User Class and Title
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* Indicates central user classes.
**Indicates user classes used for oversight purposes only.
User Class | Title/Description |
*01 | SYSTEM GENERATED – Used for system-generated transactions, such as prompt-payment interest payments and generated interagency transaction vouchers. |
*02 | USAS SYSTEM SUPPORT – Used for users who support agencies statewide but do not perform an oversight function, such as approvals or tracking. This user class is used for inquiry purposes only. |
*03 | FISCAL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM SUPPORT – Previously used in the Comptroller’s Fiscal Management Division for support functions other than auditing. This user class is not currently used. |
*04 | RECEIVABLE, DATA ENTRY & DISTRIBUTION – Previously used for tracking and entering agency vouchers statewide. This user class is not currently used. |
*05 | FISCAL MANAGEMENT – PAYEE SECTION – Previously used by the Payment Services section of the Comptroller’s Fiscal Management Division for TINS monitoring. This user class is not currently used. |
*06 | FISCAL MANAGEMENT – PURCHASE AUDIT – Previously used by the Expenditure Audit section of the Comptroller’s Fiscal Management Division to approve purchase documents. This user class is not currently used. |
*07 | FISCAL MANAGEMENT – EXPENDITURE RESEARCH & ASSISTANCE – Used by the Expenditure Assistance section of the Comptroller’s Fiscal Management Division for entering the 430 action code on settlement or judgment payments to indicate required documentation has not been received by the Comptroller’s office. |
*08 | FISCAL MANAGEMENT – PURCHASE/TRAVEL AUDIT – Used by the Expenditure Audit section of the Comptroller’s Fiscal Management Division to approve purchase and travel documents. |
*09 | FISCAL MANAGEMENT – PAYMENT PROCESSING – Used by the Payment Services section of the Comptroller’s Fiscal Management Division to monitor warrants, direct deposit and special payments. |
*10 | FISCAL MANAGEMENT – ERROR CORRECTION – Used by the Expenditure Assistance section of the Comptroller’s Fiscal Management Division for processing Disbursement Method Indicator (DMI) change requests submitted by external agencies. Also used to release batches entered centrally by agency 902 staff. |
*11 | PAYROLL AUDIT – Previously used by the Comptroller’s Fiscal Management Division to monitor and approve statewide payroll documents. This user class is not currently used. |
*12 | FISCAL MANAGEMENT – CANCELLATION PROCESSING – Previously used by the Comptroller’s Fiscal Management Division to issue approval on payment cancellations. This user class is not currently used. |
*15 | 33A/33B MAINTENANCE ONLY – COMPTROLLER – Used by the Expenditure Assistance section of the Comptroller’s Fiscal Management Division for profiling Comptroller requirements statewide. Security for this user class is allowed on a restricted basis. |
*22 | FISCAL MANAGEMENT – DOCUMENT CONTROL – Previously used by the Comptroller’s Fiscal Management Division for the approval and/or tracking of statewide documents received. This user class is not currently used. |
*24 | FISCAL MANAGEMENT – APPROPRIATION CONTROL – Used by the Appropriation Control section of the Comptroller’s Fiscal Management Division to approve, monitor and process budget and journal voucher transactions, including documents that post to multiple agencies. |
*25 | FISCAL MANAGEMENT – SYSTEM SUPPORT – Used by the Appropriation Control section, Agency 902 team, of the Comptroller’s Fiscal Management Division. |
*26 | FISCAL MANAGEMENT – FINANCIAL REPORTING – Used by the Financial Reporting section of the Comptroller’s Fiscal Management Division to process and release statewide-level documents for the compilation of the Annual Comprehensive Financial Report. |
*27 | FISCAL MANAGEMENT – MISC CLAIMS/SETTLEMENT/JUDGMENT – Used by the Expenditure Assistance section of the Comptroller’s Fiscal Management Division to approve, monitor and process statewide settlement or judgment and miscellaneous claims payments. Also used for entering payments related to programs administered by Expenditure Assistance. |
*28 | CASH CORRECTIONS/ALLOCATIONS-902 – Used by chief fiscal accounting officers within the Comptroller’s office for agency 902 transactions and for cost allocation transactions. |
*29 | FISCAL MANAGEMENT CORRECTIONS/FIXES – Used by the Comptroller’s Fiscal Management Division on a restricted basis for special transaction corrections only. |
