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Post-Maintenance Reports

Reporting Reports (continued)

Report 597 – Actual/Forecasted Time Forfeitures as of MM/DD/CCYY

Report 597 automatically generates compensatory time lost (CTL) and holiday compensatory time lost (HCL). It also projects time lost for the next three months.

If Report 537 is requested the same night as Report 597, this lost time information can be printed on the employee leave statements. If the Report 537 flag is E (edit), Report 597 must also be an E or blank.

Lost time is calculated by taking the number of hours of CT or HC transferred in (I) or earned (E) within the specified range from HM9U1, and subtracting it from the employee's available balance from HM8U2.

Note: Any leave in requested status will not be evaluated.

A positive number indicates lost time and will result in a lost time entry being inserted on HM9U1 with RPT597 entered in the OPID field.

The required time frame to use CT or HC is determined by the LOSTMO field on HMAU1. For an agency set to 12 months, the required time frame would be one year prior to the LA PROCESS DATE.

Some legislative agencies forfeit comp time only at the end of even-numbered fiscal years. Those agencies must have the LOSTMO field on HMAU1 set to 99. This causes comp time in excess of the employee's maximum vacation carry forward amounts to be forfeited.

Report 569 – Proj. Annual Leave To Be Converted to Sick Leave at FYE

Report 569 lists all employees who will lose vacation time if not taken by the end of the fiscal year. This projection is based on the employee's current balance, current accrual rate and the assumption that the employee will accrue leave in each of the remaining months until the end of the fiscal year.

As the system cannot determine when employees on LWOP status will return, these employees will show an accrual rate of 0, and all projections are based on their current balance only.

Report 569 will only run if Report 537 (Employee Leave Summary) is also being run. In addition to a printed output, Report 569 generates an electronic file detailing projected conversions that Report 537 reads in and breaks down for printing on each employee's summary report.

Next: Post-Maintenance Reports Review