USAS Interagency Transactions
Lesson 1: Interagency Transaction Vouchers Overview
Lesson Introduction
This lesson introduces you to Interagency Transaction Vouchers (ITVs). An ITV is the process used to transfer funds between two state agencies.
Historically, these transactions were done centrally by the Comptroller's office using a paper form called an Interagency Transaction Voucher. With the establishment of the Recurring Transaction Index (RTI) process, agencies were able to process their own interagency transactions in the Uniform Statewide Accounting System (USAS). Even so, the term ITV is still used.
Key terms will be discussed and we'll cover the types of events that ITVs process. You'll also find out how to use a comprehensive chart for setting up RTIs.
There are quite a few acronyms that may be new to you in this course. If you need to refresh your memory on their meanings, check the Tips box or the glossary.
USAS Screen References
The screen references used throughout the training are based on the USAS Coding Instructions (FPP Q 010).
Next: Key Terms