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USAS Interagency Transactions

Introduction to Web-Based Training


We've tested this training on various versions of Firefox and Internet Explorer. While we tried to keep it as simple as possible, some of the features of this training might not work on earlier versions or other browsers.

If you're using an earlier version or another browser, try it out – it might work fine. But if things don't look quite right on some of the screens, you might need to upgrade your browser.

Browser Preferences or Options

One of the wonderful things about browsers is that you can set them up to suit your own preferences. For example, you can make the fonts very large or very small. That's why the same Web page can look different on your neighbor's computer than it does on yours.

One recommendation we make for this training is that you set your fixed-width font to a true fixed-width font. Look at the three lines of text below:


If all three lines of text are the same length, you're good to go. If not, go into your Internet Options or Preferences and change the fixed-width font to "Courier New".

Next: How Do You Know What To Click?