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Month-End Clears

Requesting Month-End Clears

Request month-end clears after all of the following are complete:

  • All entries have been completed
  • Maintenance and post-maintenance reports have been requested
  • Month-end reports have been completed

We are at the end of the leave accounting monthly processing cycle.

When you have completed all of the leave accounting for the month — posting accruals, maintenance, post-maintenance report and month-end report — you are ready to request clears on HNKLA.

By requesting leave accounting month-end clears, all month-to-date values on HM8U2 are set back to zero. Running month-end clears does not advance the current leave accounting month. The current leave accounting month is advanced when running Report 156.

When you do the clears on the HM8U2 screen, the month-to-date rows are cleared. However, the year-to-date totals remain and are unaffected.

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