USAS Interagency Transactions
Lesson 1: Interagency Transaction Vouchers Overview
ITV T-code Chart: Interagency State and Federal Grant Pass-Through Activity
The following T-codes are used when dealing with pass-through and receipt of state or federal grants.
Agency A will receive funding from Agency B for Saving the Salamander.
Agency A will setup an RTI to receive the pass-thru funding.
Agency B will transfer the funding to Agency A via an ITV using the RTI.
Agency | ITV T-code Agency Transferring Funds |
RTI T-code Agency Receiving Funds |
Required COBJ | System-Generated T-code |
Transaction Agency - Transfers Grant | 274 (normal)
or 275 (encumb) |
7614 (state grant) 7971 (fed grant) |
b.770 |
RTI Agency - Receives Grant |
273 | 3725 (state grant) 3971 (fed grant) |
771 |
Note: System-generated T-codes 768 and 770 are listed in the order they will be generated in USAS.
Note: Use COBJ 7614, 7971, 3725 or 3971 for governmental funds and non-operating activity for proprietary funds.
For operating activity for proprietary funds, use COBJ 3978 and 7978 for federal grants and 3842 and 7615 for state grants.
Next: Interagency State and Federal Grant Pass-Through Activity - Local Funds