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USAS User’s Manual
Chapter 8 – Error Correction (continued)

Errors Detected By USAS

About these Errors

Errors discovered by USAS during the Input, Edit, and Update (IEU) process will have a data element or combination of data elements identified as a violation of an edit rule or fund control edit.

USAS can detect two types of transaction errors. The following errors can be identified for batch or online transactions.

Data-Related Errors

Data related errors include:

  • Incorrect batch count and amount.
  • Invalid effective date (wrong format, invalid range, etc.).
  • Required elements not present.
  • Prohibited data elements.
  • Invalid data element codes (invalid PCA, Index, etc.).
  • Descriptive Legal Text required.

Funding Edits

Funding edits include:

  • Appropriation cash or budget exceeded.
  • Incorrect appropriation number used.
  • Cash balance exceeded.
  • Incorrect pairing of appropriation year and fund used.
  • Document match not found (e.g., attempting to liquidate an encumbrance for which the original document number cannot be located).

Error Detection Reports

USAS generates control reports which record transactions and batches that have failed USAS edits and are currently on the internal transaction file (IT). Several of the USAS error reports are discussed on the following pages.

In addition to being able to see transactions and batches which have errored off during the batch IEU on control reports, they can also be viewed online.

The 530 View Batch Header screen indicates batches with at least one transaction containing errors. Batches with errors appear as Edit Mode 3 transactions with a status of H-Hold.

The DAFR2151 USAS Error Report lists funding errors (fatal and warning) and data-related errors occurring during Batch IEU. Payment processing errors appear on the DAFR3631. The DAFR2151 is generated nightly during the Batch IEU cycle and contains the following:

  • Transaction ID of each transaction.
  • Data elements used on each transaction.
  • Transaction amount of each transaction.
  • Up to six error codes and messages for each transaction.

Note: The DAFR2151 is a transaction level report and is noncumulative.

This report will not print for a transaction when the following three errors are the only errors received for that transaction. However, if other errors exist along with these errors, the transactions will be printed on the DAFR2151.

  • EOD-indicates other errors exist
  • EJI-indicates document requires approval
  • JA2-indicates agency default object used

The following error types can appear on the DAFR2151:

  • B-Fatal Batch level error
  • E-Fatal Data error
  • F-Fatal Funding error
  • Z-Fatal System error
  • K-Funding warning
  • J-Data warning
  • W-Data warning

See subsequent page in this chapter for an example of the DAFR2151.

The DAFR3331 Error Transaction Aging Report displays transactions with errors detected by the nightly batch IEU cycles. It includes funding errors and data element errors. To appear on this report, the batch must have been entered originally in Edit Mode 0 or 1. Also included on the report are documents requiring approval or correction.

The transactions appearing on this report have fatal data errors (E-fatal data) and fatal funding errors (F-fatal funding). Additional errors that may appear are B-batch error, Z-system error, and C-correction error.

The DAFR3331 lists up to six error codes per transaction. The user can recall these codes using error code help in USAS. Batches containing errors appear on the View Batch Header (530) screen as Edit Mode 3 transactions with a status of H-Hold. This report will list all rejected transactions for an agency, including those in other batch agencies.

This report can be used to identify transactions that contain errors from the previous night’s cycle. Transactions must have been released to run through IEU in order for that cycle to detect errors. Rereleasing batches on subsequent days will cause transactions to reappear on this report if the transactions still contain errors.

For ITVs, rejected generated transfers will appear on this report under Batch Agency 005. These transactions can be corrected online under User Class 65.

Note: The DAFR2151 Batch Agency Error Report is still available and includes ITVs as well as all other batches in error.

Error Correction

Correction for errors detected by USAS is performed on the 510 Recall a Batch for Correction screen or the 54 Batch Header Correction screen. Online error correction is discussed in detail in this chapter under ‘Recalling a Batch for Correction.’

Note: Errors will be noted on the 503 screen with a status of H-Hold and Edit Mode 3.

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