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USAS Interagency Transactions

USAS Interagency Transactions

If you've never taken one of our Web-based training topics before, take a look at the Introduction to Web-based Training. Otherwise, let's get started by reviewing the objectives.


As a result of this training, you will be able to:

  • Define key ITV terms
  • Identify the difference between an RTI process and non-RTI process
  • Demonstrate an understanding of key aspects of Accounting Policy Statements (APS) 003 and APS 014
  • Demonstrate an understanding of performing voucher entry
  • Demonstrate an understanding of entering a recurring transaction profile
  • Differentiate between control and requestable ITV related reports
  • Identify interagency transaction type accounting events and related processing rules
  • Identify typical errors encountered during the ITV process

Course Exam

Upon successful completion of the end-of-course exam, you receive 1.5 hours of continuing professional education (CPE) credit.

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Before beginning the course, be sure you can log on to Training Center, new window where you will take the end-of-course exam.

If you haven’t set up a Training Center account, new window you should do so now.

Start: Lesson 1: Interagency Transaction Vouchers Overview