31 | COST ALLOCATION – Used for cost allocation T-codes only. |
35 | REPORT REQUEST ONLY – UNIVERSITY SYSTEMS – Allows the various university systems that have been grouped together to request reports for either the entire group or agencies within the group. |
**40 | STATE PURCHASING – Previously used as an oversight user class to approve statewide purchase documents. This user class is not currently used. |
*50 | TREASURY-OVERSIGHT – Used by the Treasury Operations Division of the Comptroller’s office to approve deposit transactions. |
**60 | SECRETARY OF STATE – Previously used by the Secretary of State (agency 307) to approve Comptroller documents as a separation of duties measure. This user class is not currently used. |
61 | DEPOSIT TO OTHER AGENCIES – Used when deposits are to be made to other agencies. Examples include sales taxes, certain State Highway Fund 0006 receipts, certain mineral royalties, etc. This user class cannot be used to release batches. |
62 | AGENCY BUDGET – Used to establish revenue and expenditure budgets and process budget transfers. |
63 | AGENCY ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE AND CASHIER – Used for depositing cash receipts. Functions include those in user class code 61 and accounts receivable. |
64 | AGENCY BUDGET AND CASHIER – Used for establishing revenue and expenditure budgets, processing budget transfers and depositing cash receipts. |
65 | INTERAGENCY PAYMENTS – Used to enter interagency transaction vouchers. This user class cannot be used to release batches. |
66 | AGENCY ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE – Used for establishing and adjusting accounts receivable. |
67 | AGENCY CASHIER – Used for depositing cash receipts. Functions include those in user class code 61. |
68 | AGENCY PURCHASING AND ACCOUNTS PAYABLE – Used to enter encumbrances, pre-encumbrances, vouchers payable and related transactions. |
69 | AGENCY PURCHASING – Used to enter and adjust encumbrances and pre-encumbrances. |
70 | INTERAGENCY FEDERAL/OTHER PASS THRU CASH TRANSFERS – Used to process federal grant pass-through transactions to other agencies, as well as for processing other cash transfers statewide. This user class cannot be used to release batches. |
71 | AGENCY ACCOUNTS PAYABLE – Used to enter and adjust vouchers payable and related transactions. |
72 | AGENCY JOURNAL VOUCHERS – Used to enter journal vouchers for general ledger setup and reclassifications. |
73 | AGENCY GRANT/PROJECT ACCOUNTING – Used to enter transactions related to the grant and project functions. |
74 | AGENCY PAYROLL – Used to enter payroll-related vouchers in the performance of payroll duties. |
75 | LOTTERY REIMBURSEMENTS (RESTRICTED) – Used by the Texas State Lottery Commission (agency 362) for special access to T-codes 226 and 228 Vouchers Payable (payments for lottery winnings). |
76 | ERS/TRS ANNUITANT DIRECT DEPOSIT CANCELLATIONS – Used by authorized users at Employees Retirement System of Texas (ERS, agency 327) and Teacher Retirement System of Texas (TRS, agency 323) to cancel direct deposit annuity payments. |
79 | CHIEF ACCOUNTANT – This user class allows the use of all T-codes except those restricted to the Comptroller’s office only. |
80 | AGY SECURITY COORDINATOR & AUDITOR – INQUIRY ONLY – Provides security access for the security coordinator and auditors who only need to inquire on agency data and/or monitor user access. |
**90 | TX LEG CNCL & LEG BUD BRD-OVERSIGHT AGENCY – Used for inquiry only by the Texas Legislative Council (agency 103) and the Legislative Budget Board (agency 104) for statewide budget and expenditure monitoring. |
**91 | STATE OFFICE OF RISK MANAGEMENT – OVERSIGHT AGENCY – Used for inquiry only by the State Office of Risk Management (agency 479). |
**92 | GOVERNOR’S OFFICE – BUDGET & PLANNING – Used by the Governor’s Office (agency 301) to monitor agencies statewide for states of emergency. |
**93 | GOVERNOR’S OFFICE – OVERSIGHT AGENCY – Used by the Governor’s Office (agency 300) to approve certain judgments, settlements and outside consulting services. |
**94 | TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION-OVERSIGHT AGENCY – Used by the Texas Department of Transportation (agency 601) to approve payment transactions for the rental of aircraft. |
**95 | STATE AUDITOR’S OFFICE – OVERSIGHT AGENCY – Used by the State Auditor’s office (agency 308) to approve employee bonds. |
**96 | ATTORNEY GENERAL’S OFFICE – OVERSIGHT AGENCY – Used by the Attorney General’s Office (agency 302) to approve insurance premiums and legal services. |