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SEFA Tutorial

Lesson 5: Notes to the SEFA Web Application

This lesson provides information about entering and responding to Notes to SEFA in the SEFA web application.


The SEFA web application requires several notes that agencies must disclose. These notes are meant to fulfill the requirements of 2 CFR 200.510(b)[6] that requires state agencies to include the following in the Notes to SEFA:

  • A description of the significant accounting policies used in preparing SEFA
  • An indication of whether the de minimis cost rate was used.
  • Additional note disclosures may be required for other federal program requirements (such as those stated in the Compliance Supplement)

See the AFR Reporting Requirements’ website for more information about some of the specific notes to SEFA.

Note: Although the notes entered into SEFA are used to calculate and compile many of the consolidated Notes to SEFA that are published with SAO’s annual statewide SEFA, the numeric order of the notes in the SEFA web application do not necessarily correspond to the numeric order of the SAO’s published annual statewide SEFA.

See FMX’s archive of prior State of Texas Summary of Federal Expenditures by State Agency.

Next: Entering Notes in the SEFA Web Application