TX (Texas).

    Note: Use the university address for addresses outside of the United States.

    ZIP (Mandatory)
    Enter the five-digit ZIP code of the mailing address. ZIP+4 is optional.

    Enter Y (Yes) or N (No). These fields replaced the EMPL DATA REL IND field effective Sept. 1, 2012.

    ADDRESS Y or N
    SSN Y or N
  3. Press Enter to process the information.

    If successful, HRIS accepts the descriptive information and the message Process Successfully Completed appears at the bottom-left of the screen. If unsuccessful, an HRIS error message appears at the bottom of the screen. Correct the information as the error message indicates.

    Note: If you receive a warning message when you press Enter, you must press F6 to bypass the warning message and process the job information.


-ENTER-  -F1-  -F2-  -F3-  -F4-  -F5- -F6- -F7-  -F8-  -F9-  -F10-  -F11-  -F12- 
         HELP  PVSC  MAIN  MENU       WARN  PGBK  PGFW        TOP    BOT    END 
9013 TOP OF DATA        

Screen 2 – Enter HEEJ

If you go directly to the HEEJ screen from the HEED screen using the ALT CMD field, the following key fields will be displayed: AGY, SSN and EFF DT.

  1. Enter EJ in the OPTION field of the Personnel Update Menu

    – or –

    From any screen in HRIS, press Home to advance to the top-left corner of the screen at the ALT CMD field, then enter HEEJ.

  2. Press Enter. The Employee Job/Appointment Information screen appears.
USER 123  F48CHEEJ         HRIS -- HIGHER EDUCATION         MM/DD/YYYY 09:29:05 

AGENCY: ___  SSN: _________  JOB/APPT NO: ___  REASON CODE: ___  EFF DT: ______ 

REVERSAL IND:   _            CAT CODE ATTR:  __     CLASS CODE:        ________ 

SALARY ADJ AMT: __________   EEO JOB CAT:    _      COMM PCE OFCR:     _ 

PAY CYCLE:      _            FLSA IND:       _      CNTY CODE:         ___ 

WORKWK BEG DAY: ___          LWOP/FDLP IND:  _      JOB/APPT END DT:   ______ 

SALARY SPREAD:  ___                                 JOB/APPT START DT: ______ 


-ENTER- -F1-  -F2-  -F3-  -F4-  -F5-  -F6-  -F7-  -F8-  -F9-  -F10- -F11- -F12- 
              PVSC  MAIN  MENU  REFR                                       END 

Note: EMPLOYMENT DT, CONTRACT BASIS and TERMINATION DT are display-only fields.

  1. Enter the following key mandatory fields:

    AGENCY (Key Mandatory)
    Enter your agency number.

    SSN (Key Mandatory)
    Enter the employee’s Social Security number without spaces or hyphens.

    JOB/APPT NO (Key Mandatory)
    Enter a three-digit job/appointment number for the employee.

    REASON CODE (Key Mandatory)
    Enter reason code 900 to establish the employee's first job/appointment.

    EFF DT (Key Mandatory)
    Enter the date the employee was hired or transferred (MMDDYYYY). This date must be the same date you entered on the Employee Descriptive Information screen in Step 1 (HEED).

  2. Press Enter.

    The system will now accept information in the mandatory and available fields.

    CAT CODE ATTR (Mandatory) The category code attribute describes the subcategory of employee positions.

    AD Administrative
    AG Agency Classified
    FA Faculty – Non-student
    FE Faculty Equivalent – Non-student
    HH Hourly
    LH Line Item (higher education agencies only, not institutions)
    LC Chancellor (institutions of higher education and Texas State University system only)
    LP President (institutions of higher education only)
    PR Professional
    SG Graduate Assistant/Associate – Student
    SP Student Resident Physician
    SR Research Assistant/Associate – Student
    ST Teaching Assistant/Associate – Student

    CLASS CODE (Mandatory)
    Enter the classification code for the employee. Institutions of higher education use Agency Classification records (Record ID 12) to establish their own classification codes.

    SALARY ADJ AMT (Protected)
    Leave blank for reason code 900.

    EEO JOB CAT (Mandatory)
    Enter the Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) job category for the employee.

    Applicable to employees of EEO-6 Reporting – Higher Education Institutions:

    1* Executive, Administrative and Managerial
    2 Faculty
    3 Professional – Non-faculty
    4 Secretarial/Clerical
    5 Technical/Paraprofessional
    6 Skilled Craft Workers
    7 Service/Maintenance
    8* Administrative (Only valid for UT Components)
    9* Managerial (Only valid for UT Components)

    * The University of Texas system administration requested the separation of values 8 and 9. All UT components must report employees that are considered EEO-JOB-CAT-CODE value 1 (Executive, Administrative and Managerial) as value 1 for the Executive only, value 8 for Administrative only and value 9 for Managerial only. When EEO reports are produced, employees with values 8 and 9 will be combined with employees in value 1.

    COMM PCE OFCR (Mandatory)
    Enter Y (yes) or N (no) to indicate if the employee is a commissioned peace officer.

    PAY CYCLE (Mandatory)
    Enter the pay cycle for the employee.

    W Weekly
    B Biweekly (every two weeks)
    T Twice a Month
    M Monthly

    FLSA IND (Mandatory)

    Y Yes, employee is subject to the FLSA
    N No, employee is not subject to the FLSA

    CNTY CODE (Mandatory)

    001 Anderson 129 Falls 257 Kaufman 385 Real
    003 Andrews 131 Fannin 259 Kendall 387 Red River
    005 Angelina 133 Fayette 261 Kenedy 389 Reeves
    007 Aransas 135 Fisher 263 Kent 391 Refugio
    009 Archer 137 Floyd 265 Kerr 393 Roberts
    011 Armstrong 139 Foard 267 Kimble 395 Robertson
    013 Atascosa 141 Fort Bend 269 King 397 Rockwall
    015 Austin 143 Franklin 271 Kinney 399 Runnels
    017 Bailey 145 Freestone 273 Kleberg 401 Rusk
    019 Bandera 147 Frio 275 Knox 403 Sabine
    021 Bastrop 149 Gaines 277 Lamar 405 San Augustine
    023 Baylor 151 Galveston 279 Lamb 407 San Jacinto
    025 Bee 153 Garza 281 Lampasas 409 San Patricio
    027 Bell 155 Gillespie 283 Lasalle 411 San Saba
    029 Bexar 157 Glasscock 285 Lavaca 413 Schleicher
    031 Blanco 159 Goliad 287 Lee 415 Scurry
    033 Borden 161 Gonzales 289 Leon 417 Shackelford
    035 Bosque 163 Gray 291 Liberty 419 Shelby
    037 Bowie 165 Gaines 293 Limestone 421 Sherman
    039 Brazoria 167 Galveston 295 Lipscomb 423 Smith
    041 Brazos 169 Garza 297 Live Oak 425 Somervell
    043 Brewster 171 Gillespie 299 Llano 427 Starr
    045 Briscoe 173 Glasscock 301 Loving 429 Stephens
    047 Brooks 175 Goliad 303 Lubbock 431 Sterling
    049 Brown 177 Gonzales 305 Lynn 433 Stonewall
    051 Burleson 179 Gray 307 McCulloch 435 Sutton
    053 Burnet 181 Grayson 309 McLennan 437 Swisher
    055 Caldwell 183 Gregg 311 McMullen 439 Tarrant
    057 Calhoun 185 Grimes 313 Madison 441 Taylor
    059 Callahan 187 Guadalupe 315 Marion 443 Terrell
    061 Cameron 189 Hale 317 Martin 445 Terry
    063 Camp 191 Hall 319 Mason 447 Throckmorton
    065 Carson 193 Hamilton 321 Matagorda 449 Titus
    067 Cass 195 Hansford 323 Maverick 451 Tom Green
    069 Castro 197 Hardeman 325 Medina 453 Travis
    071 Chambers 199 Hardin 327 Menard 455 Trinity
    073 Cherokee 201 Harris 329 Midland 457 Tyler
    075 Childress 203 Harrison 331 Milam 459 Upshur
    077 Clay 205 Hartley 333 Mills 461 Upton
    079 Cochran 207 Haskell 335 Mitchell 463 Uvalde
    081 Coke 209 Hays 337 Montague 465 ValVerde
    083 Coleman 211 Hemphill 339 Montgomery 467 Van Zandt
    085 Collin 213 Henderson 341 Moore 469 Victoria
    087 Collingsworth 215 Hidalgo 343 Morris 471 Walker
    089 Colorado 217 Hill 345 Motley 473 Waller
    091 Comal 219 Hockley 347 Nacogdoches 475 Ward
    093 Comanche 221 Hood 349 Navarro 477 Washington
    095 Concho 223 Hopkins 351 Newton 479 Webb
    097 Cooke 225 Houston 353 Nolan 481 Wharton
    099 Coryell 227 Howard 355 Nueces 483 Wheeler
    101 Cottle 229 Hudspeth 357 Ochiltree 485 Wichita
    103 Crane 231 Hunt 359 Oldham 487 Wilbarger
    105 Crockett 233 Hutchinson 361 Orange 489 Willacy
    107 Crosby 235 Irion 363 Palo Pinto 491 Williamson
    109 Culberson 237 Jack 365 Panola 493 Wilson
    111 Dallam 239 Jackson 367 Parker 495 Winkler
    113 Dallas 241 Jasper 369 Parmer 497 Wise
    115 Dawson 243 Jeff Davis 371 Pecos 499 Wood
    117 Deaf Smith 245 Jefferson 373 Polk 501 Yoakum
    119 Delta 247 Jim Hogg 375 Potter 503 Young
    121 Denton 249 Jim Wells 377 Presidio 505 Zapata
    123 Dewitt 251 Johnson 379 Raines 507 Zavala
    125 Dickens 253 Jones 381 Randall    
    127 Erath 255 Karnes 383 Reagan    

    WORKWK BEG DAY (Available)
    Enter a workweek beginning day for the employee.

    MON Monday
    TUE Tuesday
    WED Wednesday
    THU Thursday
    FRI Friday
    SAT Saturday
    SUN Sunday

    LWOP/FDLP IND (Available)
    Indicates current leave without pay (LWOP) or faculty development leave program (FDLP) status.

    LWOP valid values are:

    M Active military leave
    W Workers’ compensation situations
    D Disciplinary suspension
    P Parental leave of absence
    F Federal Family and Medical Leave Act
    Y Yes
    N No

    FDLP valid values are:

    X Yes
    N No

    JOB/APPT END DT (Mandatory)
    Enter a job/appointment end-date for the employee (not to exceed the last day of the fiscal year).

    SALARY SPREAD (Mandatory or Available)
    Indicates the number of months over which the salary is spread. This field is mandatory for employees with category code attributes of FA (faculty) or FE (faculty equivalent). Available for all others.

    9 Salary is not paid after the job/appointment end-date
    12 Salary is spread beyond job/appointment end-date
  3. Press Enter to process the information.

    If successful, HRIS accepts the job information screen (HEEJ). If unsuccessful, an HRIS error message appears at the bottom of the screen. Correct the information as the error message indicates